Friday, May 4, 2018

John 16:1-15  This chapter is packed full of truth that we need to take in and think about..

Jesus said that He was telling the disciples all these things so that they won't be tripped up or trapped by falsehoods.. so they wouldn't stumble.  Things were about to get really hard.. they would all be scattered by what was about to happen. Jesus was preparing them, even though He knew they weren't understanding everything yet..  but they would eventually.

Remember what I have told you.. Jesus tells His disciples.. and He tells us that too.  Remember !

The Helper, the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit would come.. after Jesus went away.  He would not come until that happened.  As much as they would have liked Jesus to stay and fit their expectations.. God's plan was much greater!

The Holy Spirit would come and help them.. and us.. by doing 3 specific things:
He convicts the world concerning sin. 
He convicts the world concerning righteousness.
He convicts the world concerning judgement. 

To convict - to admonish, convince, reveal a fault, rebuke, or reprove.

The Holy Spirit will reveal the sin of unbelief.  To not believe in Jesus is the foremost sin.  Jesus has said this over and over.  To not believe in the One sent.. is to not believe in the Sender.  To know Him is to know the Father.  If we know the Father, we will know His Son.  This truth is so vital - there is no other way to God but through Jesus!  There is no other God, but the Father who sent His Son.

The Holy Spirit will reprove all of us about righteousness - Jesus was the Living Word, the perfect example of Righteousness.. but now He would go to the Father.  By doing this, Jesus cleansed us from all sin and given us true righteousness. The Holy Spirit "will guide [us] into all the truth".  He will "speak and disclose" the things He hears from Jesus.  He will admonish us when we stray, convince us of what is right, teach us the Words of Jesus, and lead us in His ways. We will not gain righteousness through works, but through faith, as we walk in the Spirit of Truth, sent from Jesus to be our Helper.  He will lead us in the paths of righteousness.. for His Name's sake.

The Holy Spirit also convicts of judgement.    Jesus says that this is because the "ruler of the world has been judged."  Jesus said that those who were liars and murderers were of their father, the devil.  If the devil has been judged, then all that belong to him are also judged.  The only solution, is to be born again.. to have a different Father - to be released from the dominion of darkness.. the kingdom of this world - and brought into the Kingdom of Light, the Kingdom of God's Beloved Son!  This happens through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Father in Heaven, hallowed is your name!  Spirit of God, fill us with the knowledge of the Truth, that we might walk in faith and in righteousness, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and that no one comes to You except through Him.  We believe that we have no righteousness of our own, but have been given the righteousness of our Lord Jesus.. cleansed from all our sins, born again into spiritual life, made children of our Heavenly Father.
We believe that we have been rescued from the world, from sin, and from judgement.. through the blood of Jesus Christ, who died in our place. And we give You thanks and praise, for all this is Your gift of love. Amazing love, O how can it be that Christ, my King, has died for me..  Hallelujah! what a Savior!  Amen.

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