Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Ezekiel 23  This chapter is a graphic illustration of the abominations of Israel and Judah.   Here, Ezekiel writes the word of the Lord, using the picture of two sisters, Oholah and Oholibah.  These 2 came out of Egypt, already corrupted by harlotry.  They were taken in by the Lord.. " And they became Mine.." 

However, they were unfaithful to the Lord.  Oholah -Samaria/ Israel - lusted after Assyria.  The picture here is a young woman who wanted the handsome, rich, "desirable young men".   She gave herself wholly to them until she was completely defiled and used.  They then killed her and took her children and killed them too.

Oholibah, the younger sister, is Judah/ Jerusalem -  she witnessed what happened to her sister, but does not learn from it.  She also lusts after the Assyrians and defiles herself with them, but goes even further when she sees the "images of the Chaldeans.. " engraved on a wall.  They are beautiful and regal and she wants them.. so they come and take her.  Her sins are so great that the Lord says, " I became disgusted with her and I had become disgusted with her sister." 

The outcome of these two sisters/nations.. was utter humility and destruction - they were disfigured, stripped, hated, and lost.  Their children were destroyed.  Their property was taken away. They were left with nothing - " naked and bare".   "These things will be done to you because you have played the  harlot with the nations, because you have defiled yourself with their idols. " 

The cup of wrath will be drunk by those who "have forgotten [God] and cast [Him] behind [their] back" ( v35)   Punishment for harlotry and lewdness is death.  Death by stoning.  Israel and Judah were guilty and suffered a just punishment for their sin.

Ultimately, every nation is judged in the same way as Israel was.  Idolatry is still an abomination to the Lord. Idols may not look like those of ancient Assyria or Babylon.. but they are still very real.  Anything that makes a nation.. or a person.. forget God and cast Him behind their back... is an  idol.  Anything that is lusted after to the exclusion of a righteousness found in Christ.. is an idol. 

Our country loves wealth and power.. we pride ourselves in our independence and exalt ourselves for being a free and democratic society.  We have become so enamored with equal rights and freedom of speech that we have turned completely away from the Word of God.  We have defiled ourselves...  And we are not alone...
Other countries around the world have taken their own stands.. totally ignoring and rejecting the God who made them, Who is sovereign over them, and Who will judge them with righteousness and justice.

Father in heaven,  this Word is a warning and a lesson.. may we learn from it.  Forgive us Lord and bring us back to Yourself through the Word and through Your Son, Jesus Christ, who is our only hope of deliverance.  Open the ears of people to hear Your Word and bring them to repentance that they might believe on Jesus and be saved.  Let Your Kingdom come with power and glory we pray, amen.

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