Thursday, May 31, 2018

Ezekiel 24  Ezekiel was 30 years old when he started his ministry as a prophet.  It was the 5th year of the "exile of King Johoiachin".. July 31, 593 BC ( according to the Bible Knowledge Commentary).   Ezekiel had been taken captive with the King in March of 597 BC, so he had been with the exiles by the Chebar River for 4 years.  As part of his commission from the Lord, Ezekiel was informed that he would not be able to speak.. except the words of the Lord.  It was a sign to those in exile with him.

Here in chapter 24, Ezekiel tells us that it is the ninth year, the 10th month and the 10th day - January 15, 588 BC.  The Lord  tells Ezekiel that this is the day, " this very day" that the "king of Babylon has laid siege to Jerusalem".   He also tells Ezekiel that a day is coming when a refuge who has escaped the destruction of Jerusalem will come to him, "  On that day your mouth will be opened to him who escaped, and you will speak and be dumb no longer. Thus you will be a sign to them, and they will know that I am the Lord." 

It is the 12th year, on the fifth day of the tenth month.. January 9th, 585 BC when the news actually reaches Ezekiel. His messages of destruction and judgement are fulfilled and witnessed.  Proven to be true. And the Lord opens Ezekiel's mouth again. ( Ezekiel 33:22)  Seven years of silence.. only able to speak what God said.  

Ezekiel illustrates the fall of Jerusalem by a parable of a boiling pot.   A fire is kindled.  A pot is filled with choice pieces of the meat and with bones.  It is cooked until even the bones are burned. The pot is emptied and still burned until it glows in the fire and even the rust is gone in the fire.  It is thoroughly cleansed by the fire.  The message is this, " In your filthiness is lewdness. Because I would have cleansed you, yet you are not clean, you will not be cleansed from your filthiness again, until I have spent My wrath on you. "  ( v 13)

" I would have cleansed you..."  He was willing.. they were not.  He wanted them.  They did not want Him.  He would have saved them .. but they refused.  Israel would hear this message finally...  but it  was too late.  Judgement had come.. exactly as the Lord had said it would..   The message still rings out through the ages and there are still many.. masses that need to hear it!   In our world, where filthiness fills the hearts of all mankind.. God still calls us to come to Him.. He says that He will take our filthy rags and make our scarlet stains as white as snow.   It is heart-breaking to think of those who will  stand before Him at the judgement seat, who will hear those words.. too late... for they refuse to listen. ..  " I would have cleansed you... "

Ezekiel faces one more challenge in this chapter.  " Son of man, behold I am about to the from you the desire of your eyes with a blow; but you shall not mourn, and you shall not weep, and your tears shall not come."    Ezekiel writes this, " So I spoke to the people in the morning, and in the evening my wife died."  Even then, Ezekiel obeyed the Lord.  He did not weep or mourn.  He dressed as he normally would.. no signs of the sorrow he surely felt.  No public display of the great loss.   He was a sign for the exiles.  When the news came that the sanctuary was profaned.. "the delight of their souls". They were not to weep or mourn or tear their clothing.  It was done.

Father in heaven, we lift our eyes and hearts to You, for You are our holy God and there is none like You.  You are our Savior and King.  You have provided the cleansing that we must have.. lest we "rot away in [our] iniquities" ( v23)  as the Israelites did.  Lord, deliver us from evil and the evil one.  Cleanse us from all unrighteousness .  Bring us into Your kingdom of grace and truth.  In Jesus Christ our Lord we come, bowing before the Throne with grateful hearts.  Amen.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Ezekiel 23  This chapter is a graphic illustration of the abominations of Israel and Judah.   Here, Ezekiel writes the word of the Lord, using the picture of two sisters, Oholah and Oholibah.  These 2 came out of Egypt, already corrupted by harlotry.  They were taken in by the Lord.. " And they became Mine.." 

However, they were unfaithful to the Lord.  Oholah -Samaria/ Israel - lusted after Assyria.  The picture here is a young woman who wanted the handsome, rich, "desirable young men".   She gave herself wholly to them until she was completely defiled and used.  They then killed her and took her children and killed them too.

Oholibah, the younger sister, is Judah/ Jerusalem -  she witnessed what happened to her sister, but does not learn from it.  She also lusts after the Assyrians and defiles herself with them, but goes even further when she sees the "images of the Chaldeans.. " engraved on a wall.  They are beautiful and regal and she wants them.. so they come and take her.  Her sins are so great that the Lord says, " I became disgusted with her and I had become disgusted with her sister." 

The outcome of these two sisters/nations.. was utter humility and destruction - they were disfigured, stripped, hated, and lost.  Their children were destroyed.  Their property was taken away. They were left with nothing - " naked and bare".   "These things will be done to you because you have played the  harlot with the nations, because you have defiled yourself with their idols. " 

The cup of wrath will be drunk by those who "have forgotten [God] and cast [Him] behind [their] back" ( v35)   Punishment for harlotry and lewdness is death.  Death by stoning.  Israel and Judah were guilty and suffered a just punishment for their sin.

Ultimately, every nation is judged in the same way as Israel was.  Idolatry is still an abomination to the Lord. Idols may not look like those of ancient Assyria or Babylon.. but they are still very real.  Anything that makes a nation.. or a person.. forget God and cast Him behind their back... is an  idol.  Anything that is lusted after to the exclusion of a righteousness found in Christ.. is an idol. 

Our country loves wealth and power.. we pride ourselves in our independence and exalt ourselves for being a free and democratic society.  We have become so enamored with equal rights and freedom of speech that we have turned completely away from the Word of God.  We have defiled ourselves...  And we are not alone...
Other countries around the world have taken their own stands.. totally ignoring and rejecting the God who made them, Who is sovereign over them, and Who will judge them with righteousness and justice.

Father in heaven,  this Word is a warning and a lesson.. may we learn from it.  Forgive us Lord and bring us back to Yourself through the Word and through Your Son, Jesus Christ, who is our only hope of deliverance.  Open the ears of people to hear Your Word and bring them to repentance that they might believe on Jesus and be saved.  Let Your Kingdom come with power and glory we pray, amen.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Ezekiel 22  The Lord speaking through Ezekiel charges Israel with all of her sins and tells him to be the judge..

" Then cause her to know all her abominations." 
There are  2 major sins -  blood shed and idolatry
Their guilt is judged according to the bloodshed.
Their defilement is judged according to their idols.

Turmoil and bloodshed are the fault of the rulers of Israel..
They "treated father and mother lightly"
They oppressed the aliens among them.
They wronged the widows and orphans.
They despised the holy things of God.
They profaned the sabbath.
They slandered each other.
They committed lewdness.
They humiliated their own fathers.
They humiliated women.
They defiled their neighbor's wives, their daughter-in-laws, and their own sisters.
They committed murder for money.
They charged interest and made huge profits.
They took advantage of their own people.
They forgot the Lord.

Because they were guilty of all this, the Lord would deal with them in a way that they would not be able to deny that He is the Lord .
This judgement is compared to a silversmith.  He would take all of the metals together and burn it until everything was gone, except the silver.  Likewise, the Lord would gather all of Israel and burn them with the fire of His wrath until everything was melted.

He is not finished with His case against them.  The Lord points out that "There is a conspiracy.. " 
The prophets - devoured lives; took treasures; made many widows;
The priests - did violence to the Law; profaned what was holy; failed to teach the difference between clean and unclean; failed to observe the sabbaths; and profaned God Himself.
The princes - shed blood; destroyed lives;  acted for dishonest gain;  had the prophets "whitewash" their crimes;
The people - practiced oppression; robbed each other; wronged the poor and needy, and oppressed the aliens among them;

"And I searched for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one." 

As I look through this list of charges against Israel.. those things that are an abomination to the Lord.. I cannot doubt that America is just as guilty of these things.  Blood shed, oppression, lewdness, profaning of all that is sacred..... Our religious leaders have failed to teach the difference between what is clean and what is unclean.  They have yielded to political correctness and compromised the Truth.  Our politicians act for dishonest gain. They slander one another for their own profits.
Our world is full of abuse - racial, sexual, physical and emotional violence .
We cannot ignore the fact that judgement is coming. It is needed.  It is deserved.

Father in Heaven, we are at Your mercy.  Our sins are as scarlet and only through Jesus can we be made clean.  Cleanse this land. Turn the hearts of our leaders, our preachers, and our people back to You.  Forgive us this day, Lord.  Fill us with the knowledge of Your Word that we might walk in Your ways and give You all glory .  Begin in us, Your church, Lord and refine us so that all the dross is gone and we are pure in You sight, ready to do Your will. Breathe on us, Jesus, that we might live in You. amen.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Ezekiel 21  - Ezekiel is given the Word of the Lord and told to prophesy the destruction that is about to happen in Israel.  The people still did not believe that the Lord would allow His temple to be destroyed or His city taken.  But, God was making it clear, through Ezekiel, that it was all about to be completely and utterly destroyed because of their sins.   Ezekiel was told to moan and cry and wail.. something that he would most likely do without being told to.. with such grave news.  Verse 27 is a ray of light in the midst of this .. " A ruin, a ruin, a ruin, I shall make it.  This also will be no more, until He comes whose right it is; and I shall give it to Him."

When Jesus entered into Jerusalem the last time before His crucifixion, He was coming into His own city.. He has all rights to it.  Yet, it was not given to Him at that time.. We look forward to the day when He comes and receives it forever..  Revelation 21:9b-11 " ... Come here, I shall show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.  And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God. Her brilliance was like a very costly stone, as a stone of crystal-clear jasper." 

From "a ruin, a ruin, a ruin" to "brilliance"..  this is the difference that Jesus makes!  This is true of every individual just as much as it is of Jerusalem.   He makes all things new!  He makes us new creations.  He gives us His glory..  Christ in us!  This is the mystery  and the miracle of Christ.  It is the good news.. the Gospel that we are privileged to receive and to preach.

This old world is once again filled with ruin.. all because of the sins of mankind.  But, that day is coming soon, when it will be given into the hands of the One "whose right it is"!  Amen!!!!

Father in heaven, let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Forgive us Lord.  Cleanse us and make us whole, complete, and may we even dare to say, make us brilliant with the glory of God... by Your mighty arm and outstretched Hand.  We pray this in the name of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Ezekiel 19  This is a lament "for the princes of Israel."   Israel is likened to a lion cub, reared by its mother.. who became a powerful and ferocious lion.  But, he was captured and taken away to Egypt.
The lioness then brought up another lion.  This one was even greater, more powerful and more ferocious .  But, it also was captured and taken away to Babylon.  Israel is then compared to a vine.. a fruitful, powerful, exalted vine.  It had strong branches and greatness beyond compare.  But, it was plucked up, it withered and died.  It was thrown into the fire.  Israel had great potential for glory and greatness.  But, the leaders failed.  The people failed. And the nation fell.

Ezekiel 20 repeats the story of Israel's history.  The elders came to Ezekiel to "inquire of God".  But, the Lord declared, " I will not be inquired of by you."

He reminds them of the deliverance from Egypt.  How He gave them His "statutes and informed them of My ordinances, by which if a man observes them, he will live.  And also I gave them My sabbaths to be a sign between Me and them, that they might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies them." 
Time after time, Israel rejected God's Word.
Time after time, He was ready to destroy them, but did not for the sake of His own Name.
Generation after generation had the opportunity to turn back to the Lord and receive all of His promises.  But, generation after generation failed.. idolatry held a grip on them.

Yet, even with this.. the Lord will not fail His people.  " I shall be king over you."  He promises.  " .. with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with wrath poured out... " the Lord will bring His people to His Holy Mountain where they will serve Him.  " And there you will remember your ways and all your deeds, with which you have defiled yourselves; and you will loathe yourselves in your own sight for all the evil things that you have done. Then you will know that I am the Lord when I have dealt with you for My name's sake, not according to your evil ways or according to your corrupt deeds, O house of Israel, declares the Lord God. " ( v. 33, 40, 43, 44)

The Lord appeals to every generation, to come to Him, to be reconciled, to repent and turn back to His Word and His ways.  It is only when we come face to face with Him, when we acknowledge the truth of our conduct and deeds.. when we realize the extent to which we have defiled ourselves and we "loathe" ourselves for it.. that we truly recognize Who He Is and the greatness of His grace towards us in Christ Jesus.  " He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." (II Corinthians 5:21) He does not deal with us according to our sins.. but laid it all on our Savior.. Amazing grace.

Father in heaven,  all praise and glory and honor to Your Holy Name.  How faithful and gracious You are to us. This generation is in desperate need of Your Word.. of Truth.. so that they might live.  Be King over us.  Move Your mighty Hand once again to bring Your people and all the nations, to Yourself .  May we KNOW that You are the Lord and serve You forever.  Help us to boldly preach the message of reconciliation to those we encounter today.  For the sake of Your name we pray this.. amen.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Ezekiel 17-18  Chapter 17 is another picture of Israel.  An eagle takes a sprig of cedar, plants it by the water and it grows.  But, instead of remaining faithful, under the watch of its creator, the vine looked to another eagle.  The Lord says that He will pluck out that vine and it will no longer thrive.  When the Lord is spurned, destruction is certain. Israel's history proves that.

However, the Lord says that He will once again take a sprig.. this time planting it on a "high and lofty mountain".  It will grow as a tree, not a vine.  It will "bring forth boughs and bear fruit, and become a stately cedar. And birds of every kind will nest under it... and all the trees of the field will know that I am the Lord; I bring down every high tree, exalt the low tree, dry up the green tree, and make the dry tree flourish.  I am the Lord; I have spoken, and I will perform it." ( v22-24)

Jesus quoted from this passage when He told the parable of the mustard seed.  " The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field; and this is smaller than all other seeds; but when it is full grown, it is larger than the garden plants, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches." ( Matt. 13:31-32) This passage also brings to mind the fig tree that was green with leaves but had no fruit.  ( Matt. 21:18-20)  Jesus cursed that tree and it withered and died.  He dried up the green tree.   Jesus also made the low tree exalted as He hung on a cross.. the sacrifice for all our sins.

So, Ezekiel once again points us to Jesus!

In Chapter 18 the Lord makes it abundantly clear that every individual is responsible for his or her own life.  We cannot blame our parents, our ancestors, or our DNA for our behavior.  To live we must be righteous - faithful  to walk in God's ways, obedient to His Word.  He calls us to "practice justice and righteousness ".  He wants us to "turn from all [our] sins".   " For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies, declares the Lord God. Therefore, repent and live."

All wickedness will be judged.  Even if a person was righteous and then turned away, he is guilty.  His previous deeds will not save him.  But, if a wicked man repents, he will be forgiven and his life saved.

 Here is the gospel, written by Ezekiel as he sat in exile by a river in Babylon!  "Therefore, I will judge you... each according to his conduct, declares the Lord God. Repent and turn away from all your transgressions, so that iniquity may not become a stumbling block to you. Cast away from you all your transgressions which you have committed and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit! for why will you die, O house of Israel?"

This is God's plea with mankind still.  He does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked.. He desires all to be saved.  " The Lord is not slow about His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance."  II Peter 3:9

Peter goes on to write this, " Therefore, beloved since you look for these things ( the new heaven and earth) be diligent to be found in Him in peace, spotless and blameless, and regard the patience of our Lord to be salvation; ... be on guard lest, being carried away by the error of unprincipled men, you fall from your own steadfastness, but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. " ( v14,15,17,18)

Father, take us by the hand and direct our hearts into Your great love and into the steadfastness of our Lord Jesus Christ.  May we live in peace.  May we be spotless and blameless before You, cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. May we be kept from the stumbling blocks of sin. Deliver us from all evil and from the evil one.  Lead us in the paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake. Thank You for being patient with us.  Thank You for being patient with our unsaved loved ones.  May they see You today with clear eyes and turn to You with willing hearts.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus, amen.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Ezekiel 15  This short chapter is a tragic picture of an unfaithful nation.  The Lord has used the picture of a vine for Israel before.  He planted it.  He nurtured it.  It was meant to bear much fruit.. good fruit that would bless the whole earth!  But, without fruit, the branches were useless and the vine was dying.  Here the Lord declares that the wood of the vine itself is completely worthless.  It has been cut off and thrown into a fire.  It is charred and ruined.  It cannot even be used to make a peg that you could hang a cup on.. it is too weak. It doesn't even make useful firewood.

What a picture of Israel... a nation that should have been great and holy and prosperous.  A nation who belonged to God and had every opportunity to abound with goodness.. with greatness.  But, it failed.  It could not be faithful to the Lord God who made it.  And, so it goes with every nation.. every city, and every person.  We each have every opportunity to belong to the Lord, our Maker.
We are given every promise and every resource in Him.. that we might be fruitful and abundant.
But, we fail to act faithfully.  And when we fail, we become charred by the fire.. useless to do anything that the Lord wants us to do.

Chapter 16 is also a picture of this.. specific to Jerusalem .  Here the Lord uses the illustration of a woman.  When He first sees her, she is a newborn, still covered with blood and with the umbilical cord still attached. She has been thrown into a field to die,  despised, but the Lord calls for her to live.  Then, He sees her again as a young woman, ready to marry.  But, she is still naked and dirty.  He takes her, cleans her, clothes her, marries her, and provides for her.. so that she is like a queen.  She is beautiful and royal!  She gains fame for her great beauty.. " for it was perfect because of My splendor which I bestowed on you".  

"But you trusted in your beauty and played the harlot because of your fame and you poured out your harlotries on every passer-by who might be willing."  Unfaithful is a mild word for what she did... . Not only did she commit adultery, but she became addicted to her idolatry.  She was worse than a prostitute.. not collecting a fee, but bribing others to come to her!   Every idol that she could find, she wanted.  She took all that God had provided her and used it to worship a false idol.  What a graphic picture of the sins of Israel!

This is how God views sin.. all sin, unfaithfulness.. harlotry.  We have been created for Him alone.  He has provided for our every need.  He has rescued us from death and clothed us with His own garments.  He loves us perfectly.  Yet, we spurn that love and care and provision.  We trust in ourselves and not Him.  We lust for the attention of the world and give our lives to the idols of fame, riches, or whatever sin that comes along...  And we wonder why God sends judgements upon the earth!

Thank the Lord that He is faithful to His Word.  He does not forget His covenants.  He forgives our sins.  He restores us to His side.  In Christ, we are made whole and complete.  We are cleansed by His blood and made pure and holy by His Spirit.  Oh what amazing grace!

Father in heaven,  I will praise You for You are gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and full of love!
You will restore Your beautiful city of Jerusalem and You will bring us all into the glory of Your Presence one day soon.  Thank You for showing us Your great love.  Help us to be faithful to You always, to not grow weary of heart. Fill us with Your power from above, that we might be blameless and holy in Your sight, through Christ our Lord.  Amen and amen!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Ezekiel 14  Verses 1-11 address the audacity of the elders of Israel who came and sat down in front of Ezekiel, wanting a word from the Lord.  The Lord condemns them for they have "set up their idols in their hearts and have put right before their faces the stumbling block of their iniquity."  Their idols are their sin.. and their sins have become their idols.

The Lord says that they:
Have a multitude of idols ( v4)
Are estranged from Him ( v5)
Have separated themselves from Him ( 7)

He will not allow a prophet to speak the Word to such men.  And, if a prophet tries to speak, he will be punished... guilty of the same iniquity as the inquirer.  There is no hope for those who refuse to repent of their idol worship ( their sins).  Judgement is certain. 

Verses 12-23 are an indictment of any and all godless cities.  The Lord uses 4 "severe judgements" :
The sword
Wild beasts

These judgements will be just.. according to the evil conduct of each individual .  The Lord says that "even though theses three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job were in its midst, by their own righteousness they could only deliver themselves. "  They could not deliver even their own sons or daughters.

Each of us are responsible for our own conduct and actions.  If we choose to separate ourselves from God.. we put idols in our hearts.  If we put idols before our faces.. they are a stumbling block of iniquity and we will face judgement.  We cannot save each other. We cannot  save our own family members.. as much as we want to.  We cannot even save ourselves.   God's judgements are just.. and He will be known by everyone. All will know that the Lord is God and there is no other.

Though Noah, Daniel, and Job cannot save anyone but themselves .. we know One who came to do just that!  Jesus came to earth, born of Mary, becoming one of us, so that He could deliver us all.. But, we must choose to be united with Him, to receive His righteousness, and to forsake every idol.  We must confess our sins, die to them, and receive His forgiveness and salvation.   This is why He died willingly on the cross.

There is a day of judgement ahead for each of us . Death may come from a weapon, a disease, or an accident.. but however it is certain.  " And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes the judgement.. " ( Hebrews 9:27)    "For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done whether good or bad." ( II Corinthians 5:10)  We each will bear the responsibility for our own actions.. our own words.. our own choices.  The truth is.. only Jesus can save us from the judgement we deserve. 

Paul continues writing in II Corinthians 5, " Therefore knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade men... for the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this; that one died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, that they who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf....  Now, all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation .  Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were entreating through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ , be reconciled to God." ( v. 11,14,15,18-20)

Father in Heaven, all glory and honor to Your Holy Name.  We praise You, for You have made reconciliation possible through the sacrifice of Your Beloved Son, Christ Jesus !  Oh how thankful we are that You have allowed us to hear this Word of reconciliation ! To know that Christ died for us and in Him we have forgiveness for all our trespasses.. for every word, deed, or action that falls so short of Your mark.. of Your glory.  Oh, Mighty God.. I pray for loved ones who are still separated from You with idols of sin before their faces.. I plead with You for mercy on them. Open their ears to hear the Word of Truth and to know You are God.. before it is too late. Bring repentance..and reconcile them to Yourself.    I plead this in the Name of Jesus Christ.  amen

Friday, May 18, 2018

Ezekiel 13  The Lord condemns the false prophets and prophetesses.   They spoke from "their own inspiration".  They claimed to speak the Word of the Lord.. but they were liars.  They were like builders who covered a wall with whitewash in order to hide its weaknesses.  They spoke of peace, but there was no peace coming. The wall would crumble.. and so would they.

The women were selling magic charms for good luck.  They were ruining the lives of the people.  They were so wicked that they killed those who should have lived and let live those who should have died.

False visions and divinations, false prophesies and visions of peace.  While all the time they knew that the Lord condemned them and their practices.  The Lord says, through Ezekiel,  enough is enough!  No more visions.  No more magic charms.  No more divinations.

He was going to act in a way that they would know that He alone is the Lord. 

Anything like that going on today?
Anyone proclaiming peace when there is no peace?
Anyone selling lucky charms?
Anyone giving false hope.. duping even "righteous" people with their lies?

All the more reason that we MUST know the Word of God!  The real Truth! We must know what the Bible says. We must have the Holy Spirit.. walking daily in Him, being led by Him, and being filled with Him... the Spirit of Truth.  We must abide in His Word.. in Jesus our Lord.. fully committed and constantly abiding!

Father in Heaven,  Holy and Sovereign God,  fill us with truth, Your Word.  Renew our minds.  Gird us with the belt of Truth.  Help us to be faithful to read Your word, to hear Your voice and to obey.
Lead us away from temptations and deliver us from the evil one and all the false voices.  Forgive us for all the ways we miss the mark.. when we fail to be pure and holy and blameless.  Thank You for salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.. perfect and eternal.  We put our trust in You!  Amen.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Ezekiel 12  This time Ezekiel is called to act out to scenarios.  The first is a pantomime of Zedekiah fleeing from Jerusalem, being blinded, and led away to Babylon.  The second is a scene of eating bread and drinking water "with quivering and anxiety".. portraying the people of Jerusalem who watch while their land is "stripped of its fulness on account of the violence of all who live in it."

These signs are meant to speak to the "rebellious house"  that they might know "that I am the Lord". 
The prophecies are being fulfilled. The Lord says that they will know without doubt that what the Lord says, He will do.  " None of My words will be delayed any longer. Whatever word I speak will be performed." 

No more delays. No more grace.  No more waiting. That is what will happen in our present day also.
The time will come when God will no longer delay the final judgement.  Christ will come. The church will be raptured. The prophecies in Revelations will be performed.  This world will pass away.
And only those in Christ will dwell with Him for eternity.  All of the "rebellious" who refuse to hear.. who have "eyes to see but do not see".. those who will not repent and receive Jesus.. will be eternally separated from God.

Father in heaven, I thank You for patiently waiting, for You are the God of Love and Grace.  I know that there are still so many that have still not heard the Word, and I ask that You would send out even more workers into the harvest fields.  I know that there are still many rebellious.. even in my own family.. and I beg You to open their eyes to see and their ears to hear.. that they might repent and receive salvation through Jesus Christ the Lord.  You are our only Hope, Lord.  May Your Name be praised and may Christ be lifted up in adoration and worship!  amen.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Ezekiel 8-11  As Ezekiel sits in his house facing the elders of Judah, he experiences another amazing vision.  He is taken to Jerusalem and shown the temple.   He sees the "idols of jealousy" at the entrance of the north gate.  He sees  another at the altar gate.  He sees through a hole, into a dark room where detestable carvings cover the walls and 70 elders worship, thinking that God cannot see them.
He sees women weeping before a Syrian idol at the gate of the Lord's house.  He sees men with their backs to the temple bowing towards the east.. worshiping the sun. The Lord calls all of these "abominations".  Disgusting and abhorrent to Him.

Then, Ezekiel sees the glory of the God. Judgement is pronounced. All who grieve the wickedness and idolatry are marked.  All the rest are to be slain.... " old men, young men, maidens, little children, and women... " 

"The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is very, very great, and the land is filled with blood, and the city is full of perversion; for they say, 'The Lord has forsaken the land and the Lord does not see.' But as for Me, My eye will have no pity nor shall I spare, but I shall bring their conduct upon their heads."  ( 9:9-10)

Ezekiel then witnesses the glory of God.. leaving the temple in Jerusalem.  God will no longer make His presence manifest there.

Ezekiel is in despair and asks God if there will remain a remnant of Israel.  The Lord gives a wonderful promise in His answer, " And I shall give them one heart, and shall put a new spirit within them. And I shall take the heart of stone out of their flesh and given them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in My statutes and keep My ordinances, and do them . Then they will be My people, and I shall be their God. " ( 11:19-20)

This passage makes me wonder about our world today.. and how long before the Lord pronounces judgement for the abominations that fill our nations.  False idols.  False religions.  Perversions and wickedness. Violence and bloodshed.  The Lord sees it all.  There is nothing that He does not know. He has not changed His mind about judging the sinful.. even the "little children".  That is the most terrifying thought of all..

Lord God,  preserve us from judgement, forgive our iniquities, and bring us into the Truth that we might worship You alone.  You alone are worthy of our praise and our thanksgiving.  You alone are the source of our every breath and the reason for our being.   Fill us always with Your Spirit that we may walk according to Your Word and be Your people as You are our God.  Thank You for giving us life in Jesus Christ our Lord.  To Him be the glory! Amen.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Ezekiel 6-7   Six times in these two chapters the Lord tells Ezekiel that "they will know that I am the Lord." ( 6:7, 10, 13, 14; 7:4, 27)

How will they know?

Their cities will be destroyed.
Every idol will be smashed.
Idol worshipers will lay dead before their idols.
Disasters will strike them down.
Plagues, famines, and wars will kill many.
The land will become desolate.
Abominations will come upon them.
The land will tremble and the king will mourn.

What is disgusting to God.. will come upon His people.. "Then those of you who escape will remember Me among the nations to which they will be carried captive, how I have been hurt by their adulterous hearts which turned away from Me, and by their eyes, which have played the harlot after their idols; and they will loathe themselves in their own sight for the evils which they have committed for all their abominations." ( v9)

There will be remnant.  But, all others will receive what they deserve.  According to their ways....
Judgement is certain.

Do we also hurt God?
Are our hearts adulterous?
Do we look to idols.. to wealth, or power, or to anything other than our Heavenly Father for life?
Then we also will remember and loathe ourselves for those evils.
May we repent while there is still time to do so, before the judgement comes.. for it is certainly coming.

Father in heaven, hallowed is Your Name.  Forgive us every iniquity and pardon our sins.  Clothe us in righteousness through Jesus Christ our Lord, our Hope, our Savior, and our Eternal King.  amen.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Ezekiel 4-5  Ezekiel was given instructions.. and what he was supposed to do would seem truly impossible.   He was to take a brick and pretend it was Jerusalem.  He was to build a siege wall around it.. a model of what was about to happen in Israel.  The hard part was that he was told to lay on his left side for 390 days bearing the iniquity of Israel, then an additional 40 days on his right side, bearing the iniquity of Judah.  He could only eat a little bread and have a little water "from time to time" as he lay there.  The Lord would bind him with ropes so that he wouldn't turn over.. I can't imagine!

The point to all of this was to show what the Lord would do in Jerusalem.  Destruction was coming. One third of all the people would die from famine and plague.  One third would die by the sword. And one third would be scattered, driven out of the city.  This judgement was from the hand of God because of the wickedness of the people.  " .. she has rebelled against My ordinances more wickedly than the nations and against My statutes more than the lands which surround her; ... "  Israel had defiled the sanctuary of the Lord with "detestable idols"  and God would not look at her any longer.

Judgement has been pronounced on the sins of mankind. Rebellion against God's word and the wickedness of idolatry will always lead to destruction and death.  Like the people of Israel and Judah, people who do not fear the Lord.. unbelievers who do not know Him or put their faith in Him, all who will not believe in Jesus Christ.. are under the same judgement and will face the same punishment.  Some will die of disease and starvation.  Some will die in war.  And some will be scattered from their homes.. wandering lost and alone.  Only those who turn to the Lord can be saved.  No false religion, no idol, no other thing on earth can bring salvation.  Our hope is in the Lord, for only He can save us.

Father in heaven,  I thank You for the truth of Your Word and for the Hope that we have in Christ Jesus.  Make us ambassadors of this great hope and truth that others may flee the wrath to come and find salvation in Jesus. Open our mouths and fill them with the Word of life! We.. I desire to live always for You, my King. amen.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Ezekiel 3  I find this fascinating and challenging.  The Lord is placing before Ezekiel a life of ministry like none other.  Ezekiel " opened his mouth".. and accepted what God had for him.

God gave Ezekiel a scroll.. His Word, and told Him to eat it.. and then speak it.
He was to not only feed his stomach, but to " fill [his] body" (v3)
Only then could he speak with the Lord's words to Israel.

The Lord warned Ezekiel that Israel would not listen to him, because they did not listen to God Himself.  This reminds me of how Jesus said that the Jews would not believe Him because they didn't believe the One who sent Him.. "But I have sent you to the them who should listen to you; yet the house of Israel will not be willing to listen to you, since they are not willing to listen to Me. Surely the whole house of Israel is stubborn and obstinate. " (v6-7) Both Isaiah and Jeremiah received this same warning.. they were to speak the truth, but know that Israel would not listen.

The Lord says to Ezekiel, " Son of man, take into your heart all My words which I speak to you and listen closely."  ( v10)
" Son of man, I have appointed you a watchman to the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from My mouth, warn them from Me." (v17)
" But when I speak to you, I will open your mouth, and you will say to them, 'Thus says the Lord God,' He who hears let him hear; and he who refuses, let him refuse; for they are a rebellious house. " 

Ezekiel is given another serious word.  If he fails to warn the wicked of their sin.. he would be charged for their blood.  If he did warn them and they still sinned.. he would be delivered.  If he didn't warn a righteous person and they turned away.. he would be guilty.

The Lord so overwhelmed Ezekiel that he went back and sat.. for 7 days. ." causing consternation among" the other exiles.  Ezekiel would not be allowed to speak at all.. except for the words the Lord gave him.

And this was his entrance into ministry as a prophet of Israel.

So, are we to take Ezekiel's directions for ourselves?  Are we supposed to only speak the Lord's words and nothing else?  Should we be watchmen for our generation and people?  Are we guilty for not warning the wicked or the straying believer so that they turn back to the Lord?  The disciples were commanded to go into all the world and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We take that mission on as our own.. following Christ's great commission.  But, I think sometimes that we, the church, forget to listen first.. to "hear a word" from His mouth.. and then "warn" of the judgment to come.
Our intentions are good.. but as Tozer wrote.. " .. we are too casual and there are too many tricks that can be used to make soul-winning encounters completely 'painless' and at 'no cost' and without any 'inconvenience '.

Father, revive us again!  Fill us with the Words of life and Your Spirit of power and might!  Put Your Hand upon us and use our mouths to proclaim the Life giving Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a holy boldness!
May we cause some consternation.. if needed.  May we give warnings as needed.  But, most of all, may we listen and hear Your voice.. and only then speak as we should.  Open the ears of those who need to hear.. that they would turn from their rebellious and stubborn ways, repent and believe.
In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Ezekiel 1-2  The Lord calls Ezekiel to be His prophet, starting with a vision that must have been startling.. to say the least.  It begins with what looked like a storm approaching.  Ezekiel recorded the exact place and time.  He recorded every detail that he observed.
The 4 cherubim had :
human forms
four faces - one human, one lion, one bull, and one eagle;
four wings - 2 stretched up and out, touching each other; 2 covering their bodies - front and back;

they moved straight forward - without turning; they also moved up and down;
they had a bright fire, with lightning in the middle of them;
they had wheels that moved with them and were alive- their "spirit" was in them;

Above the cherubim was a sea of something that shined..  like crystal.
From here came a Voice.
There was a throne above the expanse
On that throne was  " a figure with the appearance of a man". 
The upper part of His body was like glowing metal, the bottom part like fire.
Radiant light surrounded Him.. shining "like a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day." 

This, Ezekiel says, " ..was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord." 
Ezekiel fell on his face.

The Lord has brought Ezekiel into His glorious Presence for the purpose  of sending him  to the "rebellious people" .. to Israel.  Ezekiel is to preach the truth, whether or not the people listen, whether or not they threaten him,  and even if he would "sit on scorpions " .  "But you shall speak My words to them whether they listen or not."   No matter what else happened, the people of Israel would know that a prophet was there.

Ezekiel was then given a scroll and told to eat it.  And he did.

Father in heaven,  we can only imagine the things that Ezekiel saw and experienced.  We will one day see You in all the glory and beauty that he saw in that vision so long ago.  What a day that will be!  Meanwhile, may we be faithful to speak Your Word, whether or not others listen, whether or not we are persecuted,  whether or not we are suffering.  Spirit of God, empower us by Your mighty Hand, to be diligent in speaking the Word always, so that perhaps, by Your grace, some may repent and believe. We ask this in the Name above all names, Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

John 18-21  The betrayal, the trials, the crucifixion, the resurrection,  and the final days before the ascension are covered in these chapters.   I can never read just about His death without going on to read about His resurrection!  Oh how thankful I am that He not only died for us, but that He rose again, just as He said!

Jesus knew that the time had come and He was ready to drink the cup that the Father had given Him.
He was willing to be taken into custody, willing to be judged.. unjustly, willing to be condemned to death, and willing to die.. for this is why He came to this world.

Everything that happened, even to the simple statement of His thirst and the sip of sour wine... everything was according to Scripture.. to fulfill the Word.. more proof of the Truth of Who He was.
The King of the Jews.
The King of a kingdom that is not of this realm.
The King born for the purpose of bearing witness to the Truth.
The King who came to die for His people.
The King who rose again because death could not conquer Him!
The King who sits at the right hand of God and intercedes for His own.

Father in Heaven , thank You for this King of glory, our Savior, the Son of God most High.
Fill us anew with Your Spirit.  May we believe, truly believe "that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that believing [we] may have life in His name."  We will follow Jesus, we will love You, and we will tend Your sheep.. by the power of Your Spirit.. in the Name of our Lord, Amen.

Monday, May 7, 2018

John 17  How do we begin to grasp all of the depths of this magnificent prayer?  This final recorded prayer that Jesus leaves with us through the pen of John, is packed full of requests that Jesus makes of the Father on behalf of Himself and us.

For Himself, Jesus asks the Father to:

glorify Him -v1
be glorified by Him -v1
enable Him to give eternal life to all His own -v2
restore the glory to Him that He had before the creation - v5

For His disciples.. and us, Jesus asks the Father:

to "keep them in Thy name, the name which Thou hast given Me, that they may be one, even as We are.." ( v11)

"that they may have My joy made full in themselves.."  ( v13)

"to keep them from the evil one."  ( v15)

To  " Sanctify them in the truth; " ( v17)

".. that they may all be one;" ( v21)
"... that they also may be in Us; that the world may believe that Thou didst sent Me."  v21

"Father, I desire that they also whom Thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am, in order that they may behold My glory, which Thou hast given Me; for Thou didst love Me before the foundation of the world."  ( v24)

".. that the love wherewith Thou didst love Me may be in them, and I in them."  v26

Jesus came to reveal to mankind the One true God.  To know God, we must believe that Jesus is the One sent from Him.  We must know that everything that Jesus did and said.. all that He gave while on this earth.. came from God for the purpose of making Him known.  Those men and women who belonged to God.. truly His.. were given into the hand of Jesus.  When we come together in unity.. one with each other and with the Father and Son.. Jesus says that the world will know and believe  that He is the One sent by God.. the One Whom God loves.. and the One who loves the world. 

Father, sanctify us by Your Word, the truth.  Make us One in You.. Dwell in us and us in You.  May the world believe that Jesus is the One sent by You to show us Who You really are, that we might know Your love.  Amen.

Friday, May 4, 2018

John 16:1-15  This chapter is packed full of truth that we need to take in and think about..

Jesus said that He was telling the disciples all these things so that they won't be tripped up or trapped by falsehoods.. so they wouldn't stumble.  Things were about to get really hard.. they would all be scattered by what was about to happen. Jesus was preparing them, even though He knew they weren't understanding everything yet..  but they would eventually.

Remember what I have told you.. Jesus tells His disciples.. and He tells us that too.  Remember !

The Helper, the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit would come.. after Jesus went away.  He would not come until that happened.  As much as they would have liked Jesus to stay and fit their expectations.. God's plan was much greater!

The Holy Spirit would come and help them.. and us.. by doing 3 specific things:
He convicts the world concerning sin. 
He convicts the world concerning righteousness.
He convicts the world concerning judgement. 

To convict - to admonish, convince, reveal a fault, rebuke, or reprove.

The Holy Spirit will reveal the sin of unbelief.  To not believe in Jesus is the foremost sin.  Jesus has said this over and over.  To not believe in the One sent.. is to not believe in the Sender.  To know Him is to know the Father.  If we know the Father, we will know His Son.  This truth is so vital - there is no other way to God but through Jesus!  There is no other God, but the Father who sent His Son.

The Holy Spirit will reprove all of us about righteousness - Jesus was the Living Word, the perfect example of Righteousness.. but now He would go to the Father.  By doing this, Jesus cleansed us from all sin and given us true righteousness. The Holy Spirit "will guide [us] into all the truth".  He will "speak and disclose" the things He hears from Jesus.  He will admonish us when we stray, convince us of what is right, teach us the Words of Jesus, and lead us in His ways. We will not gain righteousness through works, but through faith, as we walk in the Spirit of Truth, sent from Jesus to be our Helper.  He will lead us in the paths of righteousness.. for His Name's sake.

The Holy Spirit also convicts of judgement.    Jesus says that this is because the "ruler of the world has been judged."  Jesus said that those who were liars and murderers were of their father, the devil.  If the devil has been judged, then all that belong to him are also judged.  The only solution, is to be born again.. to have a different Father - to be released from the dominion of darkness.. the kingdom of this world - and brought into the Kingdom of Light, the Kingdom of God's Beloved Son!  This happens through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Father in Heaven, hallowed is your name!  Spirit of God, fill us with the knowledge of the Truth, that we might walk in faith and in righteousness, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and that no one comes to You except through Him.  We believe that we have no righteousness of our own, but have been given the righteousness of our Lord Jesus.. cleansed from all our sins, born again into spiritual life, made children of our Heavenly Father.
We believe that we have been rescued from the world, from sin, and from judgement.. through the blood of Jesus Christ, who died in our place. And we give You thanks and praise, for all this is Your gift of love. Amazing love, O how can it be that Christ, my King, has died for me..  Hallelujah! what a Savior!  Amen.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

John 15:18-27  Jesus goes from talking about love - to talking about hate.  The world will hate the follower of Jesus, just like they hated Him.

He explains it this way:
The world loves those who are its own.
The disciples are not "of the world". 
They were chosen "out of the world". 
Therefore the world hates them.

The hatred will be expressed by persecution.
The hatred is shared - the enemy hates the Father and the Son, and the believer who belongs to God.
They hate Jesus because He has exposed their sin.  He exposed the fact that they did not know God and did not love Him.
They hate Jesus because they have no excuse for their unbelief.  He gave them every opportunity to believe - the works He did, right before their eyes, was all the proof needed for them to believe and be saved.
They hated Him without cause... just as He knew they would.

Again, Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, would come from the Father.. bearing witness of Him and making them able to also be His witnesses.

Chapter 16 - So don't stumble! When they kick you out of the synagogue.. when they hate you.. and when they even kill you..  remember!

They did it to Jesus first.
It will happen to His followers too.
Don't stumble.
Stay in the Vine and not in the world.

Father in heaven,  fill us with the Spirit of truth, Your Holy Spirit, who is our Helper.  Fill our hearts and minds with the Word of Life and help us to stay abiding in Christ.  May be bear fruit, especially the fruit of love.. to glorify Your Name and to  bear witness of our relationship to You through Jesus Christ our Savior.  Asking in His Name... the Wonderful Name of our Lord, amen.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

John 15  As Jesus and His disciples leave the upper room and walk towards the garden of Gethsemane they probably sang Psalm 118, giving thanks to the Lord for His goodness and lovingkindness.  They would have sung the verses about trusting in the Lord and rejoicing in His marvelous works. They would have sang about the stone rejected by the builders but chosen by the Lord.  They would have exalted the Lord and praised His holy Name.

Jesus had more to say to His disciples as the hour of His death drew near.
" I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser."  He proclaimed.
 Psalm 80, Isaiah 5, and Ezekiel 19  all refer to Israel as God's vine, once planted and fruitful, but now plucked out, burned down, overgrown with brambles and thorns.
Jesus is the vine.. the only vine now.  The Father has raised Him up to be the root of all His people. Everyone who believes in and abides in the root.. in Jesus.. is a branch on God's vine.

Branches have one purpose - to be the place where fruit grows.  The fruit cannot grow unless the branch is connected to the Root.  Life flows from the root into the branch.  A healthy branch, firmly attached to the Vine, will produce the fruit of the Vine.

To bear fruit, to be a healthy branch abiding in the Vine.. that is in Jesus.. requires the work of the Vinedresser.  Jesus tells us a few things about that:
1.  The Vinedresser prunes the Vine.  He takes away dead branches.  He shapes up the ones who are still alive, cutting off the parts that cause harm to the branch.
2.  Dead branches will end up in the fire. Cut off, thrown away, dried up, and burned.
3. Abiding branches bear fruit as the life of the Vine flows through them.
4. Abiding in Jesus is only accomplished when we abide in His Word. 
5. Abiding in Jesus and bearing fruit does 2 things.. it glorifies the Father and it proves our relationship with Jesus.

Abiding means to stay.. endure.. be present in relationship.  It is unbroken connection with Jesus.

The most important and vital fruit that flows from our lives as we are abiding in Jesus- is love. 
 ( v9)
Love started with the Father.. poured out on the Son.  It flowed from the Son into those who are His..
From the Vinedresser into the Vine.. from the Vine into the branches.
Stay connected, Jesus tells us again and again! Stay connected by being in the Word and keeping it.
Keeping His commandments means loving one another.
Love like Jesus loves us.

Father in Heaven,  the Holy Vinedresser, Who has placed us in the True Vine, Jesus Christ, how we praise and thank You.  You have given us life.  You have made us vessels of Your love.  Cleanse us with Your Word, prune us so that we might bear more fruit to glorify You and to show that we belong to Jesus.  Help us to abide in Him today, to keep the commandments, to love one another as You have loved us.  We ask this as You have told us.. "ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.."  We ask that You will give us fruit that will remain.. in Jesus' name we pray. amen.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

John 14  After Judas Iscariot has left the room, Jesus tells the 11 twice to -not let their hearts be troubled. ( 14 and 27)  Three of the disciples have questions for Him:

v5 Thomas asks " Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?" 
v8 Philip says, " Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us."
v22 Judas, son of James, also called Thaddeus asks, " Lord, what then has happened that You are going to disclose Yourself to us, and not to the world?"

Jesus, who loved these men to the end,  reassures them once again...

 To Thomas, He says..  I'm going" to prepare a place for you"...  I will come and get you and take you to be with Me.  You will know the way.. for " I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." ( v6)   In other words,  He tells them that they are on the right path.  They are following Him and they will be with Him until the end. Just keep going!

To Philip, Jesus addresses a deeper need..  He tells them that He and the Father are the same.. they are One.  To know Him is to know the Father.. to see Him is to see the Father.  The problem is not that they can't see God.. the problem is that they need to believe what they are seeing!  God has been right there all the time.. speaking with them,  doing the works before them and through them. And, He is not done with them... Because, when Jesus returns to the Father, they will take over doing what God wants to do and speaking what God wants them to speak.  They will ask of the Father , in His Name and it will be done.  They will ask Him, " anything " in His Name and He will do it.  They are to keep on loving Him and living for Him. Believe it!

To Judas/Thaddeus,  Jesus teaches about the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Helper, the Spirit of truth, Who will come and abide with them.
It is Jesus who will ask the Father and the Father who will give the Spirit to be with us forever.
The world will not receive the Spirit, will not see Him, and will not know Him.
Only the followers of Jesus will receive Him..
The Spirit will be with them and abide IN them.
Jesus will come in the Spirit..

After His death and resurrection, Jesus teaches....they will know.....
They will know what true unity is.
They will know what true love is.
They will know what it means to keep His words.
They will know peace that only He can give.
They will know that all He has said is true.. for they will see it with their own eyes.

Father in Heaven... there is always so much that we need to know.. and to believe.  We also want to see You and know You.. Come Holy Spirit and make Your home with us, that we might understand and remember.. that we might abide in unity with the Father and the Son.  May our love be complete in You, Jesus.  May Your peace fill our hearts.  May Your truth cover us and bind us together.  Help us to glorify God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  amen.