Friday, January 20, 2017

Psalms 124 - 128  The pilgrims continue their difficult journey through the valleys and over the mountains.  They are aware of the lurking enemies, the dangerous beasts, and the violent, wicked men who would rob them of their possessions and their lives.  But, they are heading to Jerusalem, so they gather into caravans for safety, and they take up the songs of praise.

" Had it not been the Lord who was on our side.. " we would be swallowed alive, swept into raging waters,  "torn by their teeth".   But, " our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth." ( 124:1, 6, 8)  Praise to the Mighty Creator, who is our help .. He is on our side!

"As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people." ( 125:2)  Praise to the Unmovable One, who does good to those who trust Him.

"The Lord has done great things for us; We are glad." ( 126:3)   Praise to the Redeemer, who delivers us from captivity, restores us to our homes;  who is with us when we "sow in tears" and also when we "reap with joyful shouting." 

Praise to the Lord who "builds the house"; who "guards the city";  who "gives to His beloved" even as we sleep.  It is our Gracious God who gifts us with children.. who rewards us with "fruit" of our wombs. ( 127:1 -3)

Praise to the Lord, who blesses those who walk "in His ways".  He blesses us with food to eat; with happiness and well-being; with spouses and children;  and with grandchildren!!!! ( 128:1-3, 6)
"Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord" (v4)

Charles Spurgeon writes that he believes that the Lord Jesus is the "Chief Musician of the sky, the Master of the sacred choir.."  Although He is worshipped Himself in His deity, as "Man, the Head of the redeemed humanity, the ever living Priest of the Most High God, I believer that He praises Jehovah in heaven."   Is " not Jesus Christ the sweetest of all singers?" Sprugeon asks.  " Is not Jesus Christ 'in the midst of the congregation' gathering up all the notes that come from sincere lips , to put them into the golden censer and to make them rise as precious incense before the throne of the infinite Majesty?"  Jesus is our great example and therefore, Sprugeon entreats us, " We ought to spend at least a little time every day in adoring contemplation."  Sing a hymn or a chorus.  Praise Him in the morning when your eyelids open and in the evening before sleep comes.  Praise Him at midnight, if we are awakened.  But, take care, he says, that "our praise is not merely lip service, but that of the heart.  Let us sing, and so sing that God Himself hears."
( From The Fulness of Joy)

Father in heaven, we declare Your great Name and we praise You among our fellow men.  You alone are God.  You alone surround us and help us.  You are on our side!  How precious is that truth. Thank You.  You build our families and bless us with children and grandchildren.  How wonderful are Your works and Your grace to us.  Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow!  Jesus, lead us into songs of praise today.  Fill us with the joy of giving thanks and praise for all things.. big and small.. that we might magnify the Name of the Lord with You and through You.  For it is in Your Name we pray. Amen.

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