Monday, January 23, 2017

Psalm 129-134  These last 6 songs of "ascents"  are included in the journey to Jerusalem.   Words that are precious to the believer, flowing with praise to the Holy One.

Psalm 129 reminds us that the enemy will not prevail, even in their continued battle, for the " Lord is righteous"  and He will "cut in two the cords of the wicked." 

Psalm 130 reminds us that the Lord hears our prayers and forgives our sins.  " If Thou, Lord shouldst mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?  But there is forgiveness with Thee."  There is hope in His Word. There is lovingkindness and "abundant redemption" in Him!

Psalm 131 reminds us that we can rest in Him, like a child rests in his mother's arms.  That we need to recognize that everything in life can overwhelm us, but we can have hope in our Lord. 

Psalm 132 reminds us that it is at His feet, where we worship, that we will find our greatest joy! It is there in His Presence that we find righteousness, rest, salvation, and joy.  

Psalm 133 reminds us that we are not on this journey alone and that when we are united with our brothers and sisters in Christ that we will be both anointed and blessed. 

Psalm 134 reminds us that we are servants of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.  We "lift up" our hands to Him,  pledging our loyalty - like taking an oath;  acknowledging our position of inferiority to Him who is in every way our Sovereign;  or bringing to Him our most fervent 

Father in heaven,  we need to take this journey and stay on this journey through our lifetimes.  So thankful that we do not need to travel a long and dangerous trip to a physical Jerusalem in order to be in Your Presence, for You are here, right beside us, in us, and around us every moment.  Help us to remember this and to worship You, to praise You, to rest in You, and to trust in You.  Lord, I praise you for the Word that You have granted to us, to help us through our own pilgrim journey.. to the day of Your appearing or the day of our translation from this world to the most glorious place that You have prepared for each of us who put our faith in the Name of Jesus and in His precious blood that atones for our sins. So thankful that we can find forgiveness in You! So grateful for the hope that is found in You. So amazed in the love and blessings that You have lavishly poured out on us.  Praise to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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