Monday, January 9, 2017

Psalm 119: 33-97

The writer continually alternates between his pledge to keep God's word and praying for God to help him learn and understand exactly what those commandments mean.   This is the "way" that God leads us, isn't it?  We have a growing desire to know and obey God's word, but we realize more and more that we need His help for us to truly understand exactly what that means in our day to day lives. 

The psalmist puts it this way:

"Teach me, O Lord, the way of Thy statutes." v33
"Give me understanding tha I may observe Thy Law"  v34
" Make me walk in the path of Thy commandments.." v35
"Incline my heart to Thy testimonies.." v36
"Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity..." v37

"And I shall observe it to the end.." v33
"... and keep it with all my heart.." v34
" For I delight in it.." v35
"For I trust in Thy word.."  v42
"So I will keep Thy law continually, forever and ever.." v44
" and I will walk at liberty." v45

The more the follower of God learns of His Word,  His commandments and precepts .. the more he delights in it, trusts in it, and determines to live his life according to it... for the Word gives:
good discernment
treasures worth more than "thousands of gold and silver pieces"

How do we keep growing in this way?  Like the writer we need to pray.  We need to continually plead with the Lord to gain understanding.  He is the Teacher and we need to listen and learn from Him. 
Pray that the Lord Himself will teach you His word.  Then when He does, determine to keep it with all your heart.
Delight in the Word. Remember it.  Meditate on it.  Speak of it.  Trust it.  Wait for it.  Long for it.  Value it. 

Father in heaven,  thank You for the beautiful words that You have provided for us in Your Word.  How blessed we are to have the Bible at our fingertips.  How more blessed we are when You give us a love for Your Word and lead us deeper into the treasures that we find in it.  Your word is our delight.. will You make us realize that truth more and more?  We are Yours, Lord.  Fill us with Your Spirit and Your lovingkindness.  Fill us with Yourself. Fill us with the desire to keep Your commandments and live  in righteousness that we will not be ashamed at the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Thank You for the hope and  joy that we find in You,  greater than anything on this earth.  I give You all my praise. amen.

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