Friday, January 27, 2017

Psalm 140  God alone is our Rescuer.  We have an enemy who desires for us to be crushed and destroyed.  But, the truth is - our enemy has already been conquered! We can rejoice in the truth of this fact - Jesus has conquered sin, death, hell, and Satan.   They have no authority over us when we are in Christ Jesus! Give thanks to the Lord!!!

This psalm describes the "evil men" that David wanted deliverance from:
They were violent.
They devised evil plans.
They stirred up wars.
Their tongues were sharp like serpents.
Their lips held poison.
Their hands held violence.
They would deliberately cause him to trip.
They had hidden traps, cords, nets, and snares.

The world is still full of such men, servants of the Devil himself.  Their character is formed by the one who has deceived them and kept them in darkness.

But, our Father in heaven is the One who rescues us out of the dominion of darkness and transfers us into the Light, into the Kingdom of Jesus!  Praise Him!!!
Like David, we can proclaim, "O God the Lord, the strength of my salvation, Thou hast covered my head in the day of battle."
The Lord maintains our cause.
The Lord gives justice to the poor.
The Lord deals with the enemy.  He has conquered the foe!

We have been given spiritual armor and we must carefully and diligently wear it.  We must put in on every single day that we might "be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.... to stand firm against the schemes of the devil." ( Ephesians 6:10-18)
"Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day and having done everything, to stand firm. " 
We must have God's Truth, belted around our bodies, souls, and hearts.
We must have His Righteousness to cover our whole selves.
We must take the Peace of the Gospel and stand firmly in it.
We must keep the shield of faith firmly in place, repelling those flaming missiles of the devil.
We have been given the helmet of salvation - He Covers our heads with His salvation!
We have been given a sword, the Spirit's own sword, the Word of God to defend and to defeat the foe.
It is in prayer that the armor is taken up.  
It is in prayer that we stand firm against the enemy. 
It is in prayer that the battle is won and evil is overcome. 

Father in Heaven, we give You praise that You have " delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of [Your] beloved Son." ( Col. 1:13) We were once blind but now we see.  We were once prisoners but now we are free.  We were once dead in our trespasses and sins, but now we are alive in Christ.  Amazing Grace! We take up the armor of God today, O Lord, and we proclaim along with David's psalm, " Thou art my God".   You are our salvation.  You are our King. We are Your servants.  We serve in Your army today, standing firm in Christ, resisting the evil day in the Name of Jesus our Lord,  in whose name we pray. Amen.

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