Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Psalm 121  I cannot read this psalm without hearing my daughter's sweet voice singing these wonderful words with her college group... such a beautiful song.  

Where does our help come from?  " My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." 

The Lord Himself is our "keeper".  Our protector.  Our bodyguard.  Our hedge.
He has stationed Himself at our right hand.  We are covered!  We are safe.
He has devoted Himself to protect us from the strongest powers.. from the sun, the moon, and "from all evil." 
He has pledged to guard our souls.
Even when we are "going out" or "coming in".
He is our Keeper forever.

Sometimes we must 'go out'... into the world, into places where the simplicity, the security, and the peace of home are absent.  We go out to battle in this world that wants war.. that wants to argue and attack the ways of Christ.  We are pilgrims on a journey to the Heavenly City, just as the psalmist writes as a pilgrim on the rugged trip to Jerusalem.   As we travel through valley of shadows or on rocky, slippery slopes... as we travel through the dark nights and the hot, sun-blasted days... we desperately need the One who calls Himself our Keeper.  

And He is there, at our side! He does not "slumber or sleep"!  In the night, He is our hedge of protection.  In the heat of the day, He is our shade.  In the midst of battle, He is our shield and defender. And when we finally make it home... He will lead us lovingly into the Blessed City, our Home forever.

As pilgrims we need to keep our eyes lifted up... towards Jerusalem, towards the mountain of God, toward the place where  His Name has been established... towards Jesus.  We need to make this our daily habit.

Again, I find  a word of exhortation from one thousand gifts by Ann Voskamp,  " Learning requires practice - sometimes even mind-numbing practice.... Practice is the hardest part of learning, and training is the essence of transformation."  She is speaking of the habit of giving thanks for everything. But, I think it also applies here.. to the habit of lifting our eyes to the Lord, remembering His nearness, His power, and His pledge to be our Keeper.. as we go out and as we come in. And, indeed we find ourselves so thankful that He is our Lord Who has said it..... and it is so!

Thomas à Kempis in The Imitation of Christ also speaks of the pilgrim journey, in a way. He says that in order to obtain true peace we must be "single-hearted".... with our whole hearts fixed on God.  He calls us to  " a fervent desire to grow better every day". Not  better in works or outward things.. but in being free from all passions of this world, so that we might "relish divine things".

" If we would endeavor like brave men to stand in the battle, surely we should feel the assistance of God from Heaven. For He who giveth us occasion to fight, to the end we may get the victory, is ready to succor those that fight, and that trust His grace."  

With God's help, we can find our "fervor and profiting" increasing daily.  It is a battle against ourselves, our will, our own natures.. that is the hardest.  Yet, this is the very thing that will bring us into inward peace and greater joy. We must desire and pursue this pilgrimage of spiritual progress for it will not happen on its own. Like Ann says.. it takes practice and that is the hardest part of learning!

Where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord!

Father in Heaven, You are my Keeper.  Hallelujah!  Praise Your Wonderful Name!  Help me to keep my eyes lifted up to You.  Whether my way today is steep, or dark, or sunny and hot... I know that You are by my side and I give You thanks.  Oh, Lord, let my heart be transformed and my habits made perfect in accordance to Your good and perfect and acceptable will. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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