Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Psalms 114-118

Reading a little book by John Piper called The Dangerous Duty of Delight,  where he talks about a lesson he learned from reading C.S. Lewis.  Lewis said that he noticed that it is in our nature to spontaneously praise that which gives us enjoyment... when we delight in something or someone we cannot help but sing it or his/her praise.  Piper says, " Pursuing joy in God and praising God are not separate acts. 'Praise not merely expressed but completes the enjoyment'. Worship is not added to joy and joy is not the by -product of worship. Worship is the valuing of God. and when this valuing is intense, it is joy in God. Therefore the essence of worship is delight in God, which displays His all-satisfying value."

 These psalms in the light of those thoughts, ring out with the praises of God in whom the psalmist(s) has found great delight.

Psalm 114 - We delight in the Lord's deliverance of Israel and His power to make the seas flee and the mountains skip!

Psalm 115 - We delight in the only True God, who " does whatever He pleases."  He, who is "mindful of us" and blesses us.  He is the "maker of heaven and earth".  While others serve idols of silver and gold, who have mouths that don't speak, eyes that don't see, ears that don't hear... etc.  We serve a God  who owns the heavens!

Psalm 116- We delight in the Lord "because He hears my voice and my supplications.  Because He has inclined His ear to me."   We call on His Name and He hears us.  He is gracious and righteous.  He is compassionate.  He deals bountifully with us.  He rescues our souls from death.  And even when we come to the end of our lives.. " Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones."  As Paul said, " to die is gain".  It is gain because we go to the One who calls us His own and brings us to Himself.

Psalm 117- We delight in the Lord's lovingkindness that has been extended to all nations!

Psalm 118- We delight in the Lord who is "good"!  "His lovingkindness is everlasting." He is trustworthy.  He is marvelous.  He is valiant.   We find delight in every day, because He has made it.  We delight in all of His works of salvation, for He Himself has brought it about.

Father in heaven,  Blessed is Your Name in all the earth!  You are the One true God and the Everlasting Father. Thank You for being so good to us. Thank You for qualifying us to be partakers in the inheritance of the saints in light.  You have done this work for us, for we have no way to qualify ourselves for Your kingdom.  Thank You for being loving and kind and patient with us.  Help us to delight in You and glorify Your name forever!  Thank You that we can come to You in the Name of the Beloved Son in who You delight, the Name of Jesus.  Amen.

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