Monday, January 16, 2017

Psalm 120  The tongue -  James calls it a fire.. so small, yet so dangerous.  It sets "the course of our life" on fire.  It is restless.  It is poisonous. It is powerful.   This psalm is a prayer for deliverance from " lying lips" and a "deceitful tongue".  
The tongue is a "sharp arrow." 
It is a "burning coal". 
It desires war and hates peace.

The psalmist is praying for deliverance from the enemy who speaks lies.  But, as I read this, I think that it is also a prayer for me ( and maybe for you, too).   Lord, deliver me from a tongue that is restless, poisonous, and destructive.
We live among the same kind of people that the psalmist did.  They want to argue and fight.  They want their opinions heard and if we disagree, then we are wrong.  " I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war." ( v7)  Yep!  That is our world today.

I have been drawn to reread several books lately.  One is The Imitation of Christ  and another is one thousand gifts by Ann Voskamp.  The third is The Fullness of Joy by Charles Spurgeon.  Today's reading in The imitation of Christ is about "The avoiding of many words".   The author says this, "Oftentimes I could wish that I had held my peace when I have spoken; and that I had not been in company."  We are so ready to talk.. but often it is selfish or harms our own conscience.  "Therefore we must watch and pray, lest our time pass away idly. "   We need to make our conversations about the things that edify, the things that "further our spiritual growth."  This statement stands out, "Evil habit and neglect of our own growth in grace do give too much liberty to inconsiderate speech."  

So, I also need to add to my prayer, Lord deliver me from a tongue that speaks idly or inconsiderately.

What makes it stand out even more to me this morning is what I read in one thousand gifts...
 If you have not read this book, it is the result of the author's challenge to write a list of 1000 things that she loves.  This led her to a life-changing experience of God's grace.  She talks about the word "eucharisteo" which is translates as thanksgiving... but comes from "charis" which is grace,  and "chara" which is joy.  Grace.. thanksgiving.. joy.  God gifts us.. with everything!  We give Him thanks!  We find joy.  If we miss the grace and forget to be thankful.. we will never find the joy.   

Anyway.. the section I read this morning was about habits.  She quotes Erasmus here,  " A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit."  By taking on this challenge of acknowledging and recognizing the gifts that God has given, by His grace, and by being truly thankful, Ann writes that she is driving out nails of discontent, " I'm hammering nails to pound out nails, ugly nails that Satan has pierced through the world, my heart."  The spikes of discontent.. the "habit of discontentment can only be driven out by hammering in one iron sharper. The sleek pin of gratitude."

So, I add to my prayer.. Lord, deliver me from a tongue that broadcasts my discontent.. and replace it with a habit of thanksgiving for the grace You have bountifully provided.

Back then to Psalm 120 that makes me think about the deceitful tongue and the desire for peace among those who want war, and my thoughts go to James, who not only tells us about the evil of the tongue that cannot be tamed, but also teaches that war.. "quarrels and conflicts" come from evil habits of lust and envy and selfish desires.  "You do not have because you do not ask."  James tells us. ( James 4:2) Or we ask with "wrong motives" ( v3).  But,  God " gives a greater grace". (4:6)  We must not forget that "Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow."  (  James1:17)  James reminds us.   He also reminds us of this, " .. let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger." (1:19) And this, " Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." (4:8).

Father in heaven, You have given me much to think about today.  I do pray that You would take control of my tongue, and not only that, but all of me.  It is out of the heart that evil comes, Jesus taught us, so take my heart.. take all of it and purify it and fill it with the wisdom from above that is "pure.. peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy, and good fruits, unwavering.. without hypocrisy".
You are the Giver of all good gifts and I am thankful, Lord.  Thank You for daily bread. Thank You for forgiveness from sin and for deliverance from evil.  Thank You that it is never to late to be changed... to have a changed tongue and a changed heart.  Thank You that You bring Your Word to life and that Your Spirit awakens us to what is good and perfect, renewing our minds and transforming us so that we can know what Your will is.  Jesus, my Lord and Savior, I pray this in Your Name.  Amen.

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