Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Psalm 142 is a prayer for help.  David freely voices his complaints and troubles and seeks refuge in the One Who cares for his soul, Who is a refuge and a portion.

Psalm 143 is a prayer for guidance when overwhelmed by circumstances. "Teach me the way in which I should walk; for to Thee I lift up my soul." David prays.( v8b)  "Teach me to do Thy will." (v10).  David puts all of himself in the Hands of the Lord, his God.

Psalm 144 is a prayer for help and also for prosperity.  In this prayer he proclaims the Lord to be:
His rock.
His trainer.
His stronghold and deliverer.
His shield and refuge.

David is amazed at the fact that God is mindful of man.  Of him. But, convinced of that fact, he goes on to ask God to do extraordinary things:
"Bow Thy heavens, O Lord, and come down." (v5)
"Touch the mountains, that they may smoke." (v 5)
"Flash forth lightning and scatter them; Send out Thine arrows and confuse them." (v6)
"Stretch forth Thy hand from on high, rescue me and deliver me out of great waters." (v 7).
David goes on to ask the Lord to bless the children, bless their garners, bless their flocks and their cattle. ( v12-14)

Big requests! What faith David displays in his bold requests.  What an example to us.... we need to recognize how great our God is, how intimately He knows us and thinks of us, and how big our prayers can be when we put our faith in Him!

These psalms ( along with all the rest) are such great examples and lessons on how to pray:
We need to pray for personal purity and purpose. (Psalm 141:1-5)
We need to pray for God's action against the wickedness in our world. ( Psalm 141:6-10)
We need to pray for God's help when we are in trouble or when we are overwhelmed. ( Psalm 142)
We need to pray for God's specific guidance for each day and in all of life. ( Psalm 143)
We need to pray, committing ourselves to the One who is our Rock, our Deliverer, our Shield, and our Refuge. We need to be mindful of the One who is mindful of us... 
We need to learn to ask Him for the big things as well as the small... expanding our faith, our trust, our complete dependance on Him for all we need and all our heart's desires.   ( Psalm 144)

Father in heaven, we come before You and bless Your Name.  You are our Rock, our Everything.  You are amazing and holy and perfect in every way!  You have made us and loved us.  You have made a way for us to come before You, to know You, and to bring every need before You.  We come in the Name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, who is our Redeemer and Mediator.  We come to ask for all these things that we need... for pure hearts and cleans hands; for help; for guidance; for righteousness and for deliverance. We come to ask for some big things... that You would open up the heavens and come down!  That You would set fire to mountains of hatred, mountains of false religion, and mountains of suffering.  We ask that You would stop those who love evil and do wicked deeds.  Those who kill unborn babies, and those who preach immorality.  Those who stir up dissent and love to disrupt the peace.  May they fall into their own snares.  May they repent of their sin.  May they find the One who alone can bring Light to their darkness.  Do mighty works of Grace that will turn the hearts of the lost to the Savior, Lord.  For only You can do such things.  You are the Lord and we bless Your Name. We give You thanks for all that You have done. Amen

Monday, January 30, 2017

Psalm 141  David's prayer has two main focuses... first, that he would be acceptable to his Lord, and second, that he would be protected from the wicked.  Two very important prayer requests, that we don't always make part of our daily prayer times.

Verses 1-5a contain the requests that David brings for himself:
Lord, I'm calling to You, will You hear my voice?
My prayer is like an offering, I lift it up to You, may it be acceptable, holy, pure.
Lord,  guard what I say. Keep a lock on my mouth so that I do not offend You with my words.
Lord, keep a guard on my heart, keep me from desiring what is evil.
Lord, keep me from doing any wicked deeds.
Lord,  may I not even associate with any who might lead me into sin.
Lord, may I consider it a kindness when a righteous friend reproves me. May I not resent it but consider it "oil on my head".. a blessing.

Today I was reading in The Imitation of Christ, Chapter 19, called "Of the exercises of a good religious person"... quite a challenging title!  But, the main theme is about examining our "purpose" for living on a daily basis.
              "According to our purpose shall be the success of our spiritual profiting; and much diligence is necessary to him that will profit much. And if he that firmly purposeth often fail, what shall he do that seldom or but weakly purposeth anything?"

 In other words... if we want to live for the Lord, we need to be diligent to order our lives.... inside and out... "in word, deed, and thought" accordingly.  Daily.  Whatever way that we choose to do this is as individual as each person, the writer tells us, but, we need to do it!  Yes, it depends on God's grace.  Yes, God may bring interruptions of changes.  But if we start out in the morning with a fixed purpose to live for God, to serve Him only,  and to be ready and prepared for what He has planned, then that is good.  And, at the end of the day we review our words, deeds, and thoughts, we may find that we have offended someone and have need of forgiveness.  That is living with godly purpose. 

This is exactly what David's prayer is about, isn't it?  He is asking the Lord to help him live a godly life.  He is purposing in his heart to be pure and blameless before God, with His help.  What a wonderful purpose and a vital prayer!

Father,  I'm coming into Your Presence 
I'm lifting my prayers to You
I need Your grace and help;
Will You guard my words, Lord?
I give You control of my tongue. 
Will You guard my heart, Lord?
I desire Your will, Your righteousness, Your Kingdom.
Reign in my life today. 
Will You keep me from the evil one, Lord?
Don't let my open myself to any wickedness. 
Help me to accept correction and conviction, 
to confess and repent, 
to forgive and to be forgiven. 
Help me, Gracious God, to be diligent to purposely live for You
in all I say, do , and think, today. 

I think we are probably a little better at the second part of David's prayer: Stop the wicked, Lord.
You are my refuge.  You can make them fall into their own traps.  You can bring me through safely.
We may not be in the kind of situations that David found himself in, but we still need to pray like this.  There is wickedness all around us.. hatred, abuse, oppression, etc.  We need to pray that those who are filled with evil will fall into their own snares and that we will not.  We need to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted and killed for their beliefs.  We need to pray for the Church to boldly preach the Gospel of Peace, so that all will come to know that they also can find refuge in our Mighty God.

Lord, once again my request is like that of the disciples, teach me to pray... in Jesus' Name, amen.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Psalm 140  God alone is our Rescuer.  We have an enemy who desires for us to be crushed and destroyed.  But, the truth is - our enemy has already been conquered! We can rejoice in the truth of this fact - Jesus has conquered sin, death, hell, and Satan.   They have no authority over us when we are in Christ Jesus! Give thanks to the Lord!!!

This psalm describes the "evil men" that David wanted deliverance from:
They were violent.
They devised evil plans.
They stirred up wars.
Their tongues were sharp like serpents.
Their lips held poison.
Their hands held violence.
They would deliberately cause him to trip.
They had hidden traps, cords, nets, and snares.

The world is still full of such men, servants of the Devil himself.  Their character is formed by the one who has deceived them and kept them in darkness.

But, our Father in heaven is the One who rescues us out of the dominion of darkness and transfers us into the Light, into the Kingdom of Jesus!  Praise Him!!!
Like David, we can proclaim, "O God the Lord, the strength of my salvation, Thou hast covered my head in the day of battle."
The Lord maintains our cause.
The Lord gives justice to the poor.
The Lord deals with the enemy.  He has conquered the foe!

We have been given spiritual armor and we must carefully and diligently wear it.  We must put in on every single day that we might "be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.... to stand firm against the schemes of the devil." ( Ephesians 6:10-18)
"Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day and having done everything, to stand firm. " 
We must have God's Truth, belted around our bodies, souls, and hearts.
We must have His Righteousness to cover our whole selves.
We must take the Peace of the Gospel and stand firmly in it.
We must keep the shield of faith firmly in place, repelling those flaming missiles of the devil.
We have been given the helmet of salvation - He Covers our heads with His salvation!
We have been given a sword, the Spirit's own sword, the Word of God to defend and to defeat the foe.
It is in prayer that the armor is taken up.  
It is in prayer that we stand firm against the enemy. 
It is in prayer that the battle is won and evil is overcome. 

Father in Heaven, we give You praise that You have " delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of [Your] beloved Son." ( Col. 1:13) We were once blind but now we see.  We were once prisoners but now we are free.  We were once dead in our trespasses and sins, but now we are alive in Christ.  Amazing Grace! We take up the armor of God today, O Lord, and we proclaim along with David's psalm, " Thou art my God".   You are our salvation.  You are our King. We are Your servants.  We serve in Your army today, standing firm in Christ, resisting the evil day in the Name of Jesus our Lord,  in whose name we pray. Amen.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Psalm 139  This psalm of David is so precious.  It takes us nearer to God, describing the  intimate relationship  He has with His creation.. with each of us.  We so need to see this and recognize it for our own lives.  We need to acknowledge these truths personally.

" O Lord, Thou hast searched me and known me."  ( v1)
God knows when I sit down.
God knows when I stand up.
God understands what I am thinking.
God keeps His eye on my daily walk.
He sees me when I lay down.
He is " intimately acquainted with all my ways." 
He knows what I'm going to say, before I say it.
He goes before me.
He comes behind me.
He puts His hand on me, covering me, shielding me, comforting me.

"Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is too high, I cannot attain to it." (v6)

There is nowhere that I can go, that He is not with me.
There is nowhere I can fall, that He can't reach me.
There is nowhere too dark, that He can't see me.
He will never leave me.
He will never be too far away.
He will never let go of my hand.

God, Himself, formed me in my mother's womb.
He made me to be just the way I am.
He is the Designer, the Builder, and the Inspector.
He saw me when no one else could. Not even my own mother.
He wrote down His plan for me, for my days on this earth.
He already knows when the last one will come.

God thinks about me... and about you.
He never forgets us and never leaves us.

In light of this, like David, we need to ask Him to do two things:
Stop the wicked.
Search my heart, know me, try me, remove any wickedness in me, and lead me in the way of righteousness.

My Father, Holy God and Wonderful Savior, help me to more fully comprehend these amazing and wonderful truths.  You are here right now and You know me perfectly.  You have chosen to love me, to redeem me, to transform me, to adopt me, and to hold me in Your own Hands.  This is too high for me to grasp with my finite mind... Yet it is True!  That this is true for every person ever born or who will ever be born.. wow!  You are so great and we cannot even begin to know just how great You are!
I worship You, O Lord.  I want to praise You more and more.  I want to bring honor and glory to Your Name.  May I not be ashamed.  May I not fail You. Remove all wickedness and fill me with Your righteousness, I pray.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Psalm 137  - Exiled from his home, this writer paints a picture of grief.. "There we sat down and wept when we remembered Zion."   The enemy harassed them, ordering them to sing a joyful song.. but their hearts were too broken.  Jerusalem was the city of God and it was destroyed.  The Babylonians had razed it.  The temple was broken down and stripped of all its beauty.  What sadness this song of grief brings to our hearts.  It does not even turn to a remembrance of joy, like so many psalms do.  Instead it yearns for the destruction of those who have done this devastation.  The writer calls for recompense.  And in God' s timing, that recompense will be done.

Psalm 138  This psalm is one of thanksgiving. After the sadness of the 137th psalm, this one returns us to gladness and joy.  David knew much grief, but he chose to turn to the Lord with a thankful heart.  " I will give Thee thanks with all my heart; I will sing praises to Thee before the gods." 

David's song of thanksgiving is sincere, zealous, bold, and freely given.  He holds nothing back.
David exalts God, even in the midst of cultural icons, corrupt religions, and demonic beings.  He bows only to God.  There is no other allegiances.  No other hope. No other Name.
David gives thanks for God's lovingkindness and truth.  The Lord has revealed Himself to us in these two vital areas.  He loves us and speaks to us.  He regards us.  He sees us and cares for us with His own Hand.  He accomplishes His purposes for each of us.. He never forsakes us.
God's Truth is magnified, David writes, " For Thou hast magnified Thy word according to Thy name."   His Word brings kings to bow before Him.  His Word shows us His glory.  The glory of His grace, which reaches down to the lowly and stretches out against the enemy.

As I mentioned before, the book one thousand gifts by Ann Voskamp, is about thanksgiving and joy.  It is in giving thanks to God for all things, for every thing,  that we become more aware of God's goodness... of His Presence... of His glory.  Ann writes this, " Giving thanks for one thousand things is ultimately an invitation to slow time down with weight of full attention."  To"enter into the current moments with the weight of me all here.... This is where God is.  In the present .  I am-- His very name.... This is supreme gift, time. God Himself framed in the moment. When I'm present, I meet I Am, the very presence of a present God. "

In Sprugeon's book, The Fullness of Joy,  I read this, " The invitations of the Gospel are invitations to happiness.  In delivering God's message we do not ask men to come to a funeral, but to a wedding feast.... The Gospel is a source of joy to all who really hear it and accept it, for its very name means 'glad tidings of good things."  We rejoice and give thanks to Him who "hath done marvelous things,"
We were enslaved by sin.  God sent His Son ,"our Great Champion" who "undertook our cause, entered the lists, and pledged to fight for us until the end; and He has done it."   Our main foe is our own sin, Sprugeon teaches, the guilt of it and the power of it.  Christ satisfied the law and our guilt has been vanquished. He has dealt sin a "deathblow"... and although it lingers, it is being crucified, nailed to a cross and unable to make us "run the way of transgressors as we once did."

Father in heaven,  like the psalmist, we experience grief at the devastations we have seen in this world, and we wonder if we will ever sing again.  But then, we remember to give thanks, to sing a new song, to stop and give You our full attention, to be in Your Presence.  You have loved us.  You have given us Your Word, Your truth,  the Gospel.. the Good news of Salvation through Christ Jesus, the Lord. In Him, we are justified.  In Him we are set free.  In Him, sin is no longer our captor, for He has overcome.  Let our hearts be filled with joy and thanksgiving!  Let our mouths give You all praise and honor.  We love You, Lord, the everlasting God, full of glory and grace. Amen.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Psalm 135-136  A song of praise and a song of thanksgiving, both extolling the Lord who is good!

We praise Him because of Who He is, the everlasting One, the eternal Judge, and the Merciful Savior.

Praise Your Name O Lord, for it is lovely.
Praise the Lord for  You are great.
Praise You, Lord,  because You are above all gods, all nature, all enemies, all nations, and all men.
Praise You, Lord, because You have had compassion on us, Your servants.

We give thanks to the Lord for what He has done. 
We are thankful for Your lovingkindness.
We are thankful for the wonders You perform.
We are thankful for the beauty of Your creations.
We are thankful for the power of Your Love.
We are thankful that You don't leave us in our sin.
We are thankful that You are our Redeemer.
We are thankful for Your daily provisions.
We give You thanks, O God of heaven, for Your loving kindness is everlasting.

Father in heaven, we offer these prayers of praise and thanksgiving, to You alone.  You are God, and we hallow Your Name.  Amen.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Psalm 129-134  These last 6 songs of "ascents"  are included in the journey to Jerusalem.   Words that are precious to the believer, flowing with praise to the Holy One.

Psalm 129 reminds us that the enemy will not prevail, even in their continued battle, for the " Lord is righteous"  and He will "cut in two the cords of the wicked." 

Psalm 130 reminds us that the Lord hears our prayers and forgives our sins.  " If Thou, Lord shouldst mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?  But there is forgiveness with Thee."  There is hope in His Word. There is lovingkindness and "abundant redemption" in Him!

Psalm 131 reminds us that we can rest in Him, like a child rests in his mother's arms.  That we need to recognize that everything in life can overwhelm us, but we can have hope in our Lord. 

Psalm 132 reminds us that it is at His feet, where we worship, that we will find our greatest joy! It is there in His Presence that we find righteousness, rest, salvation, and joy.  

Psalm 133 reminds us that we are not on this journey alone and that when we are united with our brothers and sisters in Christ that we will be both anointed and blessed. 

Psalm 134 reminds us that we are servants of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.  We "lift up" our hands to Him,  pledging our loyalty - like taking an oath;  acknowledging our position of inferiority to Him who is in every way our Sovereign;  or bringing to Him our most fervent 

Father in heaven,  we need to take this journey and stay on this journey through our lifetimes.  So thankful that we do not need to travel a long and dangerous trip to a physical Jerusalem in order to be in Your Presence, for You are here, right beside us, in us, and around us every moment.  Help us to remember this and to worship You, to praise You, to rest in You, and to trust in You.  Lord, I praise you for the Word that You have granted to us, to help us through our own pilgrim journey.. to the day of Your appearing or the day of our translation from this world to the most glorious place that You have prepared for each of us who put our faith in the Name of Jesus and in His precious blood that atones for our sins. So thankful that we can find forgiveness in You! So grateful for the hope that is found in You. So amazed in the love and blessings that You have lavishly poured out on us.  Praise to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Psalms 124 - 128  The pilgrims continue their difficult journey through the valleys and over the mountains.  They are aware of the lurking enemies, the dangerous beasts, and the violent, wicked men who would rob them of their possessions and their lives.  But, they are heading to Jerusalem, so they gather into caravans for safety, and they take up the songs of praise.

" Had it not been the Lord who was on our side.. " we would be swallowed alive, swept into raging waters,  "torn by their teeth".   But, " our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth." ( 124:1, 6, 8)  Praise to the Mighty Creator, who is our help .. He is on our side!

"As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people." ( 125:2)  Praise to the Unmovable One, who does good to those who trust Him.

"The Lord has done great things for us; We are glad." ( 126:3)   Praise to the Redeemer, who delivers us from captivity, restores us to our homes;  who is with us when we "sow in tears" and also when we "reap with joyful shouting." 

Praise to the Lord who "builds the house"; who "guards the city";  who "gives to His beloved" even as we sleep.  It is our Gracious God who gifts us with children.. who rewards us with "fruit" of our wombs. ( 127:1 -3)

Praise to the Lord, who blesses those who walk "in His ways".  He blesses us with food to eat; with happiness and well-being; with spouses and children;  and with grandchildren!!!! ( 128:1-3, 6)
"Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord" (v4)

Charles Spurgeon writes that he believes that the Lord Jesus is the "Chief Musician of the sky, the Master of the sacred choir.."  Although He is worshipped Himself in His deity, as "Man, the Head of the redeemed humanity, the ever living Priest of the Most High God, I believer that He praises Jehovah in heaven."   Is " not Jesus Christ the sweetest of all singers?" Sprugeon asks.  " Is not Jesus Christ 'in the midst of the congregation' gathering up all the notes that come from sincere lips , to put them into the golden censer and to make them rise as precious incense before the throne of the infinite Majesty?"  Jesus is our great example and therefore, Sprugeon entreats us, " We ought to spend at least a little time every day in adoring contemplation."  Sing a hymn or a chorus.  Praise Him in the morning when your eyelids open and in the evening before sleep comes.  Praise Him at midnight, if we are awakened.  But, take care, he says, that "our praise is not merely lip service, but that of the heart.  Let us sing, and so sing that God Himself hears."
( From The Fulness of Joy)

Father in heaven, we declare Your great Name and we praise You among our fellow men.  You alone are God.  You alone surround us and help us.  You are on our side!  How precious is that truth. Thank You.  You build our families and bless us with children and grandchildren.  How wonderful are Your works and Your grace to us.  Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow!  Jesus, lead us into songs of praise today.  Fill us with the joy of giving thanks and praise for all things.. big and small.. that we might magnify the Name of the Lord with You and through You.  For it is in Your Name we pray. Amen.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Psalm 123 " To Thee I lift up my eyes, O Thou who art enthroned in the heavens; Behold as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress; so our eyes look to the Lord our God, until He be gracious to us. " 

How does a servant or a maid " look to the hand"  of their master?  Carefully, constantly, fearfully, faithfully, and perhaps longingly.   The master's slightest motion will bring to faithful servant running to meet the need or do the will of his master.  Watch a show about royalty and you will see it in action. Complete attention is demanded of the servant. It is also, by the hand of the master, that the servant receives.. anything.  A good master would supply his servants with all that is needed.  And we have the best Master of all!

The psalmist leads us towards Jerusalem, towards the Mercy seat, towards the Throne of Grace.. and bids us watch the Savior's Hand.  Watch and pray. " Be gracious to us, O Lord, be gracious to us." 
What can we do without His grace?  Nothing.  Nothing good.  Nothing worthy.  Nothing fruitful.
Our role, as faithful servants, is to watch His Hand and do His bidding.
Our greatest need, in order to do this, is His grace.
Our faithful Master has promised to supply all that is needed.. out of the riches of His kindness and His glory, and His wisdom.
Psalm 145:15-16 " The eyes of all look to Thee, and Thou dost give them their food in due time.  Thou dost open Thy hand and dost satisfy the desire of every living thing. "

This is the Master's hand to which we lift our eyes, the Master Who is our Father and our God.  This is the Master to whom we ask, " Be gracious to us, O Lord, be gracious to us. " 

Again, the book one thousand gifts comes along with more on this subject.. for its theme is eucharisteo - grace+thanksgiving= joy... "The first secret step into eucharisteo's miracle is gratitude for the seemingly insignificant - a seed- this plants the giant miracle. Like the Last Supper, eucharisteo is in the eating of crumbs, the swallowing down one mouthful. Do not distain the small. The whole of life - even the hard - is made up of the minute parts, and if I miss the infinitesimals, I miss the whole..... There is a way to live the big of giving thanks in all things. It is this: to give thanks in this one small thing. The moments will add up."

In response to every gift, every small detail, every grace that He supplies, we in turn give thanks.  We give praise to our Mighty God, who loves us in great detail, in every detail. 

 I am convicted by Spurgeon's words in his book, The Fullness of Joy.  " How many times this week have you praised the dear Redeemer to your friends? Have you done it once?.... Undoubtedly, this week you have murmured and complained, spoken against your neighbors, spread abroad some small amount of scandal, or just talked carelessly and without integrity.... Oh, if we saved our breath to praise God, how much wiser we would be! If our mouths were filled with the Lord's praise and with His honor all the day, how much holier! If we would speak of what Jesus has done for us, what good we might accomplish!"  So let us "speak well.. of the Lord's name. " Spurgeon exhorts us, "for every man speaks of what he loves.... "  so , " do not be silent concerning the One who deserves so much from you.... " 

Father in Heaven,  I lift my eyes to You,  to Your Hand, to  You my Lord, the God of heaven and earth.   I want to pay attention to the small graces, the every day gifts of Your abundant care, so that I might give You all praise and thanksgiving.  Let my mouth speak Your praise and by heart give You thanks always, for You are great.  May Your name be magnified in all the earth and in my small life.
I ask this in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, my dear Redeemer.  Amen.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Psalm 122  As the pilgrim traveled towards Jerusalem to attend one of the 3 annual feasts that the Law required, he might sing these "songs of ascents" ( Psalm 120-134)  This psalm brings us into the very gates of Jerusalem, crowded with travelers ready for the celebrations to come.  David, in this song, expresses the deeper desire of his heart - to go beyond the gates and up to the "house of the Lord".  To go up and "give thanks to the name of the Lord."  

David longed to see the tent that he had placed on that sacred site, replaced with a beautiful temple, a place fitting for the Name of the Lord.  He planned for it extensively and made sure that Solomon knew what to do. And, in this psalm, David offered up a prayer - "for the peace of Jerusalem." Necessary to make that happen:

"May they prosper who love you.
May peace be within your walls,
and prosperity within your palaces.
For the sake of my brothers and my friends,
I will now say, 'May peace be within you'
for the sake of the house of the Lord our God
I will seek your good." 
( v6-9)

We hear this exhortation often in Christian circles, " Pray for the peace of Jerusalem".  And, so we should.  But, I never realized that David went on to tell us what his prayer was exactly.  His prayer is for two things:  peace and prosperity.  Prosperity, in the sense of security and tranquility, safety.  David's prayer for Jerusalem's peace and prosperity is important only "for the sake of the house of the Lord our God." Not for government or commerce.  Not even for the pursuit of happiness in itself.  But, for the spiritual life of his people with their God. 

 It brings to mind Paul's prayer in I Timothy 2:2  where we are urged to pray for those in authority 
" ... in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity..."  Why?  Because, "this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." 

David's hope and prayers was for his people to always be able to come into the Temple and worship the Lord. 
Paul's hope and prayer was that no matter what country men live in, they would be free to come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved through Jesus Christ. 

So, also that is our hope and prayer, for Jerusalem, for Washington, DC  and for every nation on this globe, that God would bring peace and tranquility to kings and presidents, to dictators and rulers, so that men and women will be able to know the truth about Jesus and be saved. 

Father in Heaven,  Jehovah Shalom, the Lord our peace,  we ask for Your peace in Jerusalem and in Washington.  Only You can bring tranquility to our lives and salvation for our souls.  We look to You once again, for You are the Giver of all grace, the Keeper of all Your children, the Savior who has adopted us into Your own family and we give You thanks.  We give You praise, Holy Father, for You are worthy of all our worship, our adoration, and our delight.  Fill us with Your Spirit and let our tongues speak forth Your glory today. Amen. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Psalm 121  I cannot read this psalm without hearing my daughter's sweet voice singing these wonderful words with her college group... such a beautiful song.  

Where does our help come from?  " My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." 

The Lord Himself is our "keeper".  Our protector.  Our bodyguard.  Our hedge.
He has stationed Himself at our right hand.  We are covered!  We are safe.
He has devoted Himself to protect us from the strongest powers.. from the sun, the moon, and "from all evil." 
He has pledged to guard our souls.
Even when we are "going out" or "coming in".
He is our Keeper forever.

Sometimes we must 'go out'... into the world, into places where the simplicity, the security, and the peace of home are absent.  We go out to battle in this world that wants war.. that wants to argue and attack the ways of Christ.  We are pilgrims on a journey to the Heavenly City, just as the psalmist writes as a pilgrim on the rugged trip to Jerusalem.   As we travel through valley of shadows or on rocky, slippery slopes... as we travel through the dark nights and the hot, sun-blasted days... we desperately need the One who calls Himself our Keeper.  

And He is there, at our side! He does not "slumber or sleep"!  In the night, He is our hedge of protection.  In the heat of the day, He is our shade.  In the midst of battle, He is our shield and defender. And when we finally make it home... He will lead us lovingly into the Blessed City, our Home forever.

As pilgrims we need to keep our eyes lifted up... towards Jerusalem, towards the mountain of God, toward the place where  His Name has been established... towards Jesus.  We need to make this our daily habit.

Again, I find  a word of exhortation from one thousand gifts by Ann Voskamp,  " Learning requires practice - sometimes even mind-numbing practice.... Practice is the hardest part of learning, and training is the essence of transformation."  She is speaking of the habit of giving thanks for everything. But, I think it also applies here.. to the habit of lifting our eyes to the Lord, remembering His nearness, His power, and His pledge to be our Keeper.. as we go out and as we come in. And, indeed we find ourselves so thankful that He is our Lord Who has said it..... and it is so!

Thomas à Kempis in The Imitation of Christ also speaks of the pilgrim journey, in a way. He says that in order to obtain true peace we must be "single-hearted".... with our whole hearts fixed on God.  He calls us to  " a fervent desire to grow better every day". Not  better in works or outward things.. but in being free from all passions of this world, so that we might "relish divine things".

" If we would endeavor like brave men to stand in the battle, surely we should feel the assistance of God from Heaven. For He who giveth us occasion to fight, to the end we may get the victory, is ready to succor those that fight, and that trust His grace."  

With God's help, we can find our "fervor and profiting" increasing daily.  It is a battle against ourselves, our will, our own natures.. that is the hardest.  Yet, this is the very thing that will bring us into inward peace and greater joy. We must desire and pursue this pilgrimage of spiritual progress for it will not happen on its own. Like Ann says.. it takes practice and that is the hardest part of learning!

Where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord!

Father in Heaven, You are my Keeper.  Hallelujah!  Praise Your Wonderful Name!  Help me to keep my eyes lifted up to You.  Whether my way today is steep, or dark, or sunny and hot... I know that You are by my side and I give You thanks.  Oh, Lord, let my heart be transformed and my habits made perfect in accordance to Your good and perfect and acceptable will. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Psalm 120  The tongue -  James calls it a fire.. so small, yet so dangerous.  It sets "the course of our life" on fire.  It is restless.  It is poisonous. It is powerful.   This psalm is a prayer for deliverance from " lying lips" and a "deceitful tongue".  
The tongue is a "sharp arrow." 
It is a "burning coal". 
It desires war and hates peace.

The psalmist is praying for deliverance from the enemy who speaks lies.  But, as I read this, I think that it is also a prayer for me ( and maybe for you, too).   Lord, deliver me from a tongue that is restless, poisonous, and destructive.
We live among the same kind of people that the psalmist did.  They want to argue and fight.  They want their opinions heard and if we disagree, then we are wrong.  " I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war." ( v7)  Yep!  That is our world today.

I have been drawn to reread several books lately.  One is The Imitation of Christ  and another is one thousand gifts by Ann Voskamp.  The third is The Fullness of Joy by Charles Spurgeon.  Today's reading in The imitation of Christ is about "The avoiding of many words".   The author says this, "Oftentimes I could wish that I had held my peace when I have spoken; and that I had not been in company."  We are so ready to talk.. but often it is selfish or harms our own conscience.  "Therefore we must watch and pray, lest our time pass away idly. "   We need to make our conversations about the things that edify, the things that "further our spiritual growth."  This statement stands out, "Evil habit and neglect of our own growth in grace do give too much liberty to inconsiderate speech."  

So, I also need to add to my prayer, Lord deliver me from a tongue that speaks idly or inconsiderately.

What makes it stand out even more to me this morning is what I read in one thousand gifts...
 If you have not read this book, it is the result of the author's challenge to write a list of 1000 things that she loves.  This led her to a life-changing experience of God's grace.  She talks about the word "eucharisteo" which is translates as thanksgiving... but comes from "charis" which is grace,  and "chara" which is joy.  Grace.. thanksgiving.. joy.  God gifts us.. with everything!  We give Him thanks!  We find joy.  If we miss the grace and forget to be thankful.. we will never find the joy.   

Anyway.. the section I read this morning was about habits.  She quotes Erasmus here,  " A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit."  By taking on this challenge of acknowledging and recognizing the gifts that God has given, by His grace, and by being truly thankful, Ann writes that she is driving out nails of discontent, " I'm hammering nails to pound out nails, ugly nails that Satan has pierced through the world, my heart."  The spikes of discontent.. the "habit of discontentment can only be driven out by hammering in one iron sharper. The sleek pin of gratitude."

So, I add to my prayer.. Lord, deliver me from a tongue that broadcasts my discontent.. and replace it with a habit of thanksgiving for the grace You have bountifully provided.

Back then to Psalm 120 that makes me think about the deceitful tongue and the desire for peace among those who want war, and my thoughts go to James, who not only tells us about the evil of the tongue that cannot be tamed, but also teaches that war.. "quarrels and conflicts" come from evil habits of lust and envy and selfish desires.  "You do not have because you do not ask."  James tells us. ( James 4:2) Or we ask with "wrong motives" ( v3).  But,  God " gives a greater grace". (4:6)  We must not forget that "Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow."  (  James1:17)  James reminds us.   He also reminds us of this, " .. let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger." (1:19) And this, " Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." (4:8).

Father in heaven, You have given me much to think about today.  I do pray that You would take control of my tongue, and not only that, but all of me.  It is out of the heart that evil comes, Jesus taught us, so take my heart.. take all of it and purify it and fill it with the wisdom from above that is "pure.. peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy, and good fruits, unwavering.. without hypocrisy".
You are the Giver of all good gifts and I am thankful, Lord.  Thank You for daily bread. Thank You for forgiveness from sin and for deliverance from evil.  Thank You that it is never to late to be changed... to have a changed tongue and a changed heart.  Thank You that You bring Your Word to life and that Your Spirit awakens us to what is good and perfect, renewing our minds and transforming us so that we can know what Your will is.  Jesus, my Lord and Savior, I pray this in Your Name.  Amen.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Psalm 119:149-176   The final sections of this psalm continue to declare the great worth of God's word:

The Word revives us. ( v149)
The Word draws us near to God. ( v151)
The Word is always Truth. ( v151)
The Word is eternal. ( v152)
The Word brings redemption and salvation. ( v154-155)
The Word is the dividing line between those who are wicked and those who are not. ( v156-160)

The Word brings awe to our hearts. (v161)
The Word brings joy to our hearts. (v162)
The Word brings truth to our hearts. ( v163)
The Word brings praise from our lips. ( v164)
The Word brings peace and stability to our lives. ( v165)

Understanding comes through the Word. (v169)
Deliverance comes through the Word. ( v170)
Righteousness comes through the Word. ( v172)
God's helping Hand is found in His Word. ( v173)

No wonder that the psalmist finds delight in God's Word and we do too!

Father, deepen our love and delight in Your word.  Help us to know and understand Your complete will for us individually through the Word that You have graciously provided for us.  Forgive us for the times we have read the Scriptures and neglected to obey it, to delight in it, or to be in awe of the truth that You have spoken... Draw us nearer, nearer, precious Lord, to Your side. We lift our eyes to seek Your face even now, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. amen.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Psalm 119:98-148

The writer here expresses his longing and desire for the Word of God. It is his food and drink, it is his light, and it is his shield.  The word of God is sweet, it is righteous, and it is wonderful.

The word of God is our source of wisdom.
It is what keeps us from evil.
It is what keeps us from what is false.
It is what keeps us from going astray.
Those who forget God's ways.. are those who become wicked and lost.. prisoners to iniquity and darkness.

Like the psalmist , we must meditate on God's word.. day and night.
It must be everything to us!   If we are to do right and please God, we must esteem His Word and make it our priority in life. God has spoken and we need to listen.  God's word is living and active.. 
if we ignore it, neglect it, and forsake it, we are turning out the light and walking in darkness. 

Oh Father, be gracious to us once more!  Give us hearts to obey Your word!  Revive us!  Establish our footsteps in Your Word and do not allow iniquity to have dominion over us! ( v133).   Father, You have translated us out of the dominion of darkness and into the kingdom of Your Beloved Son.  You have given us light that shines brighter and brighter until the dawning of that Glorious Day to come.
Help us to walk in the Light as He is in the Light!  Help us to know Your Word that is sweeter than honey and purer than gold!  Thank You, Gracious Father and Wonderful Savior, thank You for saving us and making us Your own.  Amen.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Psalm 119: 33-97

The writer continually alternates between his pledge to keep God's word and praying for God to help him learn and understand exactly what those commandments mean.   This is the "way" that God leads us, isn't it?  We have a growing desire to know and obey God's word, but we realize more and more that we need His help for us to truly understand exactly what that means in our day to day lives. 

The psalmist puts it this way:

"Teach me, O Lord, the way of Thy statutes." v33
"Give me understanding tha I may observe Thy Law"  v34
" Make me walk in the path of Thy commandments.." v35
"Incline my heart to Thy testimonies.." v36
"Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity..." v37

"And I shall observe it to the end.." v33
"... and keep it with all my heart.." v34
" For I delight in it.." v35
"For I trust in Thy word.."  v42
"So I will keep Thy law continually, forever and ever.." v44
" and I will walk at liberty." v45

The more the follower of God learns of His Word,  His commandments and precepts .. the more he delights in it, trusts in it, and determines to live his life according to it... for the Word gives:
good discernment
treasures worth more than "thousands of gold and silver pieces"

How do we keep growing in this way?  Like the writer we need to pray.  We need to continually plead with the Lord to gain understanding.  He is the Teacher and we need to listen and learn from Him. 
Pray that the Lord Himself will teach you His word.  Then when He does, determine to keep it with all your heart.
Delight in the Word. Remember it.  Meditate on it.  Speak of it.  Trust it.  Wait for it.  Long for it.  Value it. 

Father in heaven,  thank You for the beautiful words that You have provided for us in Your Word.  How blessed we are to have the Bible at our fingertips.  How more blessed we are when You give us a love for Your Word and lead us deeper into the treasures that we find in it.  Your word is our delight.. will You make us realize that truth more and more?  We are Yours, Lord.  Fill us with Your Spirit and Your lovingkindness.  Fill us with Yourself. Fill us with the desire to keep Your commandments and live  in righteousness that we will not be ashamed at the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Thank You for the hope and  joy that we find in You,  greater than anything on this earth.  I give You all my praise. amen.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Psalm 119 : 1-32   " How blessed are those whose way is blameless."  Over and over in these verses the psalmist talks about the Lord's way and our ways.  It is talking about the course of one' s life, the actions along the way, the journey, the manner of how we live.  True happiness is found when we diligently order our lives according to God's Word. 

God's ways are revealed in His Law.
His ways are observed in His witnesses, those who have sought the Lord with all their hearts.
God's ways are completely righteous.
God's ways will bring no shame.
God's ways are learned.
God's ways are pure.

Our ways are considered pure only when they are according to His Word.
We must seek the Lord with all our hearts, treasure His word in our hearts, learn His words, speak His word, rejoice in His word, delight in His word, and not forget His words!

We need the Lord's bountiful help to live and keep His word.
He must open our eyes to behold the wonderful things in His word.
His work in our hearts is necessary so that we do not wander from His word and do not follow the counsel of any other.
His Word must be our source of all our counsel.

We must confess that our ways are not His ways... they are false and full of grief.
But, when we are revived by His word and we cleave to Him,  when we can say, " I have chosen the faithful way";  it is the Lord who enlarges our hearts so that we can not only walk, but "run the way" of His commandments,

Father in heaven,  teach me Your ways and help me to walk in them.. Thank You for giving me the Truth that is Your Word.  Thank You for Jesus Christ the living Word and testimony of the Truth.
May I cling to You and walk in Your ways every day. Counselor, come and fill my heart with Your Word that I might not sin against You.  I ask this wholly in the Name of Jesus, amen.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Psalms 114-118

Reading a little book by John Piper called The Dangerous Duty of Delight,  where he talks about a lesson he learned from reading C.S. Lewis.  Lewis said that he noticed that it is in our nature to spontaneously praise that which gives us enjoyment... when we delight in something or someone we cannot help but sing it or his/her praise.  Piper says, " Pursuing joy in God and praising God are not separate acts. 'Praise not merely expressed but completes the enjoyment'. Worship is not added to joy and joy is not the by -product of worship. Worship is the valuing of God. and when this valuing is intense, it is joy in God. Therefore the essence of worship is delight in God, which displays His all-satisfying value."

 These psalms in the light of those thoughts, ring out with the praises of God in whom the psalmist(s) has found great delight.

Psalm 114 - We delight in the Lord's deliverance of Israel and His power to make the seas flee and the mountains skip!

Psalm 115 - We delight in the only True God, who " does whatever He pleases."  He, who is "mindful of us" and blesses us.  He is the "maker of heaven and earth".  While others serve idols of silver and gold, who have mouths that don't speak, eyes that don't see, ears that don't hear... etc.  We serve a God  who owns the heavens!

Psalm 116- We delight in the Lord "because He hears my voice and my supplications.  Because He has inclined His ear to me."   We call on His Name and He hears us.  He is gracious and righteous.  He is compassionate.  He deals bountifully with us.  He rescues our souls from death.  And even when we come to the end of our lives.. " Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones."  As Paul said, " to die is gain".  It is gain because we go to the One who calls us His own and brings us to Himself.

Psalm 117- We delight in the Lord's lovingkindness that has been extended to all nations!

Psalm 118- We delight in the Lord who is "good"!  "His lovingkindness is everlasting." He is trustworthy.  He is marvelous.  He is valiant.   We find delight in every day, because He has made it.  We delight in all of His works of salvation, for He Himself has brought it about.

Father in heaven,  Blessed is Your Name in all the earth!  You are the One true God and the Everlasting Father. Thank You for being so good to us. Thank You for qualifying us to be partakers in the inheritance of the saints in light.  You have done this work for us, for we have no way to qualify ourselves for Your kingdom.  Thank You for being loving and kind and patient with us.  Help us to delight in You and glorify Your name forever!  Thank You that we can come to You in the Name of the Beloved Son in who You delight, the Name of Jesus.  Amen.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Psalm 113  "Praise the Lord!"

All who belong to the Lord, will praise Him..  He is a wonderful Master!
For all eternity the Name of the Lord is blessed.  There is never a time when He is not good and worthy of praise.
Day by day by day.. morning to evening, His name is praised. There is not a minute of the day or night when He is not intimately at work in our lives and worthy of our praise.
The Lord is above every nation, every being, every planet, all of creation.. He is "enthroned on high" and yet He looks down at us.. so closely that "He raises the poor from the dust, and lifts the needy from the ash heap,"
He cares about a "barren woman" enough to give her children.

He cares about what gives us joy.
Jesus said He came that we might have life.. abundant life and that our joy would be full.

Father in heaven,  You are gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  All that You have done for us and all that You have planned for us in eternity, we praise You for..  O what grace You have lavished on us who call upon Your Name.  Thank You Gracious Father,  Blessed Savior, and Holy Spirit!  Amen