Wednesday, January 27, 2016

II Chronicles 28  Ahaz is the next king to sit on Judah's throne.  Ahaz was rebellious and turned to every idol and false religion he came across. The more God brought against him, the more he rebelled.  Aram, Israel, Edom, the Philistines... all scored victories against Judah because of Ahaz and his idolatry. Verse 19 says , " For the Lord humbled Judah because of Ahaz king of Israel, for he had brought about a lack of restraint in Judah and was very unfaithful to the Lord."  Ahaz  tried to make a pact with the king of Assyria, who double-crossed him in the end. But, even that didn't stop Ahaz and make him turn back to the Lord.  He became even more unfaithful.  He closed up the temple, he set up more idols, and he offered his own children up in fire. When he died, they buried him, but not in the tomb with the kings of Israel.

There is an interesting thing that happens during all of this. The people of Israel  go against Judah and take captive 200,000 women and children and much spoil.  But, a prophet, Obed, meets the army as they are returning to Samaria.  He tells them that the Lord has given Judah into their hand because of her unfaithfulness, but they must not add to their own sins by making their relatives into their slaves. This would bring about more judgement on them than they already had.  Israel's leaders listened! They left the captives and the spoils in the hands of some select men, who clothed and fed and cared for the poor captives. They took them back to Jericho and left them there and returned to Samaria. (verses7-15)

Why would Ahaz harden his heart to the Lord so much?  His father "ordered his ways before the Lord his God".  His son, Hezekiah, would bring great reforms and turn the nation back to the Lord. But Ahaz absolutely refused to bow his knee to the only True God, choosing instead to sacrifice and burn incense under every green tree!  We look around our world and see the same thing happening here.  People look to anything else for wisdom, success, hope... but refuse to seek the Only One God who can rescue them from their sin and despair.

Oh Father in heaven, let Your Truth be proclaimed in the nations!  Let Your Word be the Light of the peoples of the earth. Come and fill us Holy Spirit, give us boldness to speak up.  And let the hearts of all people be contrite and broken before You. We need You Lord! Thank You for loving and caring. Thank You for patiently waiting and calling us to Yourself. Be glorified! Amen!

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