Tuesday, January 26, 2016

II Chronicles 25  The next king to rule in Judah was Amaziah.  Amaziah decided to hire 100,000 soldiers from Israel to go with his 300,000 soldiers against Seir.  But when a prophet came to him and told him that this was not right and would not be successful because the Lord was not with Israel, Amaziah sent them home.  This made them angry and they raided and looted some cities of Judah as they returned to their homes.   Then, Amaziah went to battle Seir and won.. but, he took the idols of the Edomites and brought them back home!  He set them up and bowed before them... "Then the anger of the Lord burned against Amaziah, and He sent him a prophet who said to him, 'Why have you sought the gods of the people who have not delivered their own people from your hand?'"

Amaziah wouldn't listen to the prophets and he wouldn't listen to anyone else either.  He decided to go up against Israel next.  The king of Israel at the time was Joash.  This is his reply to Amaziah's challenge, " Behold, you have defeated Edom, and your heart has become proud in boasting. Now stay at home; for why should you provoke trouble that you, even you, should fall and Judah with you?"   But, Amaziah went up anyway and was defeated and captured.  Jerusalem was attacked, part of the wall torn down, gold and silver from the temple and from the palace taken, and hostages taken too.  The foolish decisions made by Amaziah brought God's hand against him and his people.

Chapter 26 After Amaziah was taken, his son Uzziah was made king of Judah.  He was only 16 at the time.  He started out well under the guidance of Zechariah, a man of God, who "had understanding through the vision of God; and as long as he sought the Lord, God prospered him." ( v5)
Uzziah was successful in warfare.  He defeated the Philistines and the Arabians.  The Ammonites gave him tribute too.
He was successful in strengthening Judah.  He built towers and fortified them.
He was successful in business - he had livestock and vineyards that thrived.
He was successful in building up the military.  He produced and elite army, he equipped them well, and even invented machinery for" shooting arrows and great stones."

But, all this success, which made Uzziah strong, also made him proud. And, in his arrogance and pride, Uzziah "acted corruptly".  He went into the temple and burned incense, something that only the consecrated priests were allowed to do.  When the priests confronted Uzziah he became angry.  ".. and while he was enraged with the priests, the leprosy broke out on his forehead before the priests in the house of the Lord, beside the altar of incense." (v19)

King Uzziah spent to the rest of his life living alone, being a leper.  His son Jotham ruled in his stead.
( Chapter 27)  Jotham learned from his father's experiences.  He "did right in the sight of the Lord".
He built cities and fortresses to protect Judah.  "So Jotham became mighty because he ordered his ways before the Lord his God."

We make the choice to live according to our own wills or according to the Father's will.  When we walk according to the Lord's commands, He helps us.  When we choose to do anything outside of that, we will fail.  Again, these examples teach us that it is in staying the course and standing firm in our obedience to God that counts.  Both Amaziah and Uzziah started out well, but allowed pride to come in between them and the Lord.

Father in heaven,  Hallowed be Your Name.  There is no man or woman, no king or president, whose name should be exalted.  Let Your Name alone be glorified and praised.  Father, may Your Kingdom come.  May Your will be done, here on earth as it is in heaven.  Father, we ask You for daily bread, for You alone know our needs and provide for us.  We ask You to forgive our sins, Lord, for You alone can grant us pardon and remove the guilt of our transgressions.  We forgive those who have sinned against us, in obedience to Your commandments. We ask that You lead us in Your ways, in righteousness and truth .  We ask that You deliver us from the evil one.   Father, the glory and honor and power is Yours.  You are our Wonderful God and Savior and it is in the Name of Jesus, Your Son that we pray. amen.

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