Monday, January 25, 2016

II Chronicles 23-24   Joash, the infant son of Ahaziah, was rescued from the murderous hands of Athaliah.  Hidden for 6 years in the Temple, Joash was raised by Jehoiada the priest.  At the age of 7, Joash was proclaimed king of Judah.   Jehoiada brought together all the priests, levites, and heads of households together, made a covenant between them and this your kings and the Lord.  Athaliah was killed and Joash sat on the throne.

Joash was a good king, at first.  He supported and even insisted on the restoration of the Lord's house. He did what was "right in the sight of the Lord all the days of Jehoiada the priest."  But, after Jehoiada died at the age of 130 years old... things changed.  The officials of Judah convinced Joash to abandon God and to serve the idols. They would not listen to the prophets and even struck down Jehoiada's son Zechariah.  "Thus Joash the king did not remember the kindness which his father Jehoiada had shown him, but he murdered his son. "

The Lord takes up the side of the righteous and brings justice upon the wicked.  The army of the Arameans came against Judah and Jerusalem.  They were only a small number, " Indeed the army of the Arabians came with a small number of men; yet the Lord delivered a very great army into their hands, because they had forsaken the Lord, the God of their fathers. Thus they executed judgement on Joash."   Joash was left behind, sick and weak.  His own servants conspired against him and killed him because of what he had done to Zechariah.  His son, Amaziah, became king in his place.

How does this happen?  How does someone who  seemingly loved the Lord at one point of his life, turn around and become so evil?  How heart-breaking!  Joash had every opportunity to be a great king.  Yet, he must have had a divided heart.  Influenced by Jehoiada, he did well.  Influenced by the officials of Judah, he turned to idols.

There is a truth taught in this passage that we, here in America, need to hear... when a nation abandons God, refuses to listen to the warnings of His people, and continually transgress His commandments... they will not prosper.  "Because you have forsaken the Lord, He has also forsaken you." ( 24:20)   It doesn't take a huge army to destroy a nation who has forsaken God.. Judgement will come, just like it did in the days of Joash.

O God of Wonders, Lord of all, our nation is being influenced by evil men, tempted to forsake You, even as Israel did in the days long ago.  Forgive us Lord!  Bring revival and repentance into the hearts of this nation.  Raise up men and women of God who will not worship the culture of this evil world, but will turn back to You, the only True God.  Do not deliver us into the hands of the enemies, Lord, but bring us back into relationship with Yourself we pray.  In the mighty name of Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords. Amen.

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