Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Colossians 2

All wisdom and knowledge are in Christ.  This is "true knowledge" which we can have full assurance and confidence in.  We need to put that together in our thinking, intellectually/mentally steadfast, SO THAT - we won't be deluded by:
"persuasive arguments" 
or "taken captive through philosophy and empty deception" 
or "elementary principles of the world"
or man's traditions.

Paul encourages his readers to "walk in Him" whom they have received.
They have shown "good discipline" and "stability of faith in Christ".  
They have been "firmly rooted and now built up in Him ."
They are "established in (their ) faith".  
They are filled with gratitude.

But, they are under the attack of the enemy, who is trying to delude and deceive them.  So, Paul wants them to focus back on the "true knowledge" of Christ:
"For in Him all the fulness of Deity dwells in bodily form."  ( 2:9)
".. and in Him you have been made complete.." 
"and He is the head over all rule and authority"
In Christ, believers are circumcised "without hands" - what is removed is the "body of flesh "
In Christ, believers are "buried with Him in baptism" and" raised up with Him through faith "
In Christ, believers, who were dead in their sins, are made "alive together with Him"
In Christ, believers are "forgiven.. all our transgressions"
In Christ, believers have every certificate of debt "cancelled out"- taken out of the way; nailed to the cross.

Christ has "disarmed the rulers and authorites."  He has triumphed over them.  He has made a public display of them.  Christ Jesus is King!

Don't let anyone else act as your judge. (v16)
Don't be defrauded by false religious activists. ( v18)
Do hold fast to the Head - to Christ. (v19)
Do know that you have died to the "elementary principles of the world". (v20)
Don't submit to man's commandments and teachings that have the appearance of wisdom but are "self-made" religious ideals with no value. ( v23)

We are complete in Christ!
We have our "flesh" removed.
We have died with Him.
We have been raised, made alive, with Him.
We have been forgiven in Him.
We have every debt cancelled by Him.

This is true knowledge by which we are encouraged, knit together, made rich,  and given full assurance of!

Father, thank You. What wonderful grace that You have given to me.  To reveal true knowledge and wisdom to me in Christ. He is the Head, the ruler, the authority over all things. By Him and through Him and for Him all things were created. He is before all things and He holds all things together . He is my hope of glory. Praise to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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