Tuesday, January 19, 2016

II Chronicles 14-16   Asa becomes the king of Judah after his father Abijah.  This account gives more information about Asa than the account in I Kings 15.  We find that Asa did many things that were "good and right in the sight of the Lord his God".   He removed a lot of the idols, he commanded his people to "seek the Lord God of their fathers and to observe the law and the commandment".  He fortified the cities and he called on the Lord when they were facing an army of a million men from Ethiopia.

But after doing well and having a heart that was considered "blameless all his days", something happened to Asa in his later years.  When confronted by Baasha the king of Israel, who tried to build a barrier so that no one could come in or out of Judah, Asa turned to the king of Aram instead of to the King of Glory as he had before.  When the prophet Hanani came to Asa to point out this error, Asa threw him in prison and did not listen.  We are told that Asa was angry.   In his anger he began to oppress his own people.  And, when Asa was stricken with disease in his feet, he refused to seek the Lord for healing. When he died, he was buried in his own tomb, elaborately prepared with spices and perfume.

Still, the final summary of Asa's life was that he was devoted to the Lord his God all the days of his life.  Asa started so well.   He sought the Lord and he led others to seek Him too.  His prayer recorded in 14:11 is worth noting,
"Lord, there is no one besides Thee
to help in the battle
between the powerful and those who
have no strength ;
so help us, O Lord our God,
for we trust in Thee, 
and in Thy name have come against
this multitude, 
O Lord, Thou are our God;
let not man prevail against Thee. "

The army of Judah had 300,000 and Benjamin added 280,000.  The army of Ethiopia was 1,000,000. 
Yet the Lord heard Asa's prayer and "shattered" the enemy. 

Azariah the prophet came to Asa and encouraged him to keep walking with the Lord.  ".. the Lord is with you when you are with Him. And if you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you. " ( 15:2)  Asa believed and acted on this.   Jews from Ephraim,  Manasseh, and Simeon defected from Israel and came to Judah because they saw that the Lord was with Asa.  The nation renewed their covenant with the Lord "to seek the Lord God of their fathers with all their heart and soul;"   They sought Him"earnestly and He let them find Him". ( v15)

Hanani reminded Asa of this, " For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His."  Asa's heart had changed. He stopped seeking the Lord for some reason. How sad. 

We are called to be overcomers.  We are commanded to remain steadfast, to stand firm in the Lord.  In Ephesians Paul writes, " Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm."   We stand firm when we stay girded with truth, clothed with righteousness, shod with peace, shielded by faith, covered with salvation, holding the Word, and praying at all times.   God is able to keep us and He is faithful to do so.  But, we must keep seeking Him with all our hearts and all our souls, for it when we keep seeking Him that He lets us find Him.  

Father, Holy God and Mighty Lord,  help us, for there is none like You.  When we are tempted and troubled, when we are foolish and arrogant... when we are stubborn and angry, please forgive us and draw us back to the Truth.  O may we stand firm, holding on to Jesus, our Savior and King.  We desire to seek You always and to never turn our faces from You.  Hold us in Your strong arms and mighty hands we ask, in Jesus we pray, amen. 

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