Friday, January 22, 2016

II Chronicles 21  After Jehoshaphat died, Jehoram, his son, became king.  This was the oldest son who was married to Ahab's daughter, Athaliah. She was as evil as her mother Jezebel.  Jehoram chose to walk in the ways of Ahab instead of his own father.  The first thing he did after establishing himself as king, was to kill all of his brothers.

One problem after another came upon Judah because of Jehoram's rebellion against the Lord.
Edom revolted.
Libnah revolted.
The Philistines and the Arabs came against them.
All of his sons and wives were kidnapped, except for 1, Jehoahaz, also called Ahaziah.

Then, Jehoram was struck by a painful disease that caused his bowels to come out. When he finally died it is written, " he departed with no one's regret,"

What a sad life and legacy. Jehoram reigned 8 years. He was a descendant of David, but he did not seek God.

Chapter 22  Ahaziah took his father's place as king of Judah, but only reigned 1 year.  He listened to his mother, Athaliah, and did evil like his grandfather Ahab.  He joined up with Jehoram the king of Israel, his uncle to fight against the king of Aram.  But, God had anointed Jehu to cut off all the house of Ahab, and Ahaziah also was killed.

Athaliah, upon hearing of her son's death, killed all the royal offspring and declared herself queen.
But, Jehoshabeath, Ahaziah's sister hid Joash and took him to the Lord's house for 6 years while Athaliah reigned.

Jehoshabeath was married to Jehoiada the priest. She was the sister of Ahaziah, the daughter of Jehoram and Athaliah ( ?)... yet, she married a priest of the Lord and did a courageous thing, rescuing her nephew, Joash.

The influence of one woman is tremendous.  Athaliah influenced her husband and her son to do evil, but Jehoshabeath, acted righteously and saved Joash.

Father, I ask that I might be a woman who influences those around her to do what is good and right in your eyes.  Keep my heart pure and my mind fixed on You. Lead me in the ways of righteousness and love. Thank You for preserving a people for Yourself.  Thank You for salvation through Jesus Christ the Lord.  Amen

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