Wednesday, January 20, 2016

II Chronicles 17-21 Jehoshaphat, the son of Asa became king at the age of 35.   Jehoshaphat sought the Lord and followed David's example.  Not only did he take down idols, but he sent out priests and levites all over Judah to teach the Word of the Lord.  He fortified the nation and strengthened the army.   He was well respected and even feared by the surrounding nations.   But, Jehoshaphat made one terrible mistake, he allied himself with Ahab, king of Israel, by having his son marry Ahab's daughter.

Chapter 18 gives the account of Jehoshaphat going up to war with Ahab.  To his credit, Jehoshaphat was not swayed by 400 false prophets, knowing they were not speaking for the Lord.  Yet when Micaiah came to speak the truth, Jehoshaphat didn't heed his warning.   He escaped with this life and Ahab was killed anyway, but it was not a wise move.

When Jehoshaphat returned to Jerusalem he was met by Jehu, another prophet and reminded that he needed to "set your heart to seek God" and not to "help the wicked and love those who hate the Lord..."  Jehoshaphat, then returned to leading the nation "back to the Lord, the God of their fathers."
One of his priorities was to set up righteous judges.   He instructed them wisely.

First, they were instructed to know their position - " Consider what you are doing, for you do not judge for man but for the Lord who is with you when you render judgement."   A righteous judge must recognize that he serves a Master who has authority over all.  He needs to have the fear of the Lord upon him.  He must be careful to please Him.  He must not allow unrighteousness , partiality, or bribery in his judgements.
Also, they needed to know their priorities - to be faithful, wholehearted, and resolute.
Faithful - firm, steady, stable, and truthful
Wholehearted - complete and perfect, peaceable, just
Resolute - strong, courageous, valiant, holding fast

In chapter 20 we learn about another war, this time Moab and Ammon come together against Judah. This time Jehoshaphat "turned his attention to seek the Lord."  All of Judah gathered together to fast and pray and to seek the Lord.  Jehoshaphat leads the nation in prayer:
"O Lord, the God of our fathers,
art Thou not God in the heavens?
And art Thou not ruler over all the 
kingdoms of the nations?
Power and might are in Thy hand
so that no one can stand against Thee. 
Didst Thou not, O our God,
drive out the inhabitants of this land before Thy people
Israel, and give it to the descendants
of Abraham Thy friend forever?
And they lived in it, and have built
Thee a sanctuary there for Thy name, saying,
Should evil come upon us, the sword, judgement, or pestilence,
or famine, we will stand before this house and 
before Thee ( for Thy name is in this house)
and cry to Thee in our distress, and
Thou wilt hear and deliver us. " ( v6-9)

"O our God, wilt Thou not judge them?
For we are powerless before this great
multitude who are coming against us;
nor do we know what to do,
but our eyes are on Thee." ( v12)

God answered this prayer in an amazing way.  Judah put their trust in the Lord, praised Him, and gave Him thanks.  As they sang and praised the Lord,  He set up ambushes against the Ammonites, Moabites, and those from Seir.  They destroyed each other, so that by the time Judah got to the battle ground, all they found were dead bodies and loads of spoil, goods, garments, and valuables... just sitting there waiting for them to take. 

The army of Judah returned from the Valley of Beracah, the place of blessing,  rejoicing in the Lord. 

One more thing happened, another alliance that Jehoshaphat tried to make with Israel.  This time they joined together to make ships to go to Tarshish ( like Solomon had done).  But, the Lord was not pleased with this and the ships were broken. 

Father in heaven,  You are the God of nations, the ruler of all kingdoms,  The King of all the people.
We are powerless in the face of our enemies, Lord.  We don't know what to do in this age of immorality, violence, terrorism, and greed.  But our eyes are on You!  We turn our attention to seek You, Lord.  To be Your people, Your servants, living faithfully and resolutely, careful to please You and taking no part in unrighteousness.   Keep us holy and blameless in Christ Jesus we pray. Amen. 

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