Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I Kings 9  The Lord appears to Solomon for the 2nd time after the dedication of the temple.  Once again, He reviews His promises for the king and the people of Israel.
If - they obey and walk the worthy walk - then - He will bless.
But, if - they turn away from following Him and turn to other gods - then, He will cast them out.

The temple, God declares will be the place that He will put His Name, His authority, His eyes and His heart - forever... but, with disobedience, will come destruction. Yet, even in the destruction there will be a lesson for the nations.  Forsaking God will always bring adversity. 

This is the truth that we can grasp on to - cling to God, follow His Word, make it a matter of your heart and your soul to walk in the Light of His Truth.  It may not always be easy and it may not be comfortable or even reasonable... but it will always be worth it!  The alternative is to follow another.. whether that is our own ego or another god, the result will be adversity, destruction, and death.  We must not fool ourselves, for that is Satan's goal - and it will happen unless we stay faithful to the One True God.

Father in heaven,  lead us always in the paths of righteousness and deliver us from temptation and from the deceiver.  Gird us always with Your Truth.  Keep our eyes on Jesus, our Great Savior, the example of Righteousness and Peace.  Be glorified in us and in all the earth!  Be exalted O God! For You are great and gracious, merciful, and loving.  Make Your Presence known in our needy and lost world we ask in the Name of the Beautiful One, Jesus. Amen.

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