Friday, October 9, 2015

Ephesians 6:5-9  The worthy walk, the life that pleases God and is worthy of His calling, will include husbands lovingly protecting and encouraging their families in the Lord; wives receiving and respecting their husbands; children obeying their parents and learning the ways of the Lord.  Paul goes outside of the family setting for his last examples... slaves and masters.

Paul's word to slaves includes:
sincerity of heart
good will ( kindness)
serving the Lord

If we are a slave or servant, we can be a good one or a bad one.  We choose.  We can serve with willing obedience or we can grudgingly and angrily do what we have to do. Paul encourages those in service to another, willingly or not, to please the Lord.  "...knowing that whatever good thing each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether slave or free."  Whatever we do, we must recognize that ultimately it is the Lord who we serve.  It is the attitude of our hearts that matter.  "Sincerity" includes generosity, bountifulness, and simplicity.  God does not look on our position, indeed, "there is no partiality with Him".  He looks at our hearts.

The "master" is judged in the same way as the slave. Attitudes of kindness and sincerity are pleasing to God.  "Threatening" or acting other evil ways towards another is unacceptable in the eyes of the Lord.

Again, we need to be continually kept filled with the Holy Spirit, in order to live the right way.  We must go back to Paul's prayer in chapter 3:  Lord, grant us, according to the riches of Your glory, to be strengthened with power through Your Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ dwells in our hearts and that His love fills our very being, and we are filled to the full with God. 

We are Your servants, Heavenly Father.  We come to You with willing hearts, to follow Jesus in ways of righteousness and truth.  May we have sincere and pure hearts to serve You fully.  Help us, Holy Spirit, to hear Your voice, leading us in the ways that are worthy of our God.  Forgive us our sins and may we forgive those who have sinned against us.  Lead us away from the temptations and deliver us from evil. You alone are worthy of honor and glory and power.  May Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

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