Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ephesians 5:22-33  Marriage.  Christ and the Church.  A man and his wife.  How are these two entities the same?  Paul tells us that this is a great mystery, and a wonderful truth for holy living.

"Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord."   The unbelieving world bristles at this command!  They think that this statement is sexist and harmful to a woman.  They have believed the lies and deceptions of Satan, instead of the Truth of God's Word.

 To "be subject", means to place yourself under or subordinate to another.  In this case, a wife to her husband... as to the Lord.  The family unit is meant to reflect the beautiful, intimate relationship of Jesus and His Bride, the church.
Jesus is the "head" of the church - the kephale, the part most easily seized or taken hold of..
He is the Savior.
He is the Sanctifier - cleansing her with His Word.
His desire is to present her "in all her glory" - spotless, holy, and blameless.
He loves her and gave Himself for her.. for us.
It is Jesus, Who as the head, protects His precious bride by placing Himself in the place of danger, covering her with His own body, leading her in paths of righteousness, with all gentleness and patience. 

This is the husband's role as head of his family.  There is no disrespect or demeaning thought towards women in this at all.  If fact, it is the opposite!  God's plan is to provide for His daughters in the most wonderful and loving way.  It is for this reason He created marriage.  A man who loves his wife as he loves his own body will "nourish and cherish"  her.  He will provide everything he can to protect her, encourage her, and make her glorious.. especially in her spiritual life. His desire for his wife will reflect Christ's desire for the church - that she be spotless, blameless, and holy.  That is the kind of love that every woman should want and willingly subject herself to! This is not done by tyranny and dictatorship.. that is not how Christ works.  He gave Himself.. this is the example to follow. 

The wife's role is to accept this God appointed position given to her husband.  As Christians we subject ourselves, we willingly place ourselves, under the Lord Jesus, accepting Him as our Savior, Who gave Himself for our sins.  As wives, we are to willingly place ourselves under the protection and care of our husbands who are following the example of Jesus, loving, nourishing, cherishing, and giving themselves for us. 

Paul sums this up with " Nevertheless let each individual among you also love his own wife even as himself; and let the wife see to it that she respect her husband." verse 33.   The husband's responsibility precedes the wife's response.  When a man loves his wife in the way described above, it will be easy to "respect" him. The full meaning of this word includes the idea of reverence and awe and fear.  If he is all that God desires him to be, then she will respond appropriately.  This is part of what the "worthy walk" is all about.  This is what pleases God.  And we cannot do it without the Spirit of God filling us, strengthening us in our inner man or woman by His power, continually!

Father, thank You for marriage.  Thank You for the beautiful example that Jesus has provided for us.
Help us to believe the Truth and refute the lies. Lead us in Your ways of righteousness and holiness.
We need Your Light and Your Spirit, so we ask once again that You keep filling us with Yourself, so that we can walk in a manner worthy of our calling in Christ Jesus. Amen.

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