Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Ephesians 5 Truth - Christ loves us and "gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma".    

Because of this, we, who believe, are called God's children, and are enabled to imitate Him.  Only those who have received His Son and His Spirit, those who have become new creatures, having died to sin, can live in this way.  This is the only way to walk in a manner worthy of our Holy God.

Again, Paul emphasizes and contrasts the difference that Christ makes in a human life.

We all start out the same - in darkness, disobedient, and slaves to satan - immoral, impure, greedy;  we have no share of the "inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God".  No, instead we were under the "wrath of God".  

But, when we are redeemed and set free by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and belong to Him, we are no longer in darkness, but in Light.  This transforms us and the result is "fruit of the light" - "all goodness and righteousness and truth".   He desires for us to be "holy and blameless".

When light comes into a place it exposes what the darkness had kept hidden.  This is what pleases God - that we, the light, expose the hidden things in darkness - those things that are shameful and deceptive, those things that bring God's wrath instead of His favor. Those things in our own lives and those things in the world.

We must " be careful how ( we) walk", Paul tells us.
We need to be wise.  
We need to make the most of our time.  
We must understand what the will of God is.  
We must be filled with His Spirit - continually.  
We must not allow ourselves to be under the control of any other thing or person.  
We must be overflowing with the Word of truth - in "psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord." 
We must be filled with thanksgiving "for all things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father"
And we must be "subject to one another in the fear of Christ".   We can help each other to grow into mature christians, by being accountable to one another.  This is a gift that God has given to us, not a yoke He has put upon us.  Husbands help their wives, wives help their husbands, parents help their children....

Father,  thank You for the great salvation we have in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Thank You for the Helper, Your Spirit, who has been given to us and who fills us with strength according to Your power that we might walk in a worthy manner, in ways that please You.  Let Your Light shine into each of our hearts, revealing those things hidden by darkness, so that we might confess and repent and be forgiven.  Purify us and refine us by Your Grace.  Sanctify us through and through as only You can.  For You are faithful and You alone will bring it to pass.  Praise Your Holy Name. Amen.

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