Monday, October 5, 2015

Ephesians 4  Paul pleads with his readers, including us, to "walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called."   Our walk - our lifestyle, deportment, or occupation - as we journey throughout our lives- needs to be worthy of our calling.  God has called us by name - invited us - to follow Jesus, to be "imitators of God, as beloved children".   Everything we do, think, speak, and desire should be based on His will, on what is good, acceptable and perfect in His sight..

Paul tells us that this worthy walk begins with "humility and gentleness" ( v2).  A person who is walking in this manner will show patience and forbearance, in love.  We will be "diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."  
We will live like one body.
We will walk in one Spirit.
We will have one hope.
We will serve one Lord.
We will hold one faith.
We will worship One God, our Father, who is "over all and through all and in all." 

 Now, we are not able to do this on our own. God has brought us together and given us the equipment needed to help one another in our journey.
First of all, each of us has been given "grace... according to the measure of Christ's gift". 
He has given "apostles... prophets... evangelists.. pastors, and teachers".
The purpose of these gifted servants of God is to equip all of us for the "work of service" To prepare each of us to be occupied with ministering and serving.   In this way we build up the "body of Christ" - the church.

The ultimate result is that " we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fulness of Christ."  To be fully grown, working properly, complete in Him.

When we are living this way we will no longer be "tossed here and there by waves, carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by the craftiness of deceitful scheming"  We are reminded that Satan is the father of lies and those who are liars are his children.  If we are walking in and "speaking the truth in love".. we are growing up like Christ,  and Satan can no longer persuade us with his lies.

Verses 17-19 give a clear picture of life on the wrong path - how the "Gentiles" or unbelievers walk:
Depraved thinking
"darkened" understanding
"excluded from the life of God"( alienated from God)
Ignorant ( no knowing or understanding truth)
Hard hearted ( stupidity or callousness)
Given to sensuality( filthiness and licentiousness)
Practicing "every kind of impurity with greediness".
Sounds familiar doesn't it? This is clearly seen in our world today...

But, this is not how we are to walk.  We have come to know Christ, we have learned what He said, we have been taught Truth. We can make the choice - to lay aside the old self with all its corruption and put on the "new self" which is in His likeness.  We start by being "renewed in the spirit of your mind".  We have been made new, created to be like Him , in "righteousness, and holiness, of the truth". 
Evidence of this transformation will look like Jesus:
We will not lie, but speak the truth.
We will not allow anger to result in sin.. but we will deal with it righteously,
We will not "give the devil an opportunity" - SO IMPORTANT!
We will not steal, but we will work hard and help those in need.
We will control our tongues.. speaking what is helpful and encouraging, not unwholesome.
We will not grieve the Holy Spirit.  We will not make Him sorrowful.
We will put away bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander and malice.
We will instead act in kindness, be tenderhearted, forgiving.. walking in love.

I went to a seminar this weekend on spiritual warfare.. as I think about this passage I am reminded of something the speaker pointed out -  God is light and we must stay within the circle of His Light - His Truth.  The moment we move outside of His Light, we open a door for Satan to attack.  As long as we stay in the Light, we are safe.  To give in to any of the temptations that lead us down the unworthy path.. Satan will have his hooks into us.  To stay on the right path, to walk the "worthy" walk, we must stay in the Light. We must stay in God's Presence, through the Word of His Truth and through the power of His Spirit.

Father, have Your way in me today.  Fill me with Your Spirit and strengthen me with Your power to live  a worthy walk with You today. Amen.

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