Thursday, October 29, 2015

I Kings 10-11  Chapter 10 is the story of the Queen of Sheba and her visit to Solomon.   I wonder at the significance of this woman and why this story is included both here and in the book of Chronicles.
She came with questions and left with answers.  Significantly, she blesses the Name of the Lord as she goes.   Jesus mentions this visit in Matthew 12:24 " The Queen of the South shall rise up with this generation at the judgment and shall condemn it because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon and behold, something greater than Solomon is here."  

This woman had great wealth and power.  She was apparently well educated, well aware of what was going on in other nations besides her own.  She may have wanted to increase trade with Israel.  But, whatever the circumstances, the most important thing is that she recognized the Hand of God.   Jesus, in referencing this, warns his listeners that they are failing to see what she saw.  They had God's Son right in their sight, in their very presence.. but were too blind to see Him. 

Chapter 11 is the sad story of Solomon's failure.  He takes all these wives.  He turns to all their false gods.  He loses the favor of God. Only one tribe will remain in the control of David's descendants.  The rest will be torn away .  The peace that Solomon had enjoyed was also shattered.  God raises up Hadad the Edomite, Rezon from Zobah, and Jeroboam from the Ephramites.  All of these would bring about the end of a united Israel.   God brought judgement, just like He said He would, because Solomon turned away from Him.

40 years after the glorious beginning of Solomon's reign, Solomon dies.  His son Rehoboam is next in line for the throne.  As far as I can tell this is Solomon's only son. 700 wives and 300 concubines.. and one son.  Would like to know the rest of that story....

Father  in Heaven, we do acknowledge You, the Lord of all the earth.  There is none like You.  Open our eyes Lord, to see You clearly, to know You more each day, and to walk with You in faith and devotion.  O Lord God, Almighty One, lead us not into temptations but deliver us from the evil one. We lift up our souls to You and You alone. We ask this in the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.

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