Thursday, October 22, 2015

I Kings 3   Solomon may have only been 20 years old or so when he became king.  We learn here that his first marriage is to the daughter of Pharaoh as a political alliance.  Later, in  Chapter 11, we are told that Solomon married 700 wives and had 300 concubines also. Solomon " held fast to these in love." The daughter of Pharaoh is included along with women of many nationalities.  With all the wisdom that God had given to him, Solomon acted from his emotional attachment to his wives and allowed them to turn his heart from God to worship idols.

But, here in chapter 3 it is written that "Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statutes of his father David, except he sacrificed and burned incense on the high places."   That one exception perhaps was the foothold that Satan would use to turn Solomon's heart as he yielded to the temptations aroused by his many foreign wives.

Nevertheless, Solomon begins well.  He goes to Gibeon to present offerings, sacrifices to the Lord.  II Chronicles 1 explains that the tabernacle that Moses had made was standing in Gibeon, about 5 miles from Jerusalem. Although the Ark of the Covenant had been moved to Jerusalem and placed in a tent that David had constructed for it, all of the other furniture, including the altar, was still at Gibeon.  While in Gibeon, Solomon has a dream from the Lord.  In the dream, God says to Solomon, "Ask what you wish me to give you."  And we know how Solomon answers well, asking for wisdom and understanding in order to lead the people of Israel .  We also remember that this pleased the Lord and  was immediately granted, along with wealth and honor.

God is willing to extend His blessings on Solomon even while knowing that Solomon will fail.  There is an important condition that the Lord always extends - "And if you walk in My ways.... "  God's blessings are abundant and wonderful and amazing.. but they are given only to those who obey.  Deuteronomy 28: 1-2 " Now it shall be, if you will diligently obey the Lord your God, being careful to do all His commandments.. all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you will obey the Lord your God."

This is the Truth that we need to grasp today - God is the source of every blessing, every good gift comes from His hands.  And, He is willing to give, He is able to give, and in fact, He desires to give us the desires of our hearts... but, we must realize our part, which is to walk in His ways! Completely yielded to His Spirit's leading, following our Savior, Jesus Christ, even as sheep follow their shepherd.

Father, God of Glory,  You are mysterious in Your majesty and power and wisdom.  We can no more grasp the mystery of the Trinity, of Who You really are,  than we can grasp how a few little cells become a beautiful baby, or how the planets revolve around the sun, or how a heart beats...   You are awesome in all Your works, creating stars and planets, galaxies far beyond our imaginations can travel.  You have made us to know You and to love You and to serve You forever.  And this is our desire. My desire is to know You more and to love You more.  Take my body, a living and holy sacrifice , acceptable to You, my spiritual service of worship.  Renew my mind, transform my life continually from glory to glory,  according to Your will.  Amen.

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