Friday, September 4, 2015

Galatians 5  We have been set free from the Law and from the "worthless elemental things" that enslaved us.  We have been made "sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus".  We are heirs to the promise.  And " It was for freedom that Christ set us free."  We have been redeemed for liberty, not for bondage.  Paul tells the Galatians that if they choose circumcision, they are choosing bondage.  Bondage to the whole Law.  This choice would cut them off from grace and from Christ.

Instead of placing themselves back into a place of bondage and trying to make themselves righteous by the works of the Law, Paul reminds them and us that what really counts is "faith working through love."  We are "called to freedom" and to use that freedom through love to "serve one another."  The whole Law is fulfilled in this way, " You shall love your neighbor as yourself." 

The only way to accomplish this is to "walk by the Spirit".  We are to be "led by the Spirit",  to "live by the Spirit" and to "walk by the Spirit".  The Spirt led life will be marked by fruit: " love , joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. " 

On the other hand, a life that is not led by the Spirit will be marked by "deeds of the flesh": "immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing" etc.  Paul exhorted the believers to not "bite and devour one another..."  and not "to be boastful, challenging one another, envying one another."  

We need a firm grasp on our identity as sons and daughters of God, through Christ.  Then we can walk in intimacy with Him, being led by His Spirit.  It is through this daily walk with Him that we begin to develop the fruit of His Spirit. When He is our life, then and only then, will His life begin to be seen in us.  Then our lives will be marked by His qualities and character instead of the qualities of the flesh driven life.

Father in heaven,  how we love You and desire to live by Your Spirit, walking in Truth and love.  Thank You for making us Your children through Jesus Christ, Your Son.  Be magnified and exalted as Your Life is seen in us.  Deliver us from temptations to live by the flesh, and from the evil one who wants us to rebel against You.  You alone are our God. We yield to You.  In Jesus Christ our Lord we come, Amen.

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