Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ephesians 1:1-14   We bless God, the Father of Jesus Christ.. we praise Him and speak of His greatness.. we honor Him... for Who He is and for what He has done.  It is our heavenly Father, Elohim, our Creator and Sovereign God, Who has blessed us with "every spiritual blessing".    He has provided "every spiritual enrichment needed for spiritual life" ( Bible Knowledge Commentary).
Every blessing that has been provided for us and to us is based on the work of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Father elected and predestined us. 
The Son died for us. 
The Spirit sealed us. 

God chose us. "Salvation is God's doing, not man's" ( BKC)  It is by His Grace.  This election was completed in eternity past.  He chose us so that He could make us holy and blameless.  He predestined us to be His sons and daughters, adopted through Jesus Christ.  This  is " according to the kind intention of His will".  He took pleasure in choosing us, in giving us a glorious destiny, and in making us His children.  This work should and will result in "the praise of the glory of His Grace". 

The Son, Jesus Christ, is the sphere, the cornerstone, the way, that God brings about the plan of His redemption. It is through Jesus that we are adopted.  It is "in" Him that grace has been "freely bestowed".  It is in Him that we have redemption, "through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses".  God's will and pleasure is to bring everything "in heaven and on earth" under the headship of Jesus Christ.  Jews and Gentiles alike are brought into one body through Christ.  This is the mystery, the secret or hidden Truth, now revealed in Him.   Again this results in the "praise of His glory "

The Spirit is the instrument of God's sealing.  He secures us, authenticates us, and certifies our genuineness  in Christ.  He is the "deposit that guarantees our inheritance".  He is the downpayment.  It is by Him that we are guaranteed salvation and heaven... to the praise of the glory of God.

Holy God, our Father and Jesus Christ , our Lord, Precious Spirit of the Living God, we come to give You praise.  We praise the glory of Your Grace.  You have chosen us to be Your own children, by Your grace, and You give us faith to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior.  You give to us Your own Holy Spirit, a deposit of Your Grace to come in eternity.  You have even given us the wisdom and understanding to begin to grasp the greatness of Your Truth.  Open the eyes of our hearts, that we might "know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints."  Fill us, Lord, with Yourself, to know You more.  Amen.

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