Thursday, September 10, 2015

2 Samuel 7  There finally comes a time in David's life that he can rest. No battles to be fought, no enemies to pursue. The Ark is in its place and the nation is being led back to the Lord.  Now David desires to build a temple, a house of cedar for the Ark of the Lord.  At first David is encouraged to do so, by Nathan, the prophet, but then God turns that around.  Instead God, Who has something much better in mind, makes a promise to build a kingdom for David.  A kingdom that will never fail.

David's prayer, written here, shows us his heart for God.  "David the king went in and sat before the Lord.."  What a wonderful picture of prayer!  When we pray, it can often become a ritual, or a quick run down of our loved ones' names, asking for His blessings.   Even if we use the wonderful pattern of the Lord's prayer, a model given us by our Lord Jesus Himself, it can become a recitation... words spoken by our minds but not our  hearts.  What would happen if we started our times of prayer like David?  If we really come into our prayer chamber or closet or whatever.. and "sat before the Lord" ?

The first words David prays are also striking, " Who am I, O Lord God...."  Humbly, David confesses his own unworthiness and God's greatness.  He is overwhelmed with the blessings of God's promises.  He doesn't have anything else to ask for... but wholly receives all that God has offered.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, the meek, the ones that hunger and thirst for righteousness,  and the pure in heart.. Jesus taught on the mount,  and we see David's likeness there.  He was not perfect, like Jesus is, but in his prayers and psalms, we hear his longing for the heart of the Father, His Shepherd and His God.

Father in Heaven, blessed is Your Name in all the earth!  You are the only True God and You alone are worthy of our worship and service.  Thank You for redeeming us, for forgiving us, and for giving us righteousness through Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Son of David.  Father, change our thinking, transform us by renewing our minds and giving us Your thoughts, especially when it comes to prayer.  Forgive us for making it all about ourselves.  Help us in our weakness to come to You, to sit down before You and receive from You all that You long to give us.... Your Presence, Your Love, Your Life, Your Spirit, and Your peace.  All that we need is in Your Hands.  Oh Lord, teach us to pray.

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