Monday, September 21, 2015

2 Samuel 23-24  David, once again showing his flawed humanity, takes a census in Israel.  He finds our that there are 800.000 fighting men in Israel, and 500,000 more in Judah.  After receiving this information, David realizes his sin and repents.  The Lord gives him 3 options - 7 years  of famine; 3 months of being pursued by enemies, or 3 days of pestilence in the land.  David choses the last one because he trusts the Lord's mercy more than an army of men. 70,000 men die of this plague.  Who knows how many women and children died also.  Yet, God did have mercy and stopped the plague before it  reached Jerusalem. David saw "the angel who was striking down the people" while he was standing on the threshing floor of Araunah.  David purchases this land and builds an altar as instructed by the Lord. "Thus the Lord was moved by entreaty for the land, and the plague was held back from Israel." 

David's eyes were opened to see the consequences of his personal sins.  He took responsibility and made the sacrifices.  But, that did not change the fact that many people died.  The results of our sins may not be as drastic as David's, but there are still consequences.. and God still desires our repentance.  He still punishes sin.  He still requires a sacrifice.  Oh, how wonderful to know that Jesus Christ the Lord, has paid it all!  How much we owe Him!  Thanksgiving and praise and honor belong to our Wonderful Redeemer and Savior.

" Jesus paid it all!  All to Him we owe! Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow!"

Father, remind us again of the depth of Your love and the Greatness of Your redemption!  Let us not grow complacent or take for granted the salvation that You provided, nor the precious blood that was shed to pay the great price.  Stir our hearts anew with praise and thanksgiving.  Open our eyes to see You and our ears to hear Your voice.  May we worship and serve You in spirit and in truth, with whole hearts devoted to You, loving You with all of our hearts and minds, and souls.  For the glory and honor and power is Yours!  Blessed Jesus, it is in Your Name we pray. Amen.

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