Friday, September 11, 2015

2 Samuel 8-9  David was a warrior king.  He subdued his enemies and reigned over Israel with "justice and righteousness."  He received much gold, silver, and bronze from the nations that he conquered and he dedicated it all to the Lord.  David remembered his friend Jonathan and their covenant with each other, so he inquired about any remaining family members.  Jonathan's son Mephibosheth remained, but was lame in both feet.  David restored all of Saul's land to Mephibosheth and took him in to eat at his own table, like a son.

David's character and integrity are revealed in these actions.  He is known for justice and mercy... reflecting the character of his Lord.  Until... he sees Bathsheba.

Chapters 10-11  When  the king of the Ammonites died and his son Hanun becomes king, David sent some of his servants to console him.  David liked and respected Nahash, but Hanun listened to some of his advisors who thought that David was trying to spy out their land.  So they humiliated David's servants and sent them packing.  David was furious.  The Ammonites quickly gathered their army and  hired some Arameans to come help.  When Israel's army came against them, both groups ran away .  David and his army end up defeating the Arameans and  they wouldn't come to Ammons help any longer.  In the spring, David sent Joab and the army to go back to Ammon and defeat them. But David stays in Jerusalem and this is when he sees Bathsheba.  We know the story, Bathsheba becomes pregnant, David sends for her husband, Uriah.  Uriah won't go see his wife.. David sends him back to battle with a letter for Joab.. Uriah dies is battle.

We don't understand how David could do this thing.  He may have thought the same thing... Evil comes from the heart we are told.. and although David loved the Lord his God, there was still a sinful nature that enslaved him.  How many times did Jesus warn his disciples... be alert?  Even in the last minutes together before His death, He told them, " Keep watching and praying, that you may not enter into temptation, the spirit is willing , but the flesh is weak".    Paul writes about this is Romans 7 ".. but I see a different law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind, and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members." 

But, Paul does not leave us hopeless... "Thanks be to God though Jesus Christ our Lord!"   Christ sets us free from the bondage of sin.  By His Spirit we are given life.  We must set our minds on Him,  laying down our lives, presenting our own bodies as living and holy sacrifices, in worship and surrender to our Adonai.

Father in heaven, take our lives and let them be consecrated Lord to Thee.  Take our hands and feet and minds and heart. We present ourselves to You... we're all in Lord.  Have Your way in us.
We pray this in Jesus' name. amen.

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