Tuesday, September 15, 2015

2 Samuel 12   This chapter tells the story of Nathan's rebuke and the Lord's judgement against David for his sins of adultery and murder.  Nathan tells David of two men, one rich and one poor, and how the rich man took the poor man's only sheep to offer to a stranger, not wanting to give from his own large flock.  David instantly recognizes the evil of this man's actions and judges him to death.  Then Nathan reveals that the real character in this story is David... who took another man's wife, even though he had all that he needed ( and more) of his own.

David responds appropriately... repenting from his sin. But the consequences are still to come.  The Lord strikes the child that Bathsheba bore.  David fasts and prays, but the child dies.  It is after this that Bathsheba has Soloman, also called Jedidiah, the beloved of the Lord.

Chapter 13 tells the story of Amnon and Absolom and their sister Tamar.  Amnon is not a good man.  He lies, rapes, and abuses Tamar.  Absolom takes in his sister and avenges her by having Amnon killed.  Then Absolom flees from his family.  David mourns the loss of Amnon, but it seems like he misses Absolom even more.

Again we see that David was far from a perfect man.  He faltered as a husband and father.  He faltered as king sometimes too.  Yet, we know that David loved the Lord with all his heart.  He responded with repentance when confronted with his sins.  We can learn from David's experiences.

We are all like sheep.. the Word tells us.. we have all gone astray.  Yet we have a Great Shepherd who has promised to seek and save those who are lost.  Our good shepherd will lead us in right paths, will provide our every need, and will defend us from the enemies.  But, we must not be like those who refuse to follow.  We must look to Him and listen for His voice.  We must take everything to Him in prayer.  What a privilege we have, as the song says, ".. to carry everything to God in prayer."  Trials, temptations, troubles, discouragement, sorrows, weaknesses, heavy burdens, and loads of care... "Take it to the Lord in prayer"

Father in heaven,  You are our Adonai, our faithful Master, who provides for our needs; and we are Your servants who listen for Your voice and obey Your Word.  Help us in our weaknesses and failings to have the heart of David that seeks You.  Help us to be the good and faithful servants that You have desired for us to be.  Once again we present ourselves as "living sacrifices, holy and acceptable" to You, our spiritual service of worship.  We praise You and love You, for You are our God.  Amen.

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