Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Galatians 2 The "truth of the gospel" was at stake in the church of Galatia.  Those who had come to preach a distorted gospel were Jewish converts who couldn't let go of the traditions of the Law.  They wanted the Gentile believers to become Jews, submitting to circumcision and following the Law.  Paul had dealt with this before.  In fact, he had traveled to Jerusalem and met with Peter and James and the other elders to discuss this very thing.( Acts 15)   The decision had been reached already !  Since even Jews could not be saved by the Law, why should Gentiles try it too?

Again and again Paul emphasizes the "truth of the gospel".  God had entrusted him to preach the true gospel to the uncircumcised. (v7)  God had shown grace to Paul, once a staunch defender of the Law, but now freed from it,  for he was "crucified with Christ". (v20)  He "died to the Law, that (he) might live to God." ( 2:19)  To preach any other "gospel" would "nullify the grace of God". ( v21)  For " a man is not justified by the works of the Law, but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ, and not by the works of the Law; since by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified." ( v16)

Paul's testimony is simple, "... I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and delivered Himself up for me."  It all boils down to this statement.  This is the true gospel that Paul preached and lived by.  This is pure amazing grace available to every man, woman, and child..whether Jew or Gentile..

Thank You Father, Holy God, our Savior and King.  You have revealed Your Grace to us in Your Word and by Your Spirit.  You have loved us with an everlasting love.  You have delivered us from sin and guilt.  You have forgiven us and set us free.  Wonderful are Your works O Lord!  You are great and mighty, full of lovingkindness and compassion.  We praise and worship You. In Christ Jesus our Lord we come to Your throne and ask that You will sanctify us through and through, for You are faithful and You will bring it to pass. Amen.

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