Wednesday, September 16, 2015

2 Samuel  14-20   This section covers the whole story of Absolom and how David brings him back from his self-imposed exile, only to then refuse to see him.  We read about how Absolom sneaks behind David's back and woos others to follow him.  How this results in David and his followers leaving Jerusalem and Absolom declaring himself king.  There is so much disfunction and betrayal and sorrow in these chapters...  a son against a father; cousin against cousin;  servants against masters...  conflict within and conflict without.

David returns to Jerusalem as king, but is more sorrowful for the loss of his son than anything.  Victory doesn't mean anything to him at this cost.

There are some interesting characters throughout these chapters.  We hear of David's sister Abigail, whose father is an Ammonite, Nahesh, not Jesse.  We hear of her son Amasa who is made captain of the army by Absolom, and then killed by his own cousin, Joab.  There is more to their stories...

So, what are the lessons to learn here? What does the Shepherd speak to us through this sad experience in David's life?  This world is full of hard choices and sad circumstances. Yet, the Lord is in control, and even these events held a purpose for David's life and for Israel. We can be assured that God is with us no matter what the newspaper reports say, or the problems we face today.  Our hope is in the Lord our God, even as David held on to his faith, we must hold on also.

Father in heaven, You are Elohim, Almighty God, our Creator .  You are Jehovah, the Lord Who has revealed Himself to us and Who has given us hope.  Guide us today, Great Shepherd.  Heal us and make us holy as You are holy.  We yield to Your will for You are Adonai.  Thank You for showing us such great love and kindness in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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