Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Ephesians 2:11-22 In this section Paul addresses the Gentile believers, asking them to remember...

We were called the "uncircumcision"  the unregenerate... the un-chosen.
We were separate from Christ.
We were excluded from Israel.
We were strangers to the Promise of God.
We were without hope.
We were without God.

"But now"... because of "the blood of Christ":
We are brought near.
We have Him who is "our peace".
We are made one with the Jewish believers.
We are reconciled, along with them, "to God through the cross".
We have "access in one Spirit to the Father".
We are no longer strangers or aliens.
We are "fellow citizens with the saints".
We are "of God's household". 
We are "being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit". 

Christ alone.. Cornerstone - It is through His cross that this great transformation is accomplished.
He is our Peace.  He abolished the "enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace."

We are fellow heirs; fellow members of the body; fellow partakers of the promise in Christ.. the "unfathomable riches of Christ" and the "love of Christ which surpasses knowledge" are ours too!

Father in Heaven, Wonderful and Awesome God of all glory,  open our eyes to see and our hearts to receive this Word of Truth.  Help us to remember the depth of Your love for us and the greatness of Your kindness towards us, that we should be called the children of God.  We, who had no hope, have been given a living hope. We, who were separated, are now united with You. We, who were strangers, are now part of the family.  We, who had no purpose or future, have become the dwelling place of God.  Amazing grace!  Thank You, Lord God.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Ephesians 2  Verse 10 tells us we are the handiwork of God, He has created, manufactured us in Christ Jesus for the purpose of "good works".  God has prepared those works for us "that we should walk in them".   How do we walk in good works?

Paul writes in Eph. 4:1-3 " ... walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience and forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." 
In Titus 3:14 he writes, " And let our people also learn to engage in good deeds to meet pressing needs, that they may not be unfruitful."  And in 2:14 " Christ Jesus... who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds".  3:8 " .. be careful to engage in good deeds. These are things good and profitable for men." 
Paul's prayer recorded in Col.1 includes this "we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work... " ( v9-10)
Romans 12:2 and 21  also address this subject, " And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is,  that which is good and acceptable and perfect"  and " Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

There are many more passages that we could look at, but just thinking about these few we can say that God's purpose for us is to walk in a way that pleases Him and is worthy of His calling.  We do this by:
Being humble.
Being gentle.
Being patient and forbearing.
Loving one another.
Being in unity and peace with one another.
Helping each other with pressing needs.
Doing those things that are profitable, of value.

We can only walk this way as we are filled with "spiritual wisdom and understanding"... We must be filled with the Spirit of God, to know Him and to know His will.  To "prove" or discern the will of God, we must be "transformed" by the Spirit of God, Who renews our minds. Then we can know what is "good and acceptable and perfect" and "overcome evil with good."

Oh Father God, Almighty Jehovah, we look to You once again, that You might complete us. Sanctify us entirely, taking our bodies, souls, and spirits as we present ourselves.. living sacrifices to You.  We  cannot do good unless You fill us with Yourself.  Holy Spirit, our Helper, we must have Your holy power that we might walk a worthy walk that pleases our Father. Fill us now, continually we pray, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, our glorious Savior and King, Amen.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Ephesians 2  Verses 1-3 describe the unbeliever - dead!   Trespasses and sin cause death.  This way of living is the way of the world, it is the way of "the prince of the power of the air", it is a spirit that leads men to disobedience.  Dead men live to satisfy their lusts, to indulge their flesh and their minds.  Their passions rule their existence.  This is the state of every man, woman, and child without Christ.  We are born with this nature and it does nothing but grow worse... unless God intervenes!

"But God being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions made us alive together with Christ..." ( v4-5)   God is merciful.  He has great compassion and is gracious, because He is filled with Love.  In Christ, we have been made alive, raised up, and placed into His family.  "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God".  Again, Paul emphasizes the fact that there is nothing that we have done or can do that will save us from the judgement we deserve.  We cannot ever make ourselves alive when we are dead!  Only God brings life.

Why does He do this for us?

".. in order that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus."  (v7).. For eternity we will display God's kindness.  We won't walk around heaven bragging that we got there by our own works... we will have nothing to boast about.  We will give all the glory to Him!

" We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works..."  We are His product, manufactured in Christ.  This "new self" is "in the likeness of God".   It is created, manufactured, in "righteousness and holiness of the truth" ( Eph 4:24) It is "being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him" (Col. 3:10).    In Genesis 1:26  God said, " Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness..."  Now, in Christ, we are being restored to that image and likeness.  God Himself is sculpting and painting and finishing us, His creation, His product, which will forever display His greatness.

Father, full of love and grace and glorious in every way,  we bless Your Name.  You have shown us mercy and compassion, for You are altogether kind.  Thank You.  Complete the work You have begun in us that we might fully display Your greatness. Have Your way, O Divine Potter, we are Your clay.
Spirit of God, our Helper, come and fill us with the knowledge of God, with wisdom and truth.  May our every breath be in You.  May our every step be in the footsteps of Jesus our Lord, in whose Name we pray. amen.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Ephesians 1:15-23  Here we find one of Paul's prayers, one of the last he wrote down... one that we can pray ourselves for those we love... "making mention of you in my prayers..." 

 I pray "that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.  I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe . "

Paul's first request focuses on the gift of the Holy Spirit. For He is the spirit of wisdom and revelation.  BKC - " Wisdom gives insight into the true nature of the things, and revelation is the unveiling of the object discussed, namely, God Himself".  Our vital need is to know God, intimately and personally, not just facts or ideas about Him.  In order to know God, we must receive His Spirit.  The eyes of our hearts must be enlightened.  This is God's desire for us and He alone can do it. 
There are 3 things that we can "know" when are hearts are enlightened by the Spirit of God:
1. We can know the "hope of His calling".  It is our Gracious Father who has called us to salvation and has given us hope.  BKC - " Hope in Scripture is the absolute certainty of a believer's victory in God."   Peter calls this a "living hope" ( 1 Peter 1:3) the anticipated expectation of Life for all eternity. 

2. We can know "the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints".  BKC - " At the time of the resurrection of believers (saints).. God will inherit those whom He has purchased at a great price according to the riches of His grace."  We are God's inheritance!  And He is ours! 

3. We can know "what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. "  This "power" means " a spiritually dynamic and living force" ( BKC) and is directed toward believers.  It is power that works, that overcomes resistance, that reveals His strength, that same power that "raised Him ( Christ) from the dead and seated Him at His right hand...."  Again the Bible Knowledge Commentary helps clarify - " What an amazing source of spiritual vitality, power and strength for living the Christian life!"   God's power is made known as He places  Jesus  over every "rule and authority and power and dominion...."  He put "all things in subjection under His feet and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fulness of Him who fills all in all." 

Father of all glory, God of our Lord Jesus Christ,  we pray that You would give us Your Spirit, the Spirit of wisdom and revelation that we would know You intimately.  We want to know the past call of salvation which produces a living hope;  we want to know the future inheritance that You have in us; and we want to know the present power of God available to us who believe.  Every spiritual blessing is in Christ Jesus.  Every future hope is in Him.  Christ is all in all, according to Your perfect will. We ask that You would grant these requests for our families, for our brothers and sisters, for all of Your church.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ephesians 1:1-14   We bless God, the Father of Jesus Christ.. we praise Him and speak of His greatness.. we honor Him... for Who He is and for what He has done.  It is our heavenly Father, Elohim, our Creator and Sovereign God, Who has blessed us with "every spiritual blessing".    He has provided "every spiritual enrichment needed for spiritual life" ( Bible Knowledge Commentary).
Every blessing that has been provided for us and to us is based on the work of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Father elected and predestined us. 
The Son died for us. 
The Spirit sealed us. 

God chose us. "Salvation is God's doing, not man's" ( BKC)  It is by His Grace.  This election was completed in eternity past.  He chose us so that He could make us holy and blameless.  He predestined us to be His sons and daughters, adopted through Jesus Christ.  This  is " according to the kind intention of His will".  He took pleasure in choosing us, in giving us a glorious destiny, and in making us His children.  This work should and will result in "the praise of the glory of His Grace". 

The Son, Jesus Christ, is the sphere, the cornerstone, the way, that God brings about the plan of His redemption. It is through Jesus that we are adopted.  It is "in" Him that grace has been "freely bestowed".  It is in Him that we have redemption, "through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses".  God's will and pleasure is to bring everything "in heaven and on earth" under the headship of Jesus Christ.  Jews and Gentiles alike are brought into one body through Christ.  This is the mystery, the secret or hidden Truth, now revealed in Him.   Again this results in the "praise of His glory "

The Spirit is the instrument of God's sealing.  He secures us, authenticates us, and certifies our genuineness  in Christ.  He is the "deposit that guarantees our inheritance".  He is the downpayment.  It is by Him that we are guaranteed salvation and heaven... to the praise of the glory of God.

Holy God, our Father and Jesus Christ , our Lord, Precious Spirit of the Living God, we come to give You praise.  We praise the glory of Your Grace.  You have chosen us to be Your own children, by Your grace, and You give us faith to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior.  You give to us Your own Holy Spirit, a deposit of Your Grace to come in eternity.  You have even given us the wisdom and understanding to begin to grasp the greatness of Your Truth.  Open the eyes of our hearts, that we might "know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints."  Fill us, Lord, with Yourself, to know You more.  Amen.

Monday, September 21, 2015

2 Samuel 23-24  David, once again showing his flawed humanity, takes a census in Israel.  He finds our that there are 800.000 fighting men in Israel, and 500,000 more in Judah.  After receiving this information, David realizes his sin and repents.  The Lord gives him 3 options - 7 years  of famine; 3 months of being pursued by enemies, or 3 days of pestilence in the land.  David choses the last one because he trusts the Lord's mercy more than an army of men. 70,000 men die of this plague.  Who knows how many women and children died also.  Yet, God did have mercy and stopped the plague before it  reached Jerusalem. David saw "the angel who was striking down the people" while he was standing on the threshing floor of Araunah.  David purchases this land and builds an altar as instructed by the Lord. "Thus the Lord was moved by entreaty for the land, and the plague was held back from Israel." 

David's eyes were opened to see the consequences of his personal sins.  He took responsibility and made the sacrifices.  But, that did not change the fact that many people died.  The results of our sins may not be as drastic as David's, but there are still consequences.. and God still desires our repentance.  He still punishes sin.  He still requires a sacrifice.  Oh, how wonderful to know that Jesus Christ the Lord, has paid it all!  How much we owe Him!  Thanksgiving and praise and honor belong to our Wonderful Redeemer and Savior.

" Jesus paid it all!  All to Him we owe! Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow!"

Father, remind us again of the depth of Your love and the Greatness of Your redemption!  Let us not grow complacent or take for granted the salvation that You provided, nor the precious blood that was shed to pay the great price.  Stir our hearts anew with praise and thanksgiving.  Open our eyes to see You and our ears to hear Your voice.  May we worship and serve You in spirit and in truth, with whole hearts devoted to You, loving You with all of our hearts and minds, and souls.  For the glory and honor and power is Yours!  Blessed Jesus, it is in Your Name we pray. Amen.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

2 Samuel 21-22 David is getting physically weaker, but spiritually stronger.  His last battle is again with the Philistines and the giants of Gath, just as his first battle was.   This time though, others slayed the giants.  

David's psalm is recorded here and in Psalm 18.  David makes clear his confession by declaring that God is:  
His rock.
His fortress.
His deliverer.
His God.
His refuge.
His shield.
The horn of His salvation.
His stronghold.
His refuge.
His savior.
His support.
His lamp.
His tower. 

David called on the Lord, he obeyed the Word of the Lord,  he worshipped the Lord, and He gave thanks to the Lord.  All through this journey that David has taken, from shepherd boy to king of Israel, David has clung to and trusted in the Lord.  He takes no honor or credit for his own actions, but gives all glory to God.
" He heard my voice."
" He bowed the heavens and came down.." 
" He rescued me.."
It is God who executed vengeance and brought down nations.  It is God who showed lovingkindness to David.

Father in heaven,  You are the same with each of us as You were with David.  You alone are our hope and salvation, our refuge and deliverer.  Thank You for showing lovingkindness to us also. Thank you for hearing our calls for help and for leading us in Your ways.  Be our rock and salvation forever.  Be glorified about all the earth, for You alone are God.  Our God, our help in ages past, our help in the days to come.  Fill us with Your Spirit once again that we might serve You fully.  In the Name of Jesus we pray, amen.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

2 Samuel  14-20   This section covers the whole story of Absolom and how David brings him back from his self-imposed exile, only to then refuse to see him.  We read about how Absolom sneaks behind David's back and woos others to follow him.  How this results in David and his followers leaving Jerusalem and Absolom declaring himself king.  There is so much disfunction and betrayal and sorrow in these chapters...  a son against a father; cousin against cousin;  servants against masters...  conflict within and conflict without.

David returns to Jerusalem as king, but is more sorrowful for the loss of his son than anything.  Victory doesn't mean anything to him at this cost.

There are some interesting characters throughout these chapters.  We hear of David's sister Abigail, whose father is an Ammonite, Nahesh, not Jesse.  We hear of her son Amasa who is made captain of the army by Absolom, and then killed by his own cousin, Joab.  There is more to their stories...

So, what are the lessons to learn here? What does the Shepherd speak to us through this sad experience in David's life?  This world is full of hard choices and sad circumstances. Yet, the Lord is in control, and even these events held a purpose for David's life and for Israel. We can be assured that God is with us no matter what the newspaper reports say, or the problems we face today.  Our hope is in the Lord our God, even as David held on to his faith, we must hold on also.

Father in heaven, You are Elohim, Almighty God, our Creator .  You are Jehovah, the Lord Who has revealed Himself to us and Who has given us hope.  Guide us today, Great Shepherd.  Heal us and make us holy as You are holy.  We yield to Your will for You are Adonai.  Thank You for showing us such great love and kindness in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

2 Samuel 12   This chapter tells the story of Nathan's rebuke and the Lord's judgement against David for his sins of adultery and murder.  Nathan tells David of two men, one rich and one poor, and how the rich man took the poor man's only sheep to offer to a stranger, not wanting to give from his own large flock.  David instantly recognizes the evil of this man's actions and judges him to death.  Then Nathan reveals that the real character in this story is David... who took another man's wife, even though he had all that he needed ( and more) of his own.

David responds appropriately... repenting from his sin. But the consequences are still to come.  The Lord strikes the child that Bathsheba bore.  David fasts and prays, but the child dies.  It is after this that Bathsheba has Soloman, also called Jedidiah, the beloved of the Lord.

Chapter 13 tells the story of Amnon and Absolom and their sister Tamar.  Amnon is not a good man.  He lies, rapes, and abuses Tamar.  Absolom takes in his sister and avenges her by having Amnon killed.  Then Absolom flees from his family.  David mourns the loss of Amnon, but it seems like he misses Absolom even more.

Again we see that David was far from a perfect man.  He faltered as a husband and father.  He faltered as king sometimes too.  Yet, we know that David loved the Lord with all his heart.  He responded with repentance when confronted with his sins.  We can learn from David's experiences.

We are all like sheep.. the Word tells us.. we have all gone astray.  Yet we have a Great Shepherd who has promised to seek and save those who are lost.  Our good shepherd will lead us in right paths, will provide our every need, and will defend us from the enemies.  But, we must not be like those who refuse to follow.  We must look to Him and listen for His voice.  We must take everything to Him in prayer.  What a privilege we have, as the song says, ".. to carry everything to God in prayer."  Trials, temptations, troubles, discouragement, sorrows, weaknesses, heavy burdens, and loads of care... "Take it to the Lord in prayer"

Father in heaven,  You are our Adonai, our faithful Master, who provides for our needs; and we are Your servants who listen for Your voice and obey Your Word.  Help us in our weaknesses and failings to have the heart of David that seeks You.  Help us to be the good and faithful servants that You have desired for us to be.  Once again we present ourselves as "living sacrifices, holy and acceptable" to You, our spiritual service of worship.  We praise You and love You, for You are our God.  Amen.

Friday, September 11, 2015

2 Samuel 8-9  David was a warrior king.  He subdued his enemies and reigned over Israel with "justice and righteousness."  He received much gold, silver, and bronze from the nations that he conquered and he dedicated it all to the Lord.  David remembered his friend Jonathan and their covenant with each other, so he inquired about any remaining family members.  Jonathan's son Mephibosheth remained, but was lame in both feet.  David restored all of Saul's land to Mephibosheth and took him in to eat at his own table, like a son.

David's character and integrity are revealed in these actions.  He is known for justice and mercy... reflecting the character of his Lord.  Until... he sees Bathsheba.

Chapters 10-11  When  the king of the Ammonites died and his son Hanun becomes king, David sent some of his servants to console him.  David liked and respected Nahash, but Hanun listened to some of his advisors who thought that David was trying to spy out their land.  So they humiliated David's servants and sent them packing.  David was furious.  The Ammonites quickly gathered their army and  hired some Arameans to come help.  When Israel's army came against them, both groups ran away .  David and his army end up defeating the Arameans and  they wouldn't come to Ammons help any longer.  In the spring, David sent Joab and the army to go back to Ammon and defeat them. But David stays in Jerusalem and this is when he sees Bathsheba.  We know the story, Bathsheba becomes pregnant, David sends for her husband, Uriah.  Uriah won't go see his wife.. David sends him back to battle with a letter for Joab.. Uriah dies is battle.

We don't understand how David could do this thing.  He may have thought the same thing... Evil comes from the heart we are told.. and although David loved the Lord his God, there was still a sinful nature that enslaved him.  How many times did Jesus warn his disciples... be alert?  Even in the last minutes together before His death, He told them, " Keep watching and praying, that you may not enter into temptation, the spirit is willing , but the flesh is weak".    Paul writes about this is Romans 7 ".. but I see a different law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind, and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members." 

But, Paul does not leave us hopeless... "Thanks be to God though Jesus Christ our Lord!"   Christ sets us free from the bondage of sin.  By His Spirit we are given life.  We must set our minds on Him,  laying down our lives, presenting our own bodies as living and holy sacrifices, in worship and surrender to our Adonai.

Father in heaven, take our lives and let them be consecrated Lord to Thee.  Take our hands and feet and minds and heart. We present ourselves to You... we're all in Lord.  Have Your way in us.
We pray this in Jesus' name. amen.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

2 Samuel 7  There finally comes a time in David's life that he can rest. No battles to be fought, no enemies to pursue. The Ark is in its place and the nation is being led back to the Lord.  Now David desires to build a temple, a house of cedar for the Ark of the Lord.  At first David is encouraged to do so, by Nathan, the prophet, but then God turns that around.  Instead God, Who has something much better in mind, makes a promise to build a kingdom for David.  A kingdom that will never fail.

David's prayer, written here, shows us his heart for God.  "David the king went in and sat before the Lord.."  What a wonderful picture of prayer!  When we pray, it can often become a ritual, or a quick run down of our loved ones' names, asking for His blessings.   Even if we use the wonderful pattern of the Lord's prayer, a model given us by our Lord Jesus Himself, it can become a recitation... words spoken by our minds but not our  hearts.  What would happen if we started our times of prayer like David?  If we really come into our prayer chamber or closet or whatever.. and "sat before the Lord" ?

The first words David prays are also striking, " Who am I, O Lord God...."  Humbly, David confesses his own unworthiness and God's greatness.  He is overwhelmed with the blessings of God's promises.  He doesn't have anything else to ask for... but wholly receives all that God has offered.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, the meek, the ones that hunger and thirst for righteousness,  and the pure in heart.. Jesus taught on the mount,  and we see David's likeness there.  He was not perfect, like Jesus is, but in his prayers and psalms, we hear his longing for the heart of the Father, His Shepherd and His God.

Father in Heaven, blessed is Your Name in all the earth!  You are the only True God and You alone are worthy of our worship and service.  Thank You for redeeming us, for forgiving us, and for giving us righteousness through Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Son of David.  Father, change our thinking, transform us by renewing our minds and giving us Your thoughts, especially when it comes to prayer.  Forgive us for making it all about ourselves.  Help us in our weakness to come to You, to sit down before You and receive from You all that You long to give us.... Your Presence, Your Love, Your Life, Your Spirit, and Your peace.  All that we need is in Your Hands.  Oh Lord, teach us to pray.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

2 Samuel 4-5  Ish-bosheth, the son of Saul, was made king of Israel by the hand of Abner.  He was afraid of Abner, ( 3:11) but when Abner was killed, Ish-bosheth was even more afraid. ( 4:1)  He had no strength in his own and was killed by 2 of his own commanders.   These brothers, Baanah and Rechab, snuck into the house and killed Ish-bosheth while he was sleeping.  Then, they cut off his head and took it to David, proclaiming victory on his behalf.  David was not pleased by this at all and had them killed because of their treachery.

It is after this that David is made king of all Israel.  He reigned over just Judah for 7 years and over all of Israel for another 33 years.  He conquered the "stronghold of Zion", Jerusalem and renamed it the City of David.  He led Israel against the Philistines twice during this time and was victorious both times.

Chapter 6  It is at this time that David turns his attention to bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem.  It had been kept at the house of Abinadab for almost a century.  David's intentions were good, but his first try went horribly wrong.  They moved the Ark by a cart pulled by oxen.  It was never intended to be moved in that way. When the oxen stumbled, Uzzah reacted by simply reaching out to keep it steady, and he was instantly struck down by the Lord.  The Ark was holy and was never allowed to be touched in that way.  David learned a lesson that day.  He learned to fear the Lord in an even deeper way than he ever had before.

Three months later, David makes another attempt at bringing the Ark to Jerusalem. This time he does it with much reverence and humility.  The Ark is carried by the Levites as the Law required.  Sacrifices are offered every 6 paces along the way.  The people shout and the trumpets sound. There is a great celebration as the Ark is brought into the city and taken into the tent that David had prepared for it.  This is also recorded in I Chronicles 15 with much more detail.  David not only brought the Ark up and prepared the tent, but he also organized the priests and Levites, restoring the true worship of the Lord as it was meant to be, according to the Law of Moses.

All of Israel celebrated this wonderful re-establishment of worship with the Lord.  All, that is, except Michal, David's wife.  Michal sees David "leaping and dancing" as he worships the Lord, " and she despised him in her heart."  Michal remains childless for all of her life.

Father in heaven, You are the Lord, Jehovah, the great and might One, who reveals Himself to His people.  Like David, that is not always easy or pleasant. May we learn early to have fear and reverence toward You, for You are Holy.  May we worship You in spirit and in truth.  Fill us Holy Spirit with Your light, that we may see clearly and worship fully.  You are worthy of our best efforts, our humblest reverence, and our deepest, fullest worship.  Even as David worshipped with all of his heart and soul and body, may we do likewise.  Praise and thanksgiving to You, O Jehovah, our God.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

2 Samuel 1-2  David hears of Saul's and Jonathan's deaths and he mourns the loss.  David had great respect for Saul, even though Saul had tried to kill him.  But, most of all David had loved Jonathan like a brother, and was devastated by his death.  David went up to Hebron and became king of Judah. Meanwhile, Saul's cousin Abner took one of Saul's sons, Ish-bosheth and made him king over the rest of Israel.  That lasted 2 years.

Abner, leading the army of Israel and Joab, leading the army of Judah, met together to fight.   The battle goes in Judah's favor.  Abner was running away from them and was being chased by Joab's brother, Asahel.  He warns Asahel several times to turn away, to chase someone else, but Asahel won't turn.  Abner ends up killing Asahel.  Still the chase continued, with Joab and his other brother, Abishai chasing Abner.   Abner does not want any more bloodshed.  He called out to Joab asking, "Shall the sword devour forever? Do you not know that it will be bitter in the end? How long will you refrain from telling the people to turn back from following their brothers?"  At this, Joab stops and sounds the trumpet. They stop pursuing Israel.  They bury their brother in Bethlehem and return to David in Hebron.

Chapter 3 - Abner makes himself powerful in Israel, but Ish-bosheth gets angry at him for taking one of Saul's concubines.  Abner gets angry and defects to David.  David accepts Abner's offer of a covenant  and asks only that his wife Michal is given back to him.  After David and Abner meet, Joab finds out about Abner's visit .  Joab is angry at Abner because of his brother's death, so he lures Abner back and kills him.  This sets David against Joab.  What a mess!

Sin and suffering go hand in hand. Personal relationships suffer from the sins of pride and self-centeredness.  Nations war against nations for the same reason - sin.   David is not immune from this. He grieved over the consequences of sin.  We do too.  Things have not changed much over the thousands of years since David's day.  Men still seek power, still kill over selfish desires, and still let anger and pride make a mess of relationships.  Our only hope is in Christ!  Let Your Kingdom come, Lord Jesus!

Father, we need You.  Lead us in Your ways and deliver us from all evil.  Forgive us our sins and help us to forgive others freely.  Fill us with Your love and grant us true peace. We ask this in the Name of Jesus, the Righteous Servant. Amen.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Galatians 6  Paul has been talking about walking in the Spirit instead of in the flesh... living lives with spiritual values, thoughts, actions etc.  Instead of boasting and arguing and biting one another, we should "bear one another's burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ" - the law of love.   We do this by restoring those who fall into sin; by sharing our material goods with those who are in need; and by "doing good to all men" whenever we have the opportunity.

Those who were pushing the Christians to be circumcised had fleshly motivations to do so.. it made them look good.  They could boast about their conquests!  Paul says, " But may it never be that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world had been crucified to me and I to the world." ( v14).

We sow what we reap, Paul teaches.  If we sow "to (our) own flesh"  we will reap "corruption".  The flesh - the mortal, corruptible, perishable body, (meat) - will die and decay and return to the dust one day.   If all our focus and energy in this life is for the purpose of satisfying  our physical bodies, it is all for nothing.  When the last breath is breathed and the heart beats its last beat - there is nothing left.

But if we sow to the Spirit - if our focus and energy, our resources and gifts, are sowed into spiritual purposes - then the result will be eternal life, a harvest of peace and grace.

"Examine (your) own work", Paul writes.  What am I sowing?  Do I spend my time, energy, money, on the things that have no meaning?  Does my life revolve around ways that  I can make myself feel good, look good, and seem better than others?  Is it all about me?  Do I boast about what I have done or have?  Then, I am sowing to the flesh, and that will rot just like the meat that sits out in the open, and boy, does that stink!  

Or have I been crucified to the world and the world to me?  Have I laid down my life and taken up my cross to follow Jesus?  Does He get my time, my energy, my money, my life... it's all His really, but do I acknowledge that?  What does that look like in real life?  When I examine my own work, do I see - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control growing?   Am I restoring those who have failed?  Bearing other's burdens? Sharing with those who teach the Word? Doing good to all men?

"And those who will walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them... "   Peace - fullness, completion, rest, reconciliation with God; mercy - compassion and tenderness. What we need and what the world is greatly lacking... is ours in Jesus Christ!

Father in heaven, Jehovah-Shalom, the Lord of peace, bless Your holy Name.  Thank you for saving us and making us Your own. Come Lord Jesus and draw us to Yourself, fill us with Your Spirit, that we might walk in Your ways. Open our eyes to see Your perfect will,  to see ourselves truthfully, to examine our lives by Your Light and to turn from those things that keep us from Your full peace and rest.  We ask this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Galatians 5  We have been set free from the Law and from the "worthless elemental things" that enslaved us.  We have been made "sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus".  We are heirs to the promise.  And " It was for freedom that Christ set us free."  We have been redeemed for liberty, not for bondage.  Paul tells the Galatians that if they choose circumcision, they are choosing bondage.  Bondage to the whole Law.  This choice would cut them off from grace and from Christ.

Instead of placing themselves back into a place of bondage and trying to make themselves righteous by the works of the Law, Paul reminds them and us that what really counts is "faith working through love."  We are "called to freedom" and to use that freedom through love to "serve one another."  The whole Law is fulfilled in this way, " You shall love your neighbor as yourself." 

The only way to accomplish this is to "walk by the Spirit".  We are to be "led by the Spirit",  to "live by the Spirit" and to "walk by the Spirit".  The Spirt led life will be marked by fruit: " love , joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. " 

On the other hand, a life that is not led by the Spirit will be marked by "deeds of the flesh": "immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing" etc.  Paul exhorted the believers to not "bite and devour one another..."  and not "to be boastful, challenging one another, envying one another."  

We need a firm grasp on our identity as sons and daughters of God, through Christ.  Then we can walk in intimacy with Him, being led by His Spirit.  It is through this daily walk with Him that we begin to develop the fruit of His Spirit. When He is our life, then and only then, will His life begin to be seen in us.  Then our lives will be marked by His qualities and character instead of the qualities of the flesh driven life.

Father in heaven,  how we love You and desire to live by Your Spirit, walking in Truth and love.  Thank You for making us Your children through Jesus Christ, Your Son.  Be magnified and exalted as Your Life is seen in us.  Deliver us from temptations to live by the flesh, and from the evil one who wants us to rebel against You.  You alone are our God. We yield to You.  In Jesus Christ our Lord we come, Amen.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Galatians 4  Paul continues to explain what it means to be an "heir".  A child is an heir to his father's estate.  As a child, he has no power to claim these things, for he is too young to manage them. In this way he is no different than a slave. However, that doesn't make him any less an owner. There will come a time in his life, when he is old enough, that he will be ready to take over the inheritance.

Likewise, there was a time when men were like children or slaves, under the rule of "the elemental things of the world." The Jews were slaves to the Law.  The Gentiles were slaves to false gods or philosophies. Neither of these were good.  Neither could justify or redeem. Both systems held people in bondage.  But, there came a time, "the fullness of time" when God sent His Son, under the Law, to fulfill the Law, and to redeem, set free all who were in bondage to the Law.  Likewise, those who were in bondage to false gods, could also be set free from slavery, when they came to believe in Jesus.  They also became sons of God, through Christ. 

The problem in Galatia was that those who had been set free from slavery to their false gods, now thought that they had to be slaves to the Law... the same thing that the Jews had been set free from!

We can almost hear Paul shouting, "No! No! NO!!! What are you thinking?"  No wonder he was perplexed about them.  Paul gives another example, another contrast to help them see the truth.
They all knew the story of Abraham and Sarah.  They knew that Abraham and Sarah were promised a child. And that they got impatient and chose to use Hagar as a surrogate and produced Ishmael.
Hagar is the bondwoman, a slave, and her son would not be an heir.  Sarah is the free woman, Abraham's wife, and her son Isaac would be free, the heir of all that Abraham possessed.

Paul says that those who are under the Law, or under a false god, are like Hagar.  They are in bondage and will inherit nothing.  But those who are children of the promise, like Isaac, are free, Sarah's children. These are the heirs.  " So then brethren, we are not children of a bondwoman but of a free woman."   We are sons and daughters, not slaves.  We are able to say "Abba Father " because we have been redeemed and adopted by the Lord God Himself, through faith in Christ Jesus. 

Abba Father, how can we thank You enough for the grace that You have given us?  We are Your children, Your sons and daughters, heirs of Abraham's blessings.   Lead us in Your ways and let Your perfect will be done.  May Your Kingdom come in all of its glory and everlasting perfection and peace.  Grant us today all our needs, our daily bread portions.  Forgive us our sins as we forgive others.  Lead us in paths of righteousness and truth and wisdom, away from temptations.  Deliver us from the darkness and lies and confusion of the evil one.  For You are God and all glory, honor, and power belongs to You.  Amen.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Galatians 3  The true gospel, the Good news, is that, " All nations shall be blessed in you."  Paul says.  (God's promise to Abraham.) v8.   Abraham " believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness". 
Abraham was saved by faith.  It is faith that brings salvation/justification.  It is faith that makes us into "sons of Abraham" and children of God.

Paul argues with those who want to add the requirements of the Law to the criterion for justification.

First of all,  not even the Jews who lived by the law could be justified by the Law.  ( 2:16)
All people, Jews or Gentiles, can only be justified by faith in Christ. (2:16-17)
If anyone could be justified, made righteous by the Law, then "Christ died needlessly". (v21)
The Spirit of God cannot be received by the Law, but only "by hearing with faith". ( 3:2)
Perfection, completion or holiness,  cannot come by the Law or flesh, but only by the Spirit.. through faith. ( v3)
Miracles... do not occur because of the works of keeping the Law,  but by "hearing with faith" (v5)
Abraham, himself, was "reckoned" righteous because of faith, not works.. the Law was not even given until 430 years later. (v8, 17)

The works of the Law don't - can't  justify anyone unless they keep ALL of them.  Since no one can do that, then all are "cursed".  But, Christ "redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us".  (v13) Thus the only way that we can be justified is by faith in Him.

Paul compares the Promise and the Law.
The Promise was given to Abraham and to his seed - to Jesus Christ.
The Law, which came 430 years later, was given because of "transgressions", through a mediator, for a limited time, until "the seed should come to whom the promise had been made" - until Christ came.
The Law can not impart life. (v21)
The Promise is fulfilled by faith in Jesus Christ.
The Law was useful as a tutor,  but it served its purpose only until faith came.
Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are "sons of God".  We "who were baptized into Christ" are
clothed.. with Christ....  We are made "one in Christ Jesus".  "And if you belong to Christ then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to the promise." 

"Heirs" - a sharer or possesser; one who receives a portion of a heritage.   In Romans 4:13 Paul wrote, "For the promise to Abraham or to his descendants that he would be heir of the world..."   Heirs of the "cosmos". The promise to Abraham was HUGE!
 Genesis 17: 4-8  gives us the exact promises that God made to Abraham:
He would father a multitude of nations.
He would be exceedingly fruitful.
He would have nations and kings come from him.
God would be his God and his descendant's God.
He would have the land of Canaan forever.
Then in Genesis 22:17-18, after Abraham obeyed God by offering Isaac as a sacrifice, God added this:
" I will greatly bless you and I will multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand of the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies. And in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice." 
This is the inheritance promised to Abraham's descendants, which we are because we belong to Christ.   Our inheritance includes the nations, the blessings, the possession of the gates of the enemy, and most of all the fact that God, Elohim, the Creator and Sovereign Lord of all - is our God. Forever.

Jesus said, " Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth." ( Matthew 5:5)  All that was promised to Abraham and to his descendants is ours in Christ Jesus.

Great are You Lord and highly to be praised.  You have given us amazing grace, that we should be Your children through Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Lamb who was slain for us. Thank You.
We have been blessed with so much more than we can understand or grasp... an inheritance for eternity..   We come to You with meek and humble hearts, confessing that we are unable to do anything to deserve Your mercy, and yet You have saved us by faith in Jesus Christ, who loved us and delivered Himself up for us.  Bless Your holy Name! Amen.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Galatians 2 The "truth of the gospel" was at stake in the church of Galatia.  Those who had come to preach a distorted gospel were Jewish converts who couldn't let go of the traditions of the Law.  They wanted the Gentile believers to become Jews, submitting to circumcision and following the Law.  Paul had dealt with this before.  In fact, he had traveled to Jerusalem and met with Peter and James and the other elders to discuss this very thing.( Acts 15)   The decision had been reached already !  Since even Jews could not be saved by the Law, why should Gentiles try it too?

Again and again Paul emphasizes the "truth of the gospel".  God had entrusted him to preach the true gospel to the uncircumcised. (v7)  God had shown grace to Paul, once a staunch defender of the Law, but now freed from it,  for he was "crucified with Christ". (v20)  He "died to the Law, that (he) might live to God." ( 2:19)  To preach any other "gospel" would "nullify the grace of God". ( v21)  For " a man is not justified by the works of the Law, but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ, and not by the works of the Law; since by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified." ( v16)

Paul's testimony is simple, "... I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and delivered Himself up for me."  It all boils down to this statement.  This is the true gospel that Paul preached and lived by.  This is pure amazing grace available to every man, woman, and child..whether Jew or Gentile..

Thank You Father, Holy God, our Savior and King.  You have revealed Your Grace to us in Your Word and by Your Spirit.  You have loved us with an everlasting love.  You have delivered us from sin and guilt.  You have forgiven us and set us free.  Wonderful are Your works O Lord!  You are great and mighty, full of lovingkindness and compassion.  We praise and worship You. In Christ Jesus our Lord we come to Your throne and ask that You will sanctify us through and through, for You are faithful and You will bring it to pass. Amen.