Monday, June 8, 2015

Romans 13  Paul continues to exhort his readers to live totally surrendered to God.  That includes our physical bodies, our minds, our actions, and our relationships.  That also includes our earthly citizenship.  We are to be "in subjection to"  the government, for God has established every authority.

Our first reaction to this might be "OH NO!".  When we think of the flaws and corruption and horrible acts of some governments, we just can't fathom how we can do this.  But, Paul was writing to Roman citizens.... and Rome was not a wonderful place for Christians to be at that time!  How could they put themselves under subjection to Nero?  But, that is exactly what Paul did.  And even more, that is exactly what Jesus did...

Paul says that there are 2 reasons to be subject to the authorities.  First, because of the wrath that will be used to punish those who do evil. And, more importantly, because of our consciences.  Morally we are called to be perfect, without sin, serving God in every area of our lives.  So, when we are obedient, even to an imperfect government, we are doing what is good - what is God's will.  Paying taxes, obeying laws, doing what is right - these are the things that God wants for us, for it reveals His Love in us and through us. 

Paul summarizes these thoughts with a look towards eternity - " The night is almost gone, and the day is at hand.  Let us therefore lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.  Let us behave properly as in the day.... and put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provisions for the flesh in regard for its lusts."  ( v12-14)

Because the time is coming, when this earth and all of its governments will be gone; because we love the Lord and want to serve Him completely; we present ourselves to God and we subject ourselves to the authorities that He has allowed.  It is ultimately obeying Him when we are law-abiding citizens.

That is also why it is so important to pray for " kings and all who are in authority, in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. " ( I Timothy 2:2)

Father in heaven, we thank You and praise You, for You alone are the Sovereign God and You have set Jesus Christ our Lord to have all authority in heaven and on earth.  We bow before You and give ourselves to You.  We are Your servants and will obey You first of all.  We also desire to obey the authority of government, even when we disagree.  Thank You for democracy.  We are blessed to be able to have a part in determining the makeup of our government to some degree.  Help us to be faithful and wise in our voting and participation in that sacred responsibility.  We pray for the leaders of our country and ask that You would bless them with godly wisdom and that You would bring each to know You and to fear You.  May they bow before You and tremble with humble hearts.  May they repent from sin and evil.  We pray this in Jesus' Name.  Amen.

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