Monday, June 22, 2015

Judges 9-12  There is a contrast here between 2 men.  Abimelech, the son of Gideon and Jephthah, the son of Gilead.  Abimelech was the son of Gideon's concubine and grew up apart from the rest of his 70 brothers.  When he was old enough he conspired with his mother's family to take over.  He killed all of his brothers, had himself made king, and caused much trouble.  He and his mother's relatives received judgement for their evil ways.  He ended up killing them and he ended up dying when a millstone was thrown on his head.

Jephthah was the son of a harlot and lived apart from his father's house also.  But, he was called back when the Ammonites fought against Israel.  Instead of bitterness, this man knew the Lord.  He was filled with the Spirit of the Lord and had victory because of the Lord's hand upon him.

Both men had similar backgrounds, in that they were separated and shunned by their families.  One reacted with bitterness and hatred.  One turned to the Lord and became a leader.

When we look at our nation today, we see many who make the choice to be bitter and angry and to spew their hatred onto others, even onto their own families.  But, we who know Christ, must be more like Jephthah.  We must turn to the Lord and trust Him.  We must be filled with His Spirit and walk in His ways.

Father, once again we turn our eyes and hearts to You.  Save us we pray.  Sanctify us through and through.  May we rise up and come to the aid of our nation.  Fill us with Your Spirit and give us victory over evil.  In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

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