Thursday, June 18, 2015

Judges 4-8  Two more judges are raised up to deliver Israel from enemies.  Deborah and Gideon both were used by God to answer the prayers of the people.  Yet, each time Israel returns to their evil ways, making and worshipping idols.  Even Gideon, who saw first hand how the Lord delivered Israel and gave them victory over the Midianites, ended up doing a foolish thing.  He used the spoils from the victory to make a golden ephod that became an object of worship and a snare to the people.

Gideon ended up having many wives and 70 sons!  He lived to a ripe old age, but as soon as he died the people went back to Baal and " did not remember the Lord their God, who had delivered them from the hands of all their enemies on every side;" ( v34)

 How often do we have to learn the same lessons as Israel?  We see God answer prayer and bless us with His grace and mercy... then turn around and serve the worldly nature.   We forget that we have been set free!  Free to leave behind those things that will snare us and make us forget our wonderful Lord who has saved us.   We must diligently turn our eyes towards Him every day!  If we get too busy, or let things.. or people... keep us from reading the Word or spending time in prayer, we too will be swept up in the snares of this world.

Father , help us!  Make Your Presence known.  Come and fill us with Your Spirit and lead us in Your ways.  May Your Name be honored, here and now, in each of our lives.  Let Your Kingdom be here and come in fulness.  Let Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven.  Amen.

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