Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Judges 3 The writer tells us that the Lord allowed the Philistines, Canaanites, Sidonians, and the Hivites to remain in the promised land for the testing of Israel and for the training of Israel.  The training was to teach them war.  The testing was to find out if they would obey His commandments.
Israel failed.  They began to intermarry with those that they were forbidden to marry.  Then they began to serve their gods.  God did exactly what He said He would - He gave them, "sold them into the hands of Cushan-rishathaim".  After 8 years, Israel finally cried out to the Lord and He sent a deliverer, Othniel, Caleb's nephew.

For 40 years, Othniel governed Israel and they had rest, but after his death they failed again.  This time Moab took over Israel for 18 years, then when they cried out to the Lord, He sent Ehud from the tribe of Benjamin to deliver them.  Ehud killed Eglon , the king of Moab, and led Israel in victory over the army of Moab.  This time the land was at rest for 80 years.

A third judge was Shamgar.  He single-handedly killed 600 Philistines with an oxgoad, saving Israel.
We are not told how long it was that he led Israel, but after he died, they again turned to evil ways.

Two things we can learn from this - First, without a godly leader nations fail and then fall.  Second, the only hope we have as a nation, or an individual is to cry out to God!  What is amazing is that God hears!  And He delivers us!  Failure after failure;  generation after generation ; God hears those who cry out to Him and He has mercy on them.

Father, You are our deliverer!  You are always faithful and true. Thank You!  We want to be faithful to serve only You all the days of our lives and to teach our children the importance of serving You too.  Fill us again with Your own Holy Spirit and lead us in Your paths.  Let Your will be done in our lives and in our nation. Send a deliverer, a man of God to lead our nation back to You.  We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

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