Thursday, June 11, 2015

Judges 1-2  Israel begins to dwell in the land that God promised, but before they could settle down they had to conquer those still living there.  God would drive out the inhabitants, but they had to participate - they were to go in and fight.   But, Israel didn't do what they were supposed to do....
They failed to drive out the Canaanites in Manasseh's territory, Ephraim's territory, Zebulun's territory, Asher's territory, Naphtali's territory, and Dan's territory.  They allowed the inhabitants to stay.  They made them slaves, but they failed to do what God had commanded.

The Lord confronted Israel, " I brought you up out of Egypt and led you into the land which I have sworn to your fathers; and I said, ' I will never break my covenant with you, and as for you, you shall make no covenant with the inhabitants of this land; you shall tear down their altars'  But you have not obeyed Me;  what is this you have done?"  ( 2: 1-2)   Because of their failure to obey fully, God said He would no longer drive out the enemy but allow them to be a "thorn in" their sides.

Joshua died and the leaders of that generation died also.  "... and there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord, nor yet the work which He had done for Israel."  ( v10)  Sadly, Israel did not prepare their children for the future.  They did not teach them the Word of God, the commandments of God, or the Truth of God.  The false gods were all around them, because of the failure to obey God's command to rid the land of them.  And Israel fell right into the trap of idolatry.

What are the things that we have allowed to stay in our lives?  The people or things that tempt us to forget God's Word and turn to idols?  We are also commanded to "drive out" the evil influences from our lives. This is not a passive activity.  We are sanctified by God, but we have a responsibility to put away those things that hinder us from the holiness He wants for us.  Just as Israel was to drive out the inhabitants of their promised land, we are to drive out the influence of our culture... ".. do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind".   We need to fight! We must take action!

We also need to heed the warning here... if we do not teach our children the Word of God; if we don't make every effort to bring them into the knowledge of the Lord.. we will leave a generation that will not keep His ways, who will turn to the idols of our culture and will end up slaves to them.   It happened to Israel.. it continues to happen now.

Blessed God and Mighty Lord, help us we pray!  Forgive us for allowing any outside influences into our lives and families. Drive them out Lord!  Strengthen us by the filling of Your Spirit, to will and to want Your perfect holiness and purity... to want You alone.  Thank you for saving us, for giving to us Jesus Christ our Lord and Your Holy Spirit, our guide, our refiner.  We worship You alone.  Have Your way in us.   In Christ we come, asking these things in His Name. Amen.

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