Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Judges 13-16  The story of Samson.  There are so many unusual things that happen in this passage.  It seems to be more than just a story of another judge.

The people of Israel were not faithful to God.  They were "doing evil", worshiping idols and forgetting the commandments and covenant.  Therefore, they were given into the hands of the Philistines. For 40 years the Philistines ruled over Israel.  God sent " the angel of the Lord" to a barren woman from the tribe of Dan and told her she would have a son.  This son was to be a Nazarite from birth.  She could have no wine, no grapes, and no unclean things. At first the husband and wife were not sure who this angel was, but later it was confirmed to them that this was the Lord's angel.   When Samson arrived and grew up, he was anointed with the Spirit of the Lord.   There is no indication that Samson worshiped God, or that he even acknowledged God, yet he was chosen by God and given extraordinary strength by the power of the the Holy Spirit.

Samson made many foolish decisions during his life.  He was determined to marry a Philistine woman. That turned out terribly! She and her family ended up being burned up.  Samson went to live in a cleft of the rock of Etam.  He stayed there until Judah was threatened by the Philistines. They came to get him and took him to the Philistines.  At that time he killed 1000 men with the jawbone of a donkey.   And, here we hear his first prayer, " ... he called to the Lord and said, 'Thou hast given this great deliverance by the hand of Thy servant, and now shall I die of thirst and fall into the hands of the uncircumcised ?'" ( 15:18)   God split the rock and gave him water.

Samson met Delilah after that and was badgered by her until he finally was " annoyed to death" and told her the secret of his strength.  She immediately used it against him and he was taken by the Philistines and blinded and made into a joke.  However, God was not through with Samson.  IN 16:28 we read Samson's second recorded prayer,  " O Lord God, please remember me and please strengthen me just one more time, O God, that I may at once be avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes. " 
Again God answered Samson's prayer.  Samson was given extraordinary strength and he pulled down the house killing over 3000 Philistine lords and ladies who were there.

Samson was considered a judge of Israel for 20 years.  We are not told how this helped Israel at all.  Yet he was chosen by God and his story told in this book for a purpose.

Father, help us to hear and learn from Samson's experiences.  Help us to understand the power of prayer and the blessing of obedience to Your Word.  We need deliverance from the evil one in our lives and in our land.  May we be set apart for Your plans and purposes, strengthened by Your Spirit, and ready to give our all to You.  Keep our hearts pure and our hands clean.  We are Yours, Lord, amen

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