Thursday, June 4, 2015

Romans 12  This chapter is so full of challenging, yet practical, guidance into living for the Lord, Who has loved us, saved us, justified us, and Who wants to sanctify us through and through.  It begins with His mercies which are so "unfathomable" and "unsearchable" and the riches of His wisdom and knowledge.  In light of Who He is and what He has done for us, we....

Present our bodies to Him as sacrifices in worship.
We present our minds to Him, to be transformed and renewed.
We present our judgements to Him, recognizing His grace towards us.
We present our members to Him, for service according to His Grace.
We present our relationships to Him, to love without hypocrisy, to honor with diligence, to give to those in need, to bless even those who curse us.
We present our emotions to Him,  rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep.
We present our positions to Him,  not considering ourselves wiser or better or more righteous than others.
We present our trials to Him,  allowing Him to take the vengeance where needed, and to overcome the evil when present.

Father,  our only hope is in Christ Jesus, the perfect Son of God.  So we bow before You, clinging to Him, and offer ourselves as living sacrifices. Amen.

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