Friday, June 5, 2015

Romans 12 - continued....

Thoughts from the Bible Knowledge Commentary:

To present our bodies - means to give the "totality of one's life and activities" to God as a sacrifice or offering.   This offering is holy or set apart to God, which is pleasing to Him.  It is spiritual worship because it is "ministry performed for God".  " A believer's offering of his total life as a sacrifice to God is therefore sacred service."

This offering " represents a complete change in lifestyle".  We turn from conformity to this world, the pattern of this age... "this present evil age", which is firmly put aside.  We must be transformed, a continual transformation, a metamorphosis from the inside out.  "The key to this change is the mind, the control center of one's attitudes, thoughts, feelings, and actions".  This happens as we keep our mind on "being made new by the spiritual input of God's Word, prayer, and Christian fellowship".  

It is only when we have done this - given our whole selves to God, turned from the evil age, and focused our minds on our Lord, through His Word, prayer, and fellowship - that we can ascertain or discern what God's will is. God's will " is what is good - good, i.e., for each believer".

"As a Christian is transformed in his mind and is made more like Christ, he comes to approve and desire God's will, not his own will for his life. The he discovers that God's will is what is good for him, and that it pleases God and is complete in every way. It is all he needs."

Father in heaven, You are wonderful in all Your ways, kind in all Your deeds, righteous in every aspect.  We give You praise and glory!  You are worthy of all our worship.  We ask that Your mercies flow over us and in us, sanctifying us through and through, conforming us to the likeness of Your Precious Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Here we are Lord, presenting to You our bodies, minds, and lives.  Take my life and let it be, consecrated, Lord to Thee.  Amen

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