Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Luke 37-53  Jesus is invited to a Pharisee's home for lunch.  This begins a precise analysis of the "darkness" that the Pharisee's are living in and refuse to see...  Jesus strips away all their pretenses:

They are focused on the ceremonial washing of their hands, cups, and dishes - but the real problem is on the inside, full of robbery and wickedness. ( v 39)
They make a show of tithing every little herb and rue - but they are unjust and unloving ( v42).
They love the prominence and respect they have in the synagogues - but they are dead inside.

The lawyers speak up - and Jesus includes them in the discussion:

They weigh people down with " burdens hard to bear" - and never help anyone. ( v46)
They build monuments for the prophets - but never confess that their own fathers were the ones who killed them.  ( v47)
They have "taken away the key to knowledge"  They don't know the Truth and they hinder others who would seek it. ( v52).

What would Jesus rather see them do?
Verse 41 "But give that which is within as charity and then all things are clean for you."  Compassion from the heart that is filled with the pure Light of God. 
Verse 42 "... but these things you should have done without neglecting the others."  - Justice and love + tithing appropriately. 

When the inside is right - "full of light" - when the "eye is clear" - there will be compassion, justice, and love; 
there won't be concern about prominence and washing of hands;
there won't be a heaping on of petty laws that become a burden;
there won't be cover-ups of murders;

The scribes and Pharisees were insulted and became hostile towards Jesus.  They refused to let the Truth - the Light - come in and cleanse their hard hearts.  They missed the fact that the Light of the World was right there in front of them.  They would not confess their sins or repent.

Oh Father in Heaven,  open our eyes to Your Light, to the Truth of Your word, the sword of the Spirit that reveals the darkness in us.  May we welcome Your light and confess our sins and repent of our trespasses.  May we have compassion and love.  May we love mercy and do justice and walk humbly with You, our God.  Blessed is Your Name and we honor You, Lord of heaven and earth, our Creator and our Father, through Jesus Christ the Son.  May Your will be done in us today.

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