Thursday, November 6, 2014

Luke 12:1-12   The multitude is so large that the people are "stepping on one another", Luke tells us.  Yet, Jesus addresses His disciples.

Verse 1 " ... Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy."    Luke takes this statement, which is recorded in Matthew 16 and pairs it with  a teaching that Matthew recorded in Chapter 10.  Matthew explains that the "leaven" that Jesus is referring to is the "teaching of the Pharisees and the Sadducees."  But Luke says here that the "leaven of the Pharisees" is hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy - to act or to speak under a false part; pretending; deceitful; is like leaven - it  ferments and boils up - it expands and penetrates all that it touches.  So does false teaching.

The teaching that Luke records next makes sense here.  " But there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known."   Just as leaven is hidden in the dough and is quite evident as it begins to work; so the hypocrisy of a man will be seen in his life, through his words and actions.   What you say "in the dark" will be heard in the light.  What you whisper in your house, will be "proclaimed upon the housetops".   ( Just ask any politician.)    Secrets are really hard to keep.
Besides the fact that you can only fake your true self for so long.. lies are found out; darkness in the heart will not produce light in our lives.   As James tells us, a bitter root won't produce good fruit.

So what do we do?  How do we make sure that we are not being hypocritical too?

Verses 4-5 We fear God and not man.  We believe and trust the One who is the ultimate authority over all of life and death.  We don't need to put on a mask for God; we can't - He sees us just the way we are anyway.
Verses 6-7  We trust God.  He cares for the sparrows and He cares for us even more.  We are valuable to Him.  He knows us intimately.. We need to KNOW that and TRUST!
Verses 8-9  We acknowledge Jesus - we have a Savior Who will confess that He knows us - "before the angels of God" - if we confess Him before men.
Verses 10-12  We rely on the Holy Spirit.   We are careful to never speak against Him.  We allow Him to give us the words to say when we are being persecuted.

Father in heaven,  You know us very well.  You know what is in our hearts, even better than we know ourselves.  Will You remove any leaven from our hearts? Any false beliefs, any pretending, anything fake in us...   We want to be pure and holy before You and before others.  Take out every bitter root and shine Your Light to overcome any darkness in us, Lord.  We will fear You alone.  We want to please You and walk in a manner worthy of Your calling.  We will trust You.  You know us very well.  You know our physical, emotional, personal, financial, and relational needs.  We ask that You will provide our "daily bread".  Our needs for today.  We confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord!  We believe in our hearts that He is the Messiah, the chosen One, the Son of God.  We believe that He died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the 3rd day, just as He said.  We believe that all authority in heaven and on the earth belongs to Him.  And Father, we rely on Your Holy Spirit to fill us with Your Words, with love, with power and with sound thinking.
Thank You for Your Word and for Your grace to us.
In Jesus' Name we pray.

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