Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Luke 16  A rich man had a steward who was accused of squandering the man's possessions.  The man called the steward in and asked for an accounting.  The steward called in those who owed the master and collected partial payments from the debtors.  The master called the steward "shrewd".   Shrewd - thoughtful, sagacious, discrete, intelligent, wise.  Notice, Jesus says, ".. for the sons of this age are more shrewd in relation to their own kind than the sons of light."  The steward was careful to make friends with those who could help him out after he is removed from his position.

How we conduct ourselves among our fellow men, especially our fellow believers, shows what is really in our hearts.
V. 10-13 -
If we are faithful in little things - we will be faithful in the big things.
If we are unrighteous in little things - we will be unrighteous with many things.
If we are not able to use earthly riches wisely, we will not be trusted with "true riches".
If we are too busy pleasing each other, we will miss what is really important - pleasing God.

Verse 16 "The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since then the kingdom of God is preached and everyone is forcing his way into it."  Or as Matthew records it, " And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force." 
What does this mean?  The term " taking it by force"  means to snatch it away, pull it, take it.  The religious leaders had their own definition of the Kingdom and they resisted the teaching of John and Jesus.  But, Jesus tells them, they are not keeping the Law and they will be judged by the Law Giver. For example, they had viewed divorce according to their own definition... which was not God's way.
They justified themselves "in the sight of men", but Jesus tells them, " God knows your hearts."

The kingdom of God cannot be taken...
Not by the position or job that we hold.
Not by the money that we have.
Not even  by the moral principles that we proclaim...
The only thing that is important .. is what is in our hearts.
It is coming home to our Heavenly Father, humble and repentant.  Confessing our sins and receiving His forgiveness and love.  This is the only true way into the Kingdom.
And it is ours through Christ alone.

Thank You Father, for such grace and mercy.  That You gave Your Son to pay the price for our sins.
Thank You for leading us to the truth and shining Your holy light into our hearts.  Help us to be wise stewards of all You have given us.  Help us to be faithful in little and big things.  Help us to be righteous in all we do and say. Help us to live our lives here on earth in ways that please You .  Oh, may our hearts be filled with Your love and truth.  We pray this in Jesus' Name. Amen

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