Friday, November 7, 2014

Luke 12:13-34  A man in the crowd asks Jesus to make his brother share the inheritance with him.  Jesus uses this situation to teach a very important lesson about life.. about what is really necessary.

Verse 15 - Life is not about what you own.    ".. for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions." So guard against greed.

Verses16-21  Life is not under your control.  The rich man thought he had it all because he was wealthy... but he died and left it all behind.  God calls him "foolish".   "So is the man who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God."  So stop worrying about what you do or don't have.

Verses 22-30  Life is under God's control.  He feeds the birds, He clothes the lilies.  He arrays the grass.  He provides for you.  " And do not seek what you shall eat and what you shall drink, and do not keep worrying..... But your Father knows that you need all these things."  You are more valuable to God than birds.  You are more important to Him than grass.  So stop being anxious about the things you can't change.. trust Him! He's got this!

Verses 31-34  Life is found in the Kingdom of God.  Seek His kingdom.  Don't be afraid.  Give away any earthly possessions.  Make room for treasure that will never be stolen, will never break, and will never wear out - a treasure that is unfailing - in heaven.  " For where your treasure is there will your heart be also." 

How do we lay up treasure in heaven?  By seeking His Kingdom and His righteousness.  By being men and women of faith.  Believe that God is King and that He rules!  He rules in righteousness - He always does what is right and good and fair and just.  Seek Him.  Don't seek for stuff - not even the necessary stuff, like food and clothing.  Seek Him.  Treasure Him. Obey Him and Trust Him.   He has promised to provide what we need and all we have to do is ask. He is our Father and He is a good Father.  Actively seek His rule in your life. Make your life not about what you own or think you have control over.... for in reality, you don't own anything that He hasn't given you and you can't control anything.. not even your own life.  Make your life about belonging to a Gracious Father in heaven Who loves you and wants you to live with Him forever.  That is the treasure that will never fail. 

Father in heaven,  thank You for loving us this much!  Thank You for being infinitely good and desiring our highest welfare.  Thank You for being infinitely wise and planning the very best for each of us.  Thank You for being infinitely powerful and able to do all things -including accomplishing the plans You have made for us.  You are our treasure that we seek.  You are our all in all!  May we find life in You.. in our walk today, may we stop worrying about things we cannot change and trust You to provide all we need.  Lead us in paths of righteousness.  Increase our faith.  We look to You, our God and King. Be magnified in us and through us we pray.  Amen

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