Monday, November 17, 2014

Luke 14:7-35  Jesus teaches through parables and we need to hear and heed the messages.

Verses 7-11 Be humble.  The person who exalts himself by taking the place of honor, will be disgraced when he is asked to move to the lowest place. But, the person who humbles himself may find himself asked to move up.  Romans 12: 3 "For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think, but to think so as to have sound judgement...."   And verse 16 says, " ... do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly; Do not be wise in your own estimation."  Jesus is our ultimate example of humility.  He did not insist on His rights as the Son of God.  He emptied Himself and took on the form of a slave. A servant.

Who is it that we place ourselves over?  Who is it that we think is "lower" than us?  This Word from our Lord is not an easy one to heed.  We think we know more... than the under-educated; we think we are more important than the under-privileged.  We think we are more righteous than the unbeliever. But, we need to be "transformed by the renewing of our minds".  The will of God is for us to be humble.  Jesus came to serve all men, women, and children.  He died for all of us.  The rich and the poor. The healthy and the weak.  The atheist, the muslim, the Jew... and the Christian.  We all have sinned and come short of His glory.  We MUST humble ourselves.

Verses 12-15  Be a servant.  In the times that Jesus lived, dining together was an important part of the culture. Having those who were the most respected and important as your guests would boost your standing in the community. But, Jesus says, invite the unimportant - the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.  They can't repay you.  They won't add to your reputation in the community.  But, you will be rewarded in eternity.  That is what really counts.

Verses 16-24 tells the parable of a man who gives a dinner.  The invited guests all make excuses and do not come. So the man sends his servants out to invite others, and they fill the house with "the poor and crippled and lame." They search the streets and then go out to the highways and "compel them to come in".   The first group miss the dinner.  The second group will sit at his table with him.

We know this is what our Father in heaven will do.  Those too proud, who reject His invitation,  will miss out on His Kingdom.  But those who respond to the call- to the invitation to come, will be welcomed into the Heavenly Kingdom for eternity!

What obstacles stand in our way?  Is it our pride that keeps us from completely forsaking it all for Him?  Is it our family?  Jesus says we must "hate" them if they keep us from following Him.
We must calculate the cost.
We must take time to think of the future.
We must be willing to lay down all our possessions.
We must take up our crosses and lay down our lives... for Him.

Father in Heaven, You are worthy of all our worship.  You are our King.  All we are and all we have comes from You. We want to walk according to Your Word.  To realize that we are poor, blind, lame, and crippled; yet You have invited us in to Your Kingdom. Help us to forsake every obstacle that keeps us from entering Your Way.  We know that there is a cost - our own lives.  We know that we must give up all our earthly possessions - they are yours.  We are willing to do just that, for Your promises are True and we have an eternity in Your Presence that is worth it all.  Thank You Lord.
Let Your will be done and Your Kingdom come.
In Jesus' Name we pray.

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