Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Luke 17:11-21  As Jesus heads towards Jerusalem He goes through Samaria.  There He is met by 10 men, all afflicted with leprosy.  Perhaps they heard that He was coming.. they waited, anxiously looking for Him to come.  Their hearts pounding.  Their hopes high.  As they catch a glimpse of Him, their voices rise as one, " Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!"  They know who He is. They know what He can do.  They make their petition with earnest hearts.

Jesus doesn't do what He has often done in the past.. He doesn't approach them or touch them.  He simply instructs them to go to the priests, as required by the Law.  So, they turn and go... all ten obey and all ten are cleansed of this terrible disease.  Yet, only one turns back to give glory to God and thanks to Jesus.  This one receives so much more than the other nine... for this expression of faith - this heart of praise and thanksgiving - brings a spiritual blessing, " .. your faith has made you well." 
He is made whole.  Whole in body and whole in spirit.  Gratitude - (eucharisteo) - is an act of worship towards God.  To give glory - (doxa) - honor and praise and worship.  These two expressions of worship to God are evidence of this man's faith... and his path to wholeness. 

Verses 20-21 The Pharisees ask Jesus when the kingdom of God is coming.  They still want a sign.  They want to see it with their physical eyes..... But,  it isn't going to come with signs and commotion, Jesus tells them, ".. For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst."  It is within the heart of man.  They can't see it, for they refuse to receive it by faith.  What the Samaritan leper saw and received, the educated and powerful religious leaders could not have.

And neither can we.  We must be humble like the poor, miserable leper... putting all of our hope in the One Who can save us.  All the wisdom, knowledge, power, money, and prestige of this world will not make us whole.  We come to Jesus in faith when we ask Him to have mercy on us.  We express that faith when we turn to Him, giving glory to God and give thanksgiving with earnest hearts.  True gratitude and thanksgiving will acknowledge the One from whom we have received.  The One who has shown us mercy and given us His grace. 

Our Father in heaven,  we come to You with grateful hearts today.  Thanking You for saving us from a worse disease than even leprosy - saving us from the vileness of sin and rebellion and self-righteousness.  You have blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus! You chose us in Him before the foundation of this world.  You predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus, according to Your kind intentions.  You freely bestowed Your grace on us, You redeemed us through His blood, forgiving us all of our sins.  You have made known Your will, Your kind intentions, Your inheritance... all to the praise and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We give You all our praise and all our thanks for Your grace towards us.


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