Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Luke 12:49-59  Jesus' message takes on a somber tone in this section.  " I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled."

Fire will come, we are told, in judgement... over and over again, in the Old Testament and the New, fire is associated mostly with judgement and hell.  Unquenchable fire.  Fire that never goes out.  A lake of fire.   Only in one sense is fire used in a positive way, and that is when it is a refining fire.. the Holy Spirit's fire.  And even then, it is a fire that burns away the chaff, the unholy and unacceptable.

Jesus continues, " Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you no, but rather division."  ( v51).   This does not sound like the message we are used to hearing and that makes us happy - the message of unity and togetherness.  Jesus tells us that the message of the Gospel is not a great Kum-by-ya message.  It is a message that divides.  It divides families.  Even the closest of relationships.  It divides because some will believe and follow Him, putting Him before their father or son; mother or daughter.  It will divide because some will reject Him and go their own way, leaving behind their believing family.  We each must make that choice on our own.  Jesus will not take every religion and philosophy and wrap it all together in one happy family.  There is only ONE way and that is through Him.

Again, Jesus reminds the crowd that they must be alert and ready.  They can look at the sky and tell if rain is coming or if it will be a hot day. They must learn to look and "analyze" the times.  They must be making good judgements and decisions on their own.  Decide to be the faithful servant, doing the will of the Master, and ready for His return. 

Verses 58-59  give us another parable.  A man going to court with his opponent is wise to settle the problem before he gets to court.  Otherwise, he will end up in prison and unable to ever get out until the full debt is repaid.  Matthew records this story in the context of the Sermon on the Mount, while Jesus is speaking about forgiveness and love and going beyond the letter of the Law.  Fulfilling the true heart of the Law by reconciling with your opponent.   Luke's placement of this story here is a little perplexing.  How is this action related to being ready and alert for the Lord's return?  I guess it would be an example of someone who is ready - someone doing the Father's will. Someone who has chosen the better way; following Jesus and prepared for His return.

Father,  open our eyes to see and our ears to hear Your Word. Help us to listen and to obey.  Guide us into all Truth through Your Holy Spirit who dwells in the heart of every believer.  Help us to be wise and aware of the times that we live in.  To be willing to persevere in our faith even when that means a division in our families.  Even when that means reconciliation with those who have done us wrong.
Let Your Word and Power fill our lives to overflowing. With Your Love and Your grace. With Your kindness that serves others.  May we be found doing Your will when You return.  We love You and desire to please You in all we do. Amen.

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