Thursday, November 13, 2014

Luke 13:10-17 and 14:1-6  Jesus addresses healing on the Sabbath.  In the first situation, Jesus is teaching in a synagogue and sees a woman who was doubled over and could not straighten up.  She had been like this for 18 years.  Jesus calls her over and heals her of this sickness, which was caused by a spirit.  When the synagogue official complains and begins to tell the multitude to come on other days for healing, Jesus brings them to shame by pointing out their hypocrisy.  They would lead an ox or donkey to water on the Sabbath, but keep this poor woman suffering one more day because of their own indignation!   That's not what the Law is about!  They valued their rules and regulations more than hurting people.  God does not desire that kind of thinking.

In the second passage, Jesus is eating at the house of one of the leaders of the Pharisees and it is the Sabbath.  They bring in a man with dropsy and watch what Jesus does.  He engages them in the debate.  " Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?" he asks.  They refuse to answer.  Jesus touches the man, heals him, and sends him away.  This man needed compassion.  He did not need to be used by the Pharisees.  Jesus then addresses the group, " Which one of you, shall have a son or an ox fall in a well and will not immediately pull him out on a Sabbath day?"  Again, they would not answer.

The attitude of the Pharisees needed to be adjusted.  They needed to repent of their unloving and judgmental ways.   Luke records a series of parables about the Kingdom that Jesus teaches.  These parables focus on the right attitude and actions for those who belong to the Kingdom of God.

Luke 13: 18-19  The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed... not big and showy, it is small but powerful.  The seed is thrown into the garden, yet it grows into a tree that provides a place for birds to nest.  When the kingdom is sowed into our lives, it will grow and it will serve those in need.

Verses 20-21  The kingdom is compared to leaven that a woman used to make her bread rise.  It is small and hidden, but it affects all that come into contact with it.

Father in heaven, let your kingdom come.  Penetrate our lives with Your love and goodness.  May we seek Your will and live in light of your truth. Soften our hearts we pray. Amen

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